legendary precursor monopoly

legendary precursor monopoly

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: shirashika.1026


hey anyone else think that anet should do something about the price inflation? i mean seriously there is so little supply that people are just gaming the prices and jacking them up. just saw a dusk posted on tp at 199g…thats insanity. and you know what before you know it all the order buys will be at 200g…i understand they are rare but players are monopolizing the short sale of them to buy and upsale them till they are impossible to get. anet will you please respond. can you guys tweak the supply cause from an economic standpoint these items are way out of even sane. i work very hard for my legendary and have already dumped 300g into my components…

legendary precursor monopoly

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ingram of Haz.5987

Ingram of Haz.5987

These are where gold resellers are transacting their transfers anymore… This is how they get around detection in other games as well and also where they store their surplus money above currency caps. It was a well know tactic they used in other NCSoft titles and they are trying to get away with it here. Personally I hope its nipped int eh bud by Arenanet soon. but if not then the market manipulators are going to have a Field day and we will go back to ignoring the market again for basic goods…

Bid and sale expiration would resolve this issue to some extent but bully tactics are worse. I just been using Karma anymore and ignoring currency except for map travel. I’m all the better for it thus far… prob will be for the entirety of this games life cycle at this point cause I dont see the cheaters going away anytime soon, they just keep hacking more accounts every day. And more and more keep getting banned. Who pays for their crimes? we do.

Jade Quarry

legendary precursor monopoly

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ensign.2189


Honestly these items are probably still underpriced considering what goes into them. There’s a serious liquidity constraint at the very tip of the market holding prices down, and expect to see legendary precursors rise even more as the economy evens out.

legendary precursor monopoly

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Fluffycalico.2715


Honestly these items are probably still underpriced considering what goes into them. There’s a serious liquidity constraint at the very tip of the market holding prices down, and expect to see legendary precursors rise even more as the economy evens out.

I expect to see them fall like a rock once its realised that about 1/10000 will ever make one…Yes they are rare…but someone who will actually end up using it is ever more rare.

legendary precursor monopoly

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Painking.4703


Honestly these items are probably still underpriced considering what goes into them. There’s a serious liquidity constraint at the very tip of the market holding prices down, and expect to see legendary precursors rise even more as the economy evens out.

I expect to see them fall like a rock once its realised that about 1/10000 will ever make one…Yes they are rare…but someone who will actually end up using it is ever more rare.

But the number of people that go “I totally have the time and monetary requirement to make a legendary” won’t. Getting the precursors is the easiest step, and thus will likely be the first one they start with.