speed booster back in gem store please
Afaik they’ve never been sold. Wiki states that you get them from Black Lion Chests and the bag of alliance supplies. http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Speed_Booster
Why they don’t sell them outright is another good question.
Because they’re OP in WvW. Leave them as a drop in the BL chests only.
Because they’re OP in WvW. Leave them as a drop in the BL chests only.
15% movement speed is “OP”? loooool
Because they’re OP in WvW. Leave them as a drop in the BL chests only.
15% movement speed is “OP”? loooool
It stacks with the regular 25% speedbuff (like traveler/speed runes or class signets).
So it’s essentially one hour of perma-swiftness.
(edited by Buttercup.5871)
wait, people actually use those things?
An Officer and a Gentlewoman
wait, people actually use those things?
I use the few I’ve gotten on my Mesmer and guardian. It helps with that OMG I’M SO SLOW feeling you get while playing them.
I thought these and the damage booster and the armor booster and regen booster and maybe another booster I can’t think about weren’t usable in pvp and wvw?
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
Forge & more JSON recipes
They all work in WvW. And all at the same time.