is blk farming really getting nerfed?

is blk farming really getting nerfed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: gobax.6185


Im planning to make my acct digital deluxe so i can get golem banker and can keyfarm faster, but rumors are spreading its getting nerfed.

I however do not see any official announcement from anet.

is blk farming really getting nerfed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: laokoko.7403


the truth will be revealed in 5 days. I dont’ think anyone knows for sure.

is blk farming really getting nerfed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

No one knows for sure.

They are bringing in a fair number of features from the Chinese client. The personal story there starts at level 10 and the first key is at level 20. They said they are restructuring both how the personal story is delivered (you will get a group of them at a time and then none for a while) and the rewards. Both of these things suggest key farming will be nerfed.

is blk farming really getting nerfed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lisa.6102


You dont need a golem banker

After you have done the first heart just port to the first way point in DR and run down the hill and through the door to the bank to pick up you gear, It takes a whole minute or so extra.

is blk farming really getting nerfed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

I definitely would wait till after the update. Even after, it’s a convenience, but not a necessity.

is blk farming really getting nerfed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: gobax.6185


Alright thank you guys yep i know its not a neccssity ki just to make my run a lil bit faster, guess nobody really knows and just have to wait

is blk farming really getting nerfed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Erich.1783


I find it faster to just go to my home BL in WvW to get to my chest for stored gear than running into DR.

is blk farming really getting nerfed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lisa.6102


I find it faster to just go to my home BL in WvW to get to my chest for stored gear than running into DR.

Ahhh smart thinking 99 … I give that a try

is blk farming really getting nerfed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: gobax.6185


I find it faster to just go to my home BL in WvW to get to my chest for stored gear than running into DR.

I will try it later thanks for the tip!

is blk farming really getting nerfed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: rojak.1894


Did anyone try map completion for getting keys? How bad is the rng? I’ve gotten keys in a row once and sometimes a long streak of trans charges.

is blk farming really getting nerfed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Did anyone try map completion for getting keys? How bad is the rng? I’ve gotten keys in a row once and sometimes a long streak of trans charges.

I expect the odds over time are 50/50 since you get either a key or a Transmutation Charge. You realize RNG means you can do several in a row and get a T-charge each time though.
Explorable zones
Rewards for completion of explorable zones scale up to the top level of that zone. For example, the map completion of Fireheart Rise can give rewards up to level 70. In addition, the rarity of the items recieved scale with the level of that zone, from Masterwork to Rare to Exotic.

Coins (amount scales with the level of the area)
Experience (10% of level at the time map was completed)
2 random pieces of equipment (approximate to level of the area)
1 Transmutation Charge or 1 Black Lion Chest Key
40 random crafting materials or 20 random ingredients available in the zone

is blk farming really getting nerfed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Kysin.6349


Did anyone try map completion for getting keys? How bad is the rng? I’ve gotten keys in a row once and sometimes a long streak of trans charges.

I expect the odds over time are 50/50 since you get either a key or a Transmutation Charge. You realize RNG means you can do several in a row and get a T-charge each time though.
Explorable zones
Rewards for completion of explorable zones scale up to the top level of that zone. For example, the map completion of Fireheart Rise can give rewards up to level 70. In addition, the rarity of the items recieved scale with the level of that zone, from Masterwork to Rare to Exotic.

Coins (amount scales with the level of the area)
Experience (10% of level at the time map was completed)
2 random pieces of equipment (approximate to level of the area)
1 Transmutation Charge or 1 Black Lion Chest Key
40 random crafting materials or 20 random ingredients available in the zone

The Wiki is known to have false or incomplete information. In this case, I believe you can get both a Tcharge and a BLK. I was doing map completion last night and i’m pretty sure I remember getting one of each. I could be having a brain fart though.

Co-leader of Knights of Eminence[Sir] – PvX
Reap The Weak[Reap] – WvW 5-man havok

is blk farming really getting nerfed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Did anyone try map completion for getting keys? How bad is the rng? I’ve gotten keys in a row once and sometimes a long streak of trans charges.

I expect the odds over time are 50/50 since you get either a key or a Transmutation Charge. You realize RNG means you can do several in a row and get a T-charge each time though.
Explorable zones
Rewards for completion of explorable zones scale up to the top level of that zone. For example, the map completion of Fireheart Rise can give rewards up to level 70. In addition, the rarity of the items recieved scale with the level of that zone, from Masterwork to Rare to Exotic.

Coins (amount scales with the level of the area)
Experience (10% of level at the time map was completed)
2 random pieces of equipment (approximate to level of the area)
1 Transmutation Charge or 1 Black Lion Chest Key
40 random crafting materials or 20 random ingredients available in the zone

The Wiki is known to have false or incomplete information. In this case, I believe you can get both a Tcharge and a BLK. I was doing map completion last night and i’m pretty sure I remember getting one of each. I could be having a brain fart though.

I suppose it’s possible, but aren’t there 4 slots? 2 of them for gear, one for mats and one for key/T-charge. Getting both a key and a T-charge means one appeared in one of the slots for those other items. I would think the slots for gear and mats would be “hard coded” for that, not gem store items.

is blk farming really getting nerfed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: nirvana.8245


Is the BLK reward in area completion from a rework? I have 3 chars with 100% world completion, 5 with around 80%. I only recall getting maybe 5 BLKs from area completion. Could be an interesting avenue to farm area completion though. The material rewards are quite decent. When I was working on area completion to get 100% I believe I was able to get 2-3 areas each night.

is blk farming really getting nerfed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: jackaljag.8637


Don’t think it’s a rework thing, or if it is it happened in the first six months when I wasn’t playing yet – I’ve gotten 6 full map completions spread out over the past year and a half (plus a few alts between 30-60%) and keys have always ‘dropped’ on map clear, albeit more rarely than trans stones/charges.

Joran Blackgear – Engineer – EU | Juras Blackpowder – Engineer – NA

is blk farming really getting nerfed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Kysin.6349


Did anyone try map completion for getting keys? How bad is the rng? I’ve gotten keys in a row once and sometimes a long streak of trans charges.

I expect the odds over time are 50/50 since you get either a key or a Transmutation Charge. You realize RNG means you can do several in a row and get a T-charge each time though.
Explorable zones
Rewards for completion of explorable zones scale up to the top level of that zone. For example, the map completion of Fireheart Rise can give rewards up to level 70. In addition, the rarity of the items recieved scale with the level of that zone, from Masterwork to Rare to Exotic.

Coins (amount scales with the level of the area)
Experience (10% of level at the time map was completed)
2 random pieces of equipment (approximate to level of the area)
1 Transmutation Charge or 1 Black Lion Chest Key
40 random crafting materials or 20 random ingredients available in the zone

The Wiki is known to have false or incomplete information. In this case, I believe you can get both a Tcharge and a BLK. I was doing map completion last night and i’m pretty sure I remember getting one of each. I could be having a brain fart though.

I suppose it’s possible, but aren’t there 4 slots? 2 of them for gear, one for mats and one for key/T-charge. Getting both a key and a T-charge means one appeared in one of the slots for those other items. I would think the slots for gear and mats would be “hard coded” for that, not gem store items.

Yeah I think I just had a brain fart, I did a few more zones today and got either a Tcharge or a Key.

Co-leader of Knights of Eminence[Sir] – PvX
Reap The Weak[Reap] – WvW 5-man havok

is blk farming really getting nerfed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176

Brother Grimm.5176

Completed Brisban this morning and got a key and no TC.

We go out in the world and take our chances
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances