Will toxic weapon/armor be available again?
I to was wondering if you could bring them back! I was going to buy the 2 armor pieces for my mesmer but woke up to find them gone not long ago. Was rather upset they left so fast I don’t even remember if there was a timer on them. Shame since they matched the Grenth hood so well. I have the shoulders and gloves on my ranger figured since couldn’t buy could use a splitter on em, no go however gives Lvl 1 medium leather pieces back not the actual skin.
Uh, there was a warning right on the items in the store that they were there for a limited time. It appeared at least a week before they removed the items, if not longer.
They had a notice of 6 days on the TP that is was going away & had the timer since. I’m sorry you guys missed it but the notice was there.
They had a notice of 6 days on the TP that is was going away & had the timer since. I’m sorry you guys missed it but the notice was there.
They did? Crap, must have missed it =(
They were marked as ‘in promotion’ all the time they were in the store so I didn’t even check if the message on the little exclamation mark info changed =/
I really hope they will be available again soon. I bought gems just for them and I’m not gonna spend it on anything else.
Thanks all for the answering the post.