legendary prices?

legendary prices?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: thinkfast.8371


Well I just finished The Predator, I cant seem to get a straight answer on what its worth. Buy orders sit around 2.1k gold auto buy sits at 3k same as some of the greatswords which doesn’t make sense to me, any idea on what its worth to sell?

legendary prices?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Less than a day ago one sold for only 2280g. The current one up there someone thinks they can get 3000g for. It’s like showing up on Pawn Stars and think you can sell them your item for a huge amount of money. A couple times before that it was 2500 and 2600g (well a copper or two under that). When there were 6 up at one point the price was down to 2000g.

That’s the trade off. If there are multiple sellers, price will be down. If your the only seller, you can set the price and see if someone bites.


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legendary prices?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Swagger.1459


Less than a day ago one sold for only 2280g. The current one up there someone thinks they can get 3000g for. It’s like showing up on Pawn Stars and think you can sell them your item for a huge amount of money. A couple times before that it was 2500 and 2600g (well a copper or two under that). When there were 6 up at one point the price was down to 2000g.

That’s the trade off. If there are multiple sellers, price will be down. If your the only seller, you can set the price and see if someone bites.


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