Would like to buy weapon skins directly
People continue to buy the RNG boxes because they really want those cool skins. If RNG boxes continue to be sold, Anet will continue to sell them. Unfortunately, some kids got a hold of their parent’s wallet and they unthinkingly throw their money to Anet for the cool skins in the RNG boxes.
I’m silently protesting these RNG boxes by not playing at all. I haven’t played since Anet started this RNG crap 3 months ago, and I’m gladly playing WoW now. When Anet agrees to stop the RNG boxes, I might come back, but for now I’m having lots of fun not dealing with RNG in WoW.
Whoa, moderator changed my thread title. I didn’t know they did that.
They need those RNG boxes..how do you expect for them to keep putting out all this crap content.
I would pay for skins with gems if I like them.
I don’t do RNG boxes and won’t pay for them.
People continue to buy the RNG boxes because they really want those cool skins. If RNG boxes continue to be sold, Anet will continue to sell them. Unfortunately, some kids got a hold of their parent’s wallet and they unthinkingly throw their money to Anet for the cool skins in the RNG boxes.
I’m silently protesting these RNG boxes by not playing at all. I haven’t played since Anet started this RNG crap 3 months ago, and I’m gladly playing WoW now. When Anet agrees to stop the RNG boxes, I might come back, but for now I’m having lots of fun not dealing with RNG in WoW.
Since when did WoW or any other game of this type not have any RNG?
As for buying the skins outright, I’m okay with that too. I’d like both systems. Let people get lucky on a chest or just say “F it” and buy it. But I do see why they stick to the chests.
Anet will never respond to these posts. They never have. The strategy is ignore the problem until it goes away or people just accept it.
EA did much the same thing with the Simcity fiasco. They just refused to answer questions, make statements or grant interviews regarding the obfuscated DRM.
Really, they know we hate it. Most of the people that work there are gamers also, and they know they would hate it. But in the end its someone above their pay-grade making the decisions and the developers are just doing their jobs.
As far as I know, we haven’t heard from Mike O’Brien in a long time now. And he used to be decently active in promoting the game and the community. I would like a statement from him regarding the current cash-shop practices and outright disregard to the comments that pop up after every one of these updates from hundreds of players. But given the game is going on a year now and the cash shop skin business just keeps getting grosser*, I would be very surprised if the “cover their ears and go ‘la-la-la-la-la’ before hiding head in pile of money” strategy ever changes.
*There was a time that weapon skins were one very rare drop. Now they require ten individual rare drops or one very rare drop. The psychology there is disgusting. Someone may spend $50 on keys and stop if they didn’t get a skin. But what if they spend $50 on keys and get seven ticket scraps? Well they have to keep going…
Compare this to the cash shop skins from GW. You purchased armor and costume skins outright. The bonus mission pack had unique weapons skins for each section of the story. 0 randomness. 0 gambling. 100% getting what you paid for.
(edited by AcidicVision.5498)
People continue to buy the RNG boxes because they really want those cool skins. If RNG boxes continue to be sold, Anet will continue to sell them. Unfortunately, some kids got a hold of their parent’s wallet and they unthinkingly throw their money to Anet for the cool skins in the RNG boxes.
I’m silently protesting these RNG boxes by not playing at all. I haven’t played since Anet started this RNG crap 3 months ago, and I’m gladly playing WoW now. When Anet agrees to stop the RNG boxes, I might come back, but for now I’m having lots of fun not dealing with RNG in WoW.
Since when did WoW or any other game of this type not have any RNG?
As for buying the skins outright, I’m okay with that too. I’d like both systems. Let people get lucky on a chest or just say “F it” and buy it. But I do see why they stick to the chests.
I meant RNG boxes. Of course all mmorpgs pretty much require RNG.
People continue to buy the RNG boxes because they really want those cool skins. If RNG boxes continue to be sold, Anet will continue to sell them. Unfortunately, some kids got a hold of their parent’s wallet and they unthinkingly throw their money to Anet for the cool skins in the RNG boxes.
I’m silently protesting these RNG boxes by not playing at all. I haven’t played since Anet started this RNG crap 3 months ago, and I’m gladly playing WoW now. When Anet agrees to stop the RNG boxes, I might come back, but for now I’m having lots of fun not dealing with RNG in WoW.
Since when did WoW or any other game of this type not have any RNG?
As for buying the skins outright, I’m okay with that too. I’d like both systems. Let people get lucky on a chest or just say “F it” and buy it. But I do see why they stick to the chests.
I meant RNG boxes. Of course all mmorpgs pretty much require RNG.
Grind mob/boss for RNG at loot that’s pretty much needed to better the character or buy, via gold or cash, RNG boxes with skins that have no effect on how your character performs?
People throw hundreds of Gold at these things with every release to show rarity, etc. That kind of spending power just makes me think that one should spend more time in GW2 working on what they want in-game than just kittenin’.
I’m so tired of being required to play black lion roulette to get a weapon skin (which I wont do). Keep this crap up Anet, new MMO’s are coming….
You can buy them on the TP, just saying. They drop as loot.
They’re just absolutely horrendous. GW1 Zodiac weapons were way better.
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu
Good news everyone! You CAN buy them outright!
[OHai] – Northern Shiverpeaks
I would happily pay outright for weapon skins but have no interest in dealing with the variable and unknown price the RNG boxes create. Why would you do this in the face of overwhelming feedback that we don’t like RNG boxes? We are not the Asian market. Cultural differences do exist.
I’m trying to find ways to give you money but you make it really hard.
Buy gems and convert gems to gold then buy the skin from the TP. That’s the only way.