Wintersday Weapons Still 5 Tickets
I am also bummed. I saved up money- got gems, opened chests.. 2 scraps. No way to buy Winter’s Reach and I have been waiting for a long time. Last year it was in the tp and I didn’t buy it because I needed a new bow, not a skin. But still wanted it all year long. Waited for nothing. No way to get Winter’s Reach during Wintersday that isn’t different then the rest of the year. Hoping to hear that it drops maybe in Toy games or Presies but not holding my breath.
The old Halloween weapons didn’t go down in price (or even get added to the vendor at all). They introduced new ones instead.
Not sure why you were expecting the old Wintersday weapons to go down. The promotional-period low price is for new items. If anything, they would have made some new Wintersday weapons and those would have been on the Weapon Specialist for 1 ticket, while the old ones remained 5. Though it appears that didn’t happen either, no new Wintersday weapons at all it would seem. Unless they’re holding off until next week or something.
I was really hoping that they wouldn’t pull the lazy card and would create new Wintersday weapons and do away with last year’s or something. But truly I think ANet saw a way to scoop up more money by forcing people to blow money on gems for black lion keys in hopes of getting up to 5 claim tickets, which we all know is a ridiculous goal to set, but all they have is dollar signs in their eyes, so of course, no new skins.
VERY disappointing Wintersday.