Why is there huge price listing on commons

Why is there huge price listing on commons

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ether Bunny.2839

Ether Bunny.2839


Why for example are there people who list common crap for such huge prices?

Stick of butter: 2 available for 10 GOLD!!
1 for 9 GOLD??!

Look at Copper ore

1 available for 105 GOLD??

wtf are you serious?
its not like you can just buy that particular one for 105 gold, So the gold buying theory isn’t valid. The sellers have to know that no one EVER will buy 1 copper for 105 Gold. Why would they even sell it , its just a wast of the listing tax.
So what gives.. just take a look, on almost every item there is a exuberant price listing?
(edit for line spacing )

Why is there huge price listing on commons

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: StopSign.7124



Two legitimate, intended reasons to put items up for ridiculous prices:

Sometimes people say “buy 250” without looking at the price of what 250 costs or how far down in the supply it hits. When that happens, a ridiculously overpriced sell order has the potential to be filled.

Sometimes there are bots who auto-buy things without intelligent consideration for the price. I know I’ve seen an extremely common crafting item that’s never deviated from 10c-20c shoot up to actually selling for 2g because a bot was mindlessly spending it’s money.

Why is there huge price listing on commons

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Tarvok.4206


For the lols? shrug

Or maybe it was a typo that they didn’t realize they put in, glossing over it while clicking in hundreds of transactions in a mechanical fashion.

Why is there huge price listing on commons

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


Yeah it’s a 9 gold listing fee. That’s a lot to pay for lols. I’ve had a theory for a while (get your tin foil hats ready) that Anet has a Tp bot that posts and purchases items based on whatever criteria they’ve programmed into it to influence their market. A lot of times there are purchase orders for seemingly worthless items. I think their bot places purchase orders for things to influence the market and make crafting viable.

Why is there huge price listing on commons

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294


When you’re rich and don’t care about throwing away 9 gold on listing fees, you get this.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Why is there huge price listing on commons

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mystic.5934


in those cases, my bet is on typo.
When I came in here, I thought you were asking about white equipment. Sometimes the merchant will buy it for 30c, but then you go to the TP and there’s 106 buyer orders for it at 1s30c. what gives with that!? my only guess is people are salvaging them, but couldn’t they just buy the whites from any armor shop?

Why is there huge price listing on commons

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: BiJay.9830


Because there are dumb people in the world. Humans aren’t perfect and do stupid things from time to time.

Why is there huge price listing on commons

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.5241


It’s an easy and unsuspicious way to trade gold.

Gold buyer wants to buy appx 10g
Gold seller willing to sell 10g for $
Gold buyer transfer cash
Gold buyer indicates to seller to buy the one butter listing at 10g70s67c (a way to differentiate and make sure you are buying the right one)

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Why is there huge price listing on commons

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Iavra.8510


Or said player might have multiple accounts and is exploiting with one of them so he wants to transfer the gold to his main account.

Why is there huge price listing on commons

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mapache.4852


It’s an easy and unsuspicious way to trade gold.

Gold buyer wants to buy appx 10g
Gold seller willing to sell 10g for $
Gold buyer transfer cash
Gold buyer indicates to seller to buy the one butter listing at 10g70s67c (a way to differentiate and make sure you are buying the right one)

Gold sellers do that in games like WoW, where you can buy specific orders. It doesn’t work in GW2. There’s no way to buy that 10g70s67c butter without buying up the half-million butters cheaper than it.

As a general explanation for most WTF things you see in trading post, just remember—most bizarre behavior can be explained by someone behaving stupidly, and there’s a lot of people out there with the opportunity to be stupid on a regular basis.

Why is there huge price listing on commons

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ether Bunny.2839

Ether Bunny.2839

Hmm the people are just being stupid actually kinda makes sense.

Why is there huge price listing on commons

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: D W.5179

D W.5179

Yeah it’s a 9 gold listing fee. That’s a lot to pay for lols. I’ve had a theory for a while (get your tin foil hats ready) that Anet has a Tp bot that posts and purchases items based on whatever criteria they’ve programmed into it to influence their market. A lot of times there are purchase orders for seemingly worthless items. I think their bot places purchase orders for things to influence the market and make crafting viable.

Not enough tin foil in the world :P

Why is there huge price listing on commons

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Evalia.7103


in those cases, my bet is on typo.
When I came in here, I thought you were asking about white equipment. Sometimes the merchant will buy it for 30c, but then you go to the TP and there’s 106 buyer orders for it at 1s30c. what gives with that!? my only guess is people are salvaging them, but couldn’t they just buy the whites from any armor shop?

you realise that if shop wants to buy it from you for 30c, it doesn’t mean shop sells it for 30c? cheapest 80 armor(75-80 is only ones that fit for ori salvaging and guaranteed mithril) costs more than 2s.

Why is there huge price listing on commons

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Yeah it’s a 9 gold listing fee. That’s a lot to pay for lols. I’ve had a theory for a while (get your tin foil hats ready) that Anet has a Tp bot that posts and purchases items based on whatever criteria they’ve programmed into it to influence their market. A lot of times there are purchase orders for seemingly worthless items. I think their bot places purchase orders for things to influence the market and make crafting viable.

Just like the US government planned 9/11, eh?

Conspiracies are conspiracies.