boycott silver fed salvage o matic!
And if you did turn in that player for scamming. Absolutely nothing would happen. Seeing as there is no kind of scamming involved.
They are telling us exactly what you get and what it will cost.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Yep they totally fooled us xD our fault for buying it guess the day to stop trusting anet has come. kitten so sad to see gw2 becoming one of those greedy games who just wants cash and not player satisfaction.
Looking at the title and I only get the impression that the OP is saying to boycott the SFSoM, not the entire store, which is literally just not to buy that one item – something anyone with a basic grasp of mathematics (and isn’t half-asleep from a long day at work, inebriated, or otherwise not operating at their full mental capacity) would be doing anyway. Nothing particularly wrong with that.
There is a difference between warning someone of an economic downside to buying something and a “BOYCOTT”.
withdraw from commercial or social relations with (a country, organization, or person) as a punishment or protest.
synonyms: spurn, snub, shun, avoid, abstain from, wash one’s hands of, turn one’s back on, reject, veto
That feels like an issue of semantics. People are just as free to ignore calls for boycotts as they are to ignore warnings and the end result is functionally identical: either people agree with the warning/boycott and don’t buy the SFSoM or they don’t agree and do buy it.
Of course, I’m operating on the assumption that when you’re warning someone that a particular item is a ripoff, you’re also implying they shouldn’t buy it.
I made the mistake of buying the silver-fed salvage-o-matic before doing the math. I would ask a refund, but it’s my mistake for not thinking beforehand. So I will have to just keep it in my bank and hope for a change in the item’s cost-per-use.
I made the mistake of buying the silver-fed salvage-o-matic before doing the math. I would ask a refund, but it’s my mistake for not thinking beforehand. So I will have to just keep it in my bank and hope for a change in the item’s cost-per-use.
Sadly, a lot of us did :/ some are still in denialt though xD keep on saying to themselves its worth it, well if thats how they cope up with the mistake they did.
Just hope an anet staff shed some light about this issue.
The item is a kind that they Should offer, I’m happy for it.
That 1s/Use is really heavy tho. I’ve been testing it and what it basicly does is to convert your golds to Luck – if sold all materials&upgrades comming out of it.
I agree with the fact it isn’t a must-have, I had to pick it because it’s unlimited use and ran out of MFStones anyway – which costs way more by a long shot.
Here is two solution I would like to see as a correction;
- Chance for rare materials increased from 25% to 40% (50% if upgrade comp decreased, no real need for that imo)
- Charge reduced to 50c/Use
Until this, you’re really stealth-converting Gold to Luck.
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”
Mf stones are is easy to get as long as you do dailies and world bosses.
Mf stones are is easy to get as long as you do dailies and world bosses.
Except it almost never drops for me
Got like 3 in this year. All Daily.
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”
Mf stones are is easy to get as long as you do dailies and world bosses.
Except it almost never drops for me
Got like 3 in this year. All Daily.
Geez, you have terrible luck. I never gamble on the mystic toilet, so over the nine months I’ve been playing I’ve built up a stockpile of about 130 stones – it wasn’t until a friend told me about mystic salvage kits did I have anything to do with them.
@ Pandaman.4758: Yeah, my luck is terrible I know. Even if something good drops, can’t sell it & can’t even use it (maining a single ranger, no care on other lvl80s)
Aaaand if you roam most of the time, you have to salvage/sell things continously.
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”
That feels like an issue of semantics. People are just as free to ignore calls for boycotts as they are to ignore warnings and the end result is functionally identical: either people agree with the warning/boycott and don’t buy the SFSoM or they don’t agree and do buy it.
Of course, I’m operating on the assumption that when you’re warning someone that a particular item is a ripoff, you’re also implying they shouldn’t buy it.
If you want to twist the meaning of the word and pish-posh it as, “semantics”, that’s your prerogative, but even slightly misusing a word corrupts it’s true meaning. I have no doubt the OPs original use of the word is a prime example….
Dont’ Buy =/= Boycott (all I’m saying).
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)
I have almost 300 MF Stones. >.> Granted, about half of them come from a time when I used to buy 25 whenever they went on sale (this was before Achievement Chests were introduced), but still, I have far more than I’ll ever need.
Mf stones are is easy to get as long as you do dailies and world bosses.
