expensive armour skins for all weight classes
i disagree this gamed oesnt really have its rare expensive content and it should, i dont even like the molten gauntlets unlocking all 3 (it clearly says therwise on the item description) not to mention i hate them re releasing seasonal LS items that some ppl actually worked hard to get (not that i didnt take advantage of this and unlock some new things for myself but i feel bad for the people who got them all and i myself am mad that isee ppl with things previously only i had)
where is the prestige? the rarity? the effort? the struggle? where is guild wars 2"s blue party hat?
+1. Same model, unlock it All.
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”
In terms of the OPs suggestion, the few items he is mentioning are EXCEPTIONS to the normal rules of skin acquisition. The suggestion is not without merit, but is unlikely to be adopted. Very few items have the exact same look or function across all armor weight classes (THOSE are the exceptions).
In terms of item “prestige”, that is something an individual player associates with that item and is NOT something Anet ever stated when the item was first released. No item you ever earned in the LS EVER had a disclaimer stating it would never be available again or could never be gotten in some other way. At the very least, these items are ONLY “prestigious” until your own perceptions make them not be.
Feeling “bad” because someone else now has your “special little snowflake” skin is an issue between your ears…..
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
Too expensive?
Don’t buy it. It’s other players who deem those items worth that much and those who justify the price by buying it.
Everything else has pretty much been changed as far as I’m aware.
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”