gem store item quality
I couldn’t agree with you more!!! We want old skins to return such as bunny ears!! or for new skins to actually have quality!! These skins are horrible and below the standard for a game with such amazing graphical features!! Thank you for this post I hope someone reads it over there!!
(edited by Lydia Solace.1348)
If people buy those “low quality items”, A.Net will keep adding more of them as they, I think, are easier to create and yeild a bigger profit.
Currently playing Heart of Thorns.
Thats exactly the point, people are not buying these “low quality items” so there is no point for them to be on the gem store when there are other better items. Also you make no sense, how would low quality items that no one buys yield a larger profit for Anet compared to item with high demand which people will buy.
These skins take just as much time to create just because they don’t look very good doesn’t mean they just poofed out of thin air. These items waste the teams valuable time to produce and bring in little profit due to the lack in quality the item has. Also aside from all that it is much easier in the first place just to re release an item everyone will gladly buy in an instantly over making an entirely new poorly designed skin xD
Your preferences =/= my preferences.
I have no use for town clothes, quaggan backpacks, costumes, toy “mounts” like the broom and tunnelling gadget, etc. But there are people who like them, and buy them.
I don’t care much for the new helmet, or a lot of the fashion pieces in the gem store. But whether they are there or not does not affect me or my enjoyment of the game at all.
It takes a long time to design new armor and weapon skins, and sometimes the result isn’t as good as it seemed during development. But aside from obvious missteps like the uproar over reskinning cultural armor, which should have never been approved in the first place, why throw away all that work because some random player doesn’t like it? If they threw out every piece of armor or weapon skin that someone didn’t like, every toon would walk around in his underwear and carry a stick.
every toon would walk around in his underwear and carry a stick.
Except Sylvari. They are a stick and have no underwear.
Your preferences =/= my preferences.
I have no use for town clothes, quaggan backpacks, costumes, toy “mounts” like the broom and tunnelling gadget, etc. But there are people who like them, and buy them.
I don’t care much for the new helmet, or a lot of the fashion pieces in the gem store. But whether they are there or not does not affect me or my enjoyment of the game at all.
It takes a long time to design new armor and weapon skins, and sometimes the result isn’t as good as it seemed during development. But aside from obvious missteps like the uproar over reskinning cultural armor, which should have never been approved in the first place, why throw away all that work because some random player doesn’t like it? If they threw out every piece of armor or weapon skin that someone didn’t like, every toon would walk around in his underwear and carry a stick.
No one here is questioning the quality of the game. This game as I mentioned before has amazing graphics and many features that other MMOs can’t match. However, many people play this game purely for the cosmetics and when things like this come out they are letting those players down because these items are way lower quality than items I have seen Anet produce in the past. So when they hit the market and everyone is excited to see what amazing items we can change up our toons with and find this… well a vast majority of the players like myself will be disappointed.
When you think about it over 90% of the reviews for this skin have pretty much been negative so really they are making – at most – 10% of fans happy instead of appeasing the people wanting the return of old skins. This is basically a huge topic on the forms right now and items that simply have had more thought put into them could have been made available instead.
(edited by Lydia Solace.1348)
This is getting blown out of proportion a bit. This is simply about the quality of gem store items, not game quality. And as it was mentioned yes these skins do take time to make and design and maybe something to help this problem would be for Anet to release an image/post whatever it is about new items before they come to the store. This way players are able to give feedback on the items, prepare for when they come out by buying gems and help Anet make better decisions on what they release for the gem store. This is an aspect of the game heavily based on player preferences and taste in design so it makes sense for the players to have a say in the type of items we get in the store if we’re paying our own real money for it. Now im not saying we as the consumer should decide upon every item in store, I enjoy seeing a surprise item from time to time, BUT having some sort of say in the items/skins we get may in fact result in more sales for Anet and happy players with good looking items.
When you think about it over 90% of the reviews for this skin have pretty much been negative so really they are making – at most – 10% of fans happy instead of appeasing the people wanting the return of old skins. This is basically a huge topic on the forms right now and items that simply have had more thought put into them could have been made available instead.
Ehhhh whatever… opinions are like (word that will be turned into kittens)… everyone has one, and it usually stinks.