Except it almost never drops for me
Got like 3 in this year. All Daily.
Wow. Did you play like an hour a day?
Just do teqatl and youll get like 3 or more in a week.
Anyway anet staff still havent replied to this issue.
Silver fed salvage o matic is awesome! It sometimes talks in a robotic voice saying 1 of many random lines. It’s quite entertaining.
And no, I don’t have gold coins coming out of my ears. I’m usually pretty broke. But if I need gold I’ll sell what I’ve gathered from nodes and salvaged from junk.
Yeah after seeing like, a million threads on the forums about it I couldn’t help myself. That’s called the “Streisand Effect”. All your hatred for it made me want it. Thanks everybody.
I regret nothing!
Lol what a wise decision my friend. Im glad youre loving being a victim of anet’s greediness have fun melting your gold reserves
Copper does the same if youre shallow and all you care is the voice haha!
But thanks for the laugh though!
Even Tequatl doesn’t drops me MF Stones =(
This “scam-o-matic” has been removed from GemStore, and I don’t think it was a special offer for Y2Bd (was no sign of anything, popped in&out), so it looks like AN noticed this issue and acted quite fast.
I believe they will re-introduce it in the upcomming feature…QoL update.
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”
This “scam-o-matic”
has been removed from GemStore, and I don’t think it was a special offer for Y2Bd (was no sign of anything, popped in&out), so it looks like AN noticed this issue and acted quite fast.
I believe they will re-introduce it in the upcomming feature…QoL update.
Except for the part where it was clearly advertised as “available for 4 days only.”
Lol what a wise decision my friend. I’m glad you’re loving being a victim of Anet’s greediness
Have fun melting your gold reserves
Copper does the same if you’re shallow and all you care is the voice haha!
But thanks for the laugh though!
Added some apostrophes for you where appropriate since your key seems to be busted and added capitalization since you seemed to forget in some places.
I don’t have any gold reserves and I sure as hell don’t consider myself a “vicim”. I was fully aware of what I was buying before I bought it.
I’m playing it smart. I saw many threads with tons of complaints about the Silver-Fed Salvage-o-Matic so I bought one. Because if Anet takes the feedback to heart they may reduce or eliminate the costs in the future. Then I’ll be laughing as others are kicking themselves for not buying it when they had the opportunity, because there’s no telling when or if it will be available again.
And if they ignore player feedback, so what? I got me an infinite use salvage kit that is equal to a master salvage kit. Unlike some people I find value in getting rarer materials and runes. Minor runes don’t sell to vendors for much but every little bit helps and most major runes I get I can sell in the TP for at least a couple more silver than what a merchant will give me. And some rare materials would give me a lot more silver in the TP than the basic mats like Mithril Ore. I’ve never bought the Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic because it doesn’t have equal stats to the best salvage kit I can buy from a merchant.
(edited by Charrbeque.8729)
Well if you think youre getting its worth then good for you! Hahaha
Majority of us still thinks its a rip off though. You get 250/stack which will last you for a week (im farming cs 6hours a day only) and can always get 2-5 mystic stones per week on world bosses. So 10copper / rare salvage vs 1 silver / rare salvage ;D
Yep silver fed is super worth it i dont need 90coppers anyway
Except for the part where it was clearly advertised as “available for 4 days only.”
Except when it was clearly NOT advertised within the game like you say, I know it, I have a support ticket on this topic. Well, I have to mention some weird issues at my side tho, lately it happened to an item to totaly change itself to an another & for example, I don’t see the cakes I’m shooting with the BL blaster & can’t even buff myself up since last days.
So it is possible that my own client has some bugs, dunno.
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”
Well if you think youre getting its worth then good for you! Hahaha
Majority of us still thinks its a rip off though. You get 250/stack which will last you for a week (im farming cs 6hours a day only) and can always get 2-5 mystic stones per week on world bosses. So 10copper / rare salvage vs 1 silver / rare salvage ;D
Yep silver fed is super worth it
i dont need 90coppers anyway
I can’t recall ever getting mystic stones from world bosses and I do a LOT of them – I have gotten it from the daily maybe twice, ever?
Well if you think youre getting its worth then good for you! Hahaha
Majority of us still thinks its a rip off though. You get 250/stack which will last you for a week (im farming cs 6hours a day only) and can always get 2-5 mystic stones per week on world bosses. So 10copper / rare salvage vs 1 silver / rare salvage ;D
Yep silver fed is super worth it
i dont need 90coppers anyway
I can’t recall ever getting mystic stones from world bosses and I do a LOT of them – I have gotten it from the daily maybe twice, ever?
It can drop from dragon chests accordingt to the wiki. I do all map bosses on a daily basis (except for Tequatl during workdays) but have yet to see one though xD
Wow you guys are unlucky xD i do world bosses and farm cs / fgs everyday and i get 3-5 a week. Weird
I will say only that I’m disappointed by this item and I will really look forward to it if price goes to 50c or so.
Except for the part where it was clearly advertised as “available for 4 days only.”
Except when it was clearly NOT advertised within the game like you say, I know it, I have a support ticket on this topic. Well, I have to mention some weird issues at my side tho, lately it happened to an item to totaly change itself to an another & for example, I don’t see the cakes I’m shooting with the BL blaster & can’t even buff myself up since last days.
So it is possible that my own client has some bugs, dunno.
Hate saying it, but you might want to get your eyes checked. On day 1 of its availability, it had a “available for X days only!” on it. I’m afraid your support ticket is unlikely to get a response because the limited availability was always the intention.
Lol what a wise decision my friend. Im glad youre loving being a victim of anet’s greediness
have fun melting your gold reserves
Copper does the same if youre shallow and all you care is the voice haha!
But thanks for the laugh though!
So you TRULY think this item was introduced out of pure GREED by Anet? Seriously? You think that?
If so, why are you still playing this game….go find some indie developer that is doing it all for charity and a cause and play their “amazing” game.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
I look at it as the copper-fed did well as a convenience item that they decided to do a silver-fed one. Only problem is the most expensive savage kit in the game has an under 1 silver per salvage cost. So they should have made it better than a master/mystic kit or made it a half silver. I’m sure they realized the problem since it’s cheaper than the copper-fed in terms of price but that isn’t an acceptable tradeoff.
RIP City of Heroes
@ gobax.6185: Weird? Most of people who plays since release knows that there are “Luck” accounts amongst the casual “RNG Hates Me” accounts. Not a single constructive world on this topic other than “It’s working as intented”. Nvm. As my luck stat increases close to 160% base, my loots are the very same since ever. Have to admit, had like 4 ascended drops this year, but all was Rings that I don’t really use by mantaining only One Ranger as main, rest of full exotic lvl80 storage chars have it now. Maybe an asc. box drops one day…
@ Drarnor Kunoram.5180: I didn’t made a screenshot since I didn’t felt any need, but I assure you, it didn’t had signed timelimit AT me. Support helped me, so now I have some of my gems back and a silver-fed, after destroying the Kits & Stones. Don’t argue with this.
So now I basicly have to wait until they fix it’s efficency, just as most of us kindly suggests here.
I’ll tell you guys a thing. What did we really bought? A quick RMT chance to save time skipping attention on salvage kits, which means, it has to be same rewarding as any other salvage kit -> 500 Gems was an investment in Time, no reason to charge more /salvage than any other ingame kit.
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”
(edited by RoyalPredator.9163)
@ gobax.6185: Weird? Most of people who plays since release knows that there are “Luck” accounts amongst the casual “RNG Hates Me” accounts.
No, there aren’t. There’s absolutely no evidence of this at all. Luck always appears to hit us in streaks, because we’re human and we see patterns every where.
The confusion partly comes from everyone expecting average loot and hoping for more, when the reality is that everyone collectively get average loot, but any individual over a small series of drops can be very lucky, very unlucky, or anywhere in between. Another point of confusion is that “small series of drops” can mean 10s of thousands of drops and most of us can’t keep track for that long.
tl;dr some people are lucky and some aren’t, but that doesn’t show there are “luck accounts”
@ gobax.6185: Weird? Most of people who plays since release knows that there are “Luck” accounts amongst the casual “RNG Hates Me” accounts.
No, there aren’t. There’s absolutely no evidence of this at all. Luck always appears to hit us in streaks, because we’re human and we see patterns every where.
urban legend.
People proved RNG or droprates or whatever are wrong too many times.