Ehhhh whatever… opinions are like (word that will be turned into kittens)… everyone has one, and it usually stinks.
…not really since its info Anet can use to make better items on gem store, its valuable info they need to pump out more content. If you think everyone opinions stink you should probably think about how GW2 revolves around player opinion and the game would never progress without the information and opinions players give.
A final though is this Anet wants a game that is unique to its players for its mechanics and looks in terms fashion (hence the latest achievement under the hero panel). There is not a single Legendary to date that has a theme like this…why? because this is a design failure. We already bone themed armor in the game available to those that may want a look like this for free such as Primitive, Dry Bones , Tribal, Gladiator or Barbaric and for those who wanted a cash shop skin such as Flamewalker, Krytan, Braham’s or Primeval Armor some of the earliest skins put in the game (excluding Flamewalker). So not only are these skins a waste of my time but they are also a waste of the players time that may have wanted this sort of a look simply because they already had something incredible similar available to them. As for me there is no alternative to bunny ears nor is there an alternative for those who want Grenth’s hood right now. Those items are unique and they have a high demand.
(edited by Lydia Solace.1348)
They have a high demand precisely because they’re no longer in the gem store. It’s the whole “greener on the other side” story. Basically it’s players going “OMG, WHAT IS THAT SKIN, I WANT IT IWANTITIWANTITIWANTITIWANTITIWANTITNAO!”
Yes, I’m aware this is going to turn into an amusing sentence due to the censor.
edit: Huh. It didnt.
I really like the look of the female Light Flame Kissed armor. Quality is in the eye of the beholder.
I’m always somewhat…relieved, almost, when I see a new skin that I don’t really care for, personally. It’s a good reminder that my tastes aren’t everyone’s tastes. I just can’t bring myself to like the Zodiac armor, for example, even though it’s obvious that a lot of work went into it, and I’ve seen players wearing it.
I really like the look of the female Light Flame Kissed armor. Quality is in the eye of the beholder.
That set was unique there was nothing like it to date! A clothe light armor with fire armor it with a more clean look, (unlike the CoF set). That set sold a lot people loved it and I see tons of people wearing it to date including some of my guidies oh and there are Legendaries with that sort of theme.
I’m always somewhat…relieved, almost, when I see a new skin that I don’t really care for, personally. It’s a good reminder that my tastes aren’t everyone’s tastes. I just can’t bring myself to like the Zodiac armor, for example, even though it’s obvious that a lot of work went into it, and I’ve seen players wearing it.
Once again a unique set in the game nothing like to date when it was release and nothing like it now to date. worth the time to develop and release because there are people who can appreciate. Not really my thing but hay good I like the diversity.
I vote with my wallet. You should too.
Don’t like what they have in the gem store, or prices associated? Don’t purchase. I haven’t put a penny in the gem store for a few months now, because either prices are extortionate (500 gems for 1 piece of armor, whereas it used to be 800 gems for a full set) or I dislike what they add.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)
I vote with my wallet. You should too.
Don’t like what they have in the gem store, or prices associated? Don’t purchase. I haven’t put a penny in the gem store for a few months now, because either prices are extortionate (500 gems for 1 piece of armor, whereas it used to be 800 gems for a full set) or I dislike what they add.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
I do the same thing you do completely agree its just its a waste of time for people because item such as these already exist in terms of the style. Also for players who want certain items back in game already it is a huge waste of our time with these items as well.
(edited by Lydia Solace.1348)
They have a high demand precisely because they’re no longer in the gem store. It’s the whole “greener on the other side” story. Basically it’s players going “OMG, WHAT IS THAT SKIN, I WANT IT IWANTITIWANTITIWANTITIWANTITIWANTITNAO!”
Yes, I’m aware this is going to turn into an amusing sentence due to the censor.
edit: Huh. It didnt.
sigh if they were available people would buy them more regularly I imagine the demand would go down but that’s because sales will be made once players who were not playing at that time have them. Whats your point…exactly here? If they put the unique items in the game they sell that’s a no brainier. If say there were not a single skull armor piece in the game prior to this Lawless set it would sell as well.