When something like lightning hitting the same tree twice is considered almost impossible, and we have lightning stricking 10 times the same spot usually, we can suspect something is not working correctly.
Seems most times players started to gather actual data, it proved something was wrong and was “fixed” (sometimes bugged more).
List of evidences:
-Ecto droprates (Anet officially admitted the mistake)
-BLK salvaging (anet admitted it AND gave back BLK twice)
-Fractals (proved at least 4 times, only 2 were admitted and fixed but instead were bugged more).
And many more.
Each times, we had threads in forums and we had many posters saying to shut up and stop with the Conspiracy theories.
P.S: In this games Lucky/unlucky streaks are the norm not the exception if you just note your chances and results you can see for yourself, avoiding any bias.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
(edited by LordByron.8369)
Lightning striking twice in the same spot is extremely likely. You can even calculate where it will happen if you understand the physics. Heck, The Empire State Building in NYC gets struck a few hundred times a year.
I’m afraid, though, that Illconcieved is quite correct. You don’t have “lucky” and “unlucky” accounts unless the RNG is coded very strangely (since all RNG have seeds that bias the outcome in some manner) to use some account identifier as part of the seed.
Just wanted to say, I actually like the Silver Fed Salvage-O-Matic. I was well aware of the cost difference when I bought it. But, the amount I get back from selling silk almost always covers that; also, I get plenty of gold from running Arah. When you’re calculating the cost, also consider the cost of waypointing twice (once to a vendor, and once back to where you were – in my case, Arah). I was looking at the copper fed salvage-o-matic for a long time, but everytime I just couldn’t get over the fact that it is 800 gems for an unlimited version of the second lowest grade kit. Also, I was using mystic salvage kits for awhile (they don’t last me a week), but started to run low on the forge stones. Since I find most zerg stuff is rather boring, I can rarely bring myself to do world bosses and therefore don’t get many forge stones (rarely get them from dailies).
I can sortof understand the cost of the item:
1) its 300 gems cheaper than the copper fed salvage-o-matic, but is equivalent to the highest tier kit found in-game.
2)convenience item – waypointing after every 2 dungeon runs to buy more kits is something I never enjoyed.
2.5)this also saves me time in other areas. I previously went on the TP and looked at the value of every item and sold only the ones that resulted in a net profit (after fees) vs vendoring it. I would then salvage any remaining items, then sell the runes/excess salvage mats. Now, I just salvage everything since I don’t have to worry about running out of charges.
3)it talks – amusing at first. there is a cooldown between its lines of speech, so it hasn’t gotten annoying.
I use WvW, no wp costs, Rainmaker.
and mystic kits.
Or carry 4-5 kits.
silver o matic, is pricy for what it does, and anet should be ashamed
forgot to mention a couple of other things.
1) its called a silver fed salvage-o-matic. because of the name, it needs to cost at least a silver.
2) most importantly, if it cost less than the rare kit, it would be considered a pay to win item, and there would be many more complaints. copper-o-matic isn’t pay to win because its only equal to the lower tier kit. the only gathering tool that can be kind of considered pay to win is the watchwork pick because of the bonus loot. The others aren’t pay to win because if you are gathering, you will be going by many vendors that have more tools.
@ gobax.6185: Weird? Most of people who plays since release knows that there are “Luck” accounts amongst the casual “RNG Hates Me” accounts.
MOST people? REALLY? Wow…..
urban legend.
People proved RNG or droprates or whatever are wrong too many times.
Proving there is a MISTAKE in the droprate code is a FAR cry from uncovering some super-secret “luck” stat on accounts… are perpetuating the urban legend by making such a connection and kind of proving just how far conspiracy theory nuts will go to convince others of their delusional beliefs….
If it makes you feel better to blame your in-game “luck” on something that MUST be someone’s fault, go right ahead, but don’t paint your wacky theories as KNOWN FACT and then include MOST players in your cult following…..
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)
I never got enough rare items to drop on me during a play session that I couldn’t simply save until I got back to a city. It’s not worth the cost of even a master kit use on green or below items so they get copper-fed and the mats mailed home.
RIP City of Heroes
Just buy that. It’s a way better invesment and quality of life change.
And add this for the best rentability :
This will allow immediate/whenever you are this: