to the both man who sells SPARK on black lion
It’s not 2 different people, it’s one guy.
(edited by Riaky.8965)
It’s different people.
John Smith is awesome. That is all.
It’s not 2 different people, it’s one guy.
Lol. People and their stating of assumptions as if they’re stating facts.
Man, some one just got owned. . .
750gold? man/guyz what the heck are you thinking? what made you rise it from 550 to 750 gold in 1 night?
I’d assume it was something similar to “Hey, this item is so popular, I bet someone is willing to pay 750g for it.”
Tyrian Intelligence Agency [TIA]
Dies for Riverside on a regular basis, since the betas
I despise ‘playing the TP’ and flipping stuff.
Let them post whatever prices they want! 700+, 5000+, you should not care anyway because the prices are utterly ridiculous. Since you will not be buying it from the TP at the current prices, you should really not be complaining about the player/ players who are relisting it but plead Anet to provide more methods to obtain precursors. Like Laurels for example. Please do something Anet.
Think about it this way, everytime they relist an item eg. 750g, thats like 38g gone from listing fee. If no one buys it, either he keeps it at that price forever or he has to bring it down to a lower price He loses money and we win. Players need to learn to be patient, don’t let greedy people push them around, you don’t need this! its a luxury item! i’m not paying that much for it! Remember, you’re the customer, the money and power is on you!
Think about it this way, everytime they relist an item eg. 750g, thats like 38g gone from listing fee. If no one buys it, either he keeps it at that price forever or he has to bring it down to a lower price
He loses money and we win. Players need to learn to be patient, don’t let greedy people push them around, you don’t need this! its a luxury item! i’m not paying that much for it! Remember, you’re the customer, the money and power is on you!
Technically, we do not win when the person looses the listing fee. It’s removed from the game completely.
Plus, a person who can buy off a 500+ G item and list it for a higher price would not mind 40G lost for the pure reaction from players such as yourselves.
Technically, we do not win when the person looses the listing fee. It’s removed from the game completely.
Plus, a person who can buy off a 500+ G item and list it for a higher price would not mind 40G lost for the pure reaction from players such as yourselves.
Oh yea. “Hey guys I’m gonna waste 40G so I can read people in the forums whine about increase in precursor prices LOL.”
You must be an amazing psychologist. Do you work with lots of rich clients?
Think about it this way, everytime they relist an item eg. 750g, thats like 38g gone from listing fee. If no one buys it, either he keeps it at that price forever or he has to bring it down to a lower price
He loses money and we win. Players need to learn to be patient, don’t let greedy people push them around, you don’t need this! its a luxury item! i’m not paying that much for it! Remember, you’re the customer, the money and power is on you!
Technically, we do not win when the person looses the listing fee. It’s removed from the game completely.
Plus, a person who can buy off a 500+ G item and list it for a higher price would not mind 40G lost for the pure reaction from players such as yourselves.
Lol, I have no reaction to it though, I have long left the legendary chase. What i’m suggesting is to other players in general. And really, this kind of behavior replicates in reality as well, the kind of people who always need to get a product on release day, games, the latest tech, iphone, ipad. Those are the people willing to pay the extra 600 bucks. Me? i’m the guy who waits 6months to a year, wait for the price to plummet to almost bottom or the price I think this product is worth, THEN maybe i’ll buy it. I have the patience to wait. So really, no it doesn’t bother me at all whether they relist it to as high as they want and that people still buy it. All I want to recommend to players is, don’t fall into this trap. As a consumer, don’t let the suppliers bully you this way.
As fight club famous quote is “the things you own end up owning you”.
It’s different people.
You don’t have the tools to check that.
It’s different people.
You don’t have the tools to check that.
Dunno why but i loled.
It’s different people.
You don’t have the tools to check that.
Dude you surely don’t know how that works…
Trading post is a database, which have a player id tagged to every single item id list(that way the TP knows when the items are bought, how many gold is due to that played id). For the ones working with that Database, it’s easy to see who is listing what, just by sorting by that item id.
It’s different people.
Proof or I call shens.
Just cause your name has a logo on it doesnt mean anything. You carry the same burden of proof as the rest of the world.
No I dont believe anything Anet says and want proof before I believe anything you say.
Dont buy the precursors and the price will plummet. In fact dont go for a legendary and be much happier. It is all a lie – hope that helps ya.
Ask him to have his friends lower the price maybe that will help.
(edited by Narkosys.5173)
In a world where nothing is real, and everything consists pushing pixels back and forth, we have no certainty about anything other than what Anet staff can tell us is real. We are bloody fortunate to have one of the very designers of the game’s economy give insight on this public forum, taking his time to answer our questions. That is unique in the world of MMO’s, it’s a blessing. I have never, ever seen it before, and I probably never will see it again if ever I stop playing this game. Don’t go asking for screenshots of internal systems, or whatever it is you’re asking.
Even IF he John would share such a screenshot, you wouldn’t even know if it was real or not because you’re not familiar with the system. So, what’s next, you want an invitation to the Anet studio, with full unrestricted access to their entire system, so that you can verify whether what John just stated is correct?
Having said this, I realize there is a big credibility issue going on regarding communication coming from Anet regarding the “perceived” droprates (see sticked thread in the “general discussion” part of the forum, which is the continuation of a closed 26-page long merged thread). Had that issue been handled more truthfully/respectfully, communication from Anet staff would carry more credibility.
However, from what I’ve read from John’s posts (which is nearly everything), I don’t see how there could be any reason to doubt what he states – and has stated in the past – on this forum.
It’s not unique, the eve online economist also loves tweeting market info, that said it’s always good to see the gw2 economy in action
Now remove soulbound items! Lets see some real economy
It’s different people.
That’s still not the point. (Well, ok, for this thread it is, unless those different ppl are the same over a longer time period and are currently flipping/buying out Sparks on a regular basis for whatever reason.)
AFL – Away From Life. // I admit to being a bad person.
Character specific key binds…yesterday if possible. Thank you.
Select statements are hard?
Seriously though, supply on a precursor like Spark is going to be a lot more constrained than, say, Dusk – I’d be extraordinarily surprised if people were throwing anywhere near as many daggers into the forge as greatswords – and the price is going to be linked since you’re paying for the 60 T5 fine mats per forge roll regardless of which precursor you’re after.
Besides world drops and the randomized forgings, each precursor costs roughly the same to manufacture; unless the random drops are sufficient to keep some prices low, you’d expect the price of every precursor to converge on its manufacturing cost at high enough demand.
It’s different people.
You don’t have the tools to check that.
Your signature is a reflection of your thinking abilities? :P
“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“The most important thing in any game should be the player” – R. Soesbee
It’s different people.
You don’t have the tools to check that.
Oh I see what you did there ;-)
It’s different people.
You don’t have the tools to check that.
An astronomer, a physicist and a mathematician were holidaying in Scotland. Glancing from a train window, they observed a black sheep in the middle of a field.
“How interesting,” observed the astronomer, “Scottish sheep are black!”
To which the physicist responded, “No, no! Some Scottish sheep are black!”
The mathematician gazed heavenward in supplication, and then intoned, “In Scotland there exists at least one sheep, at least one side of which is black.”
Agent Smith is in a position to at least determine it’s different accounts. I’ve no doubt he has enough information from the security built into this game’s log in procedures to the strongly discredit the idea those acounts are owned by any single person not found in the cast of a John La Carrie thriller. That is probably a strong enough proof for most people to go farward.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
(edited by Nike.2631)
The precursors seem to be following a natural increase in price relative to the cost of the rares and exotics thrown into the forge to make them.
When it costs 35s instead of 20s to make a rare to throw into the MF (or similar price increase if you’re using exotics), you can’t expect precursors to sit at the same price.
A quick glance at t5 prices shows that it costs almost 30s just to make the incription to craft a rare, not including the mithril components.
If precursors sat at the same price, then less people would MF for them and more people would buy existing ones off the TP instead (presumably using them to make a legendary, lowering the amount of precursors in existence rather than keeping them roughly constant), raising the price on precursors until it was a vaguely even deal to MF for them or buy them…which seems to be around where we are at now.
Given the conditions of the game currently, they aren’t too expensive. They’re about what they should cost. If one wants to say “There should be more precursors entering the game, so the price is a bit cheaper” then that’s another thing entirely and is something I agree with.
Funny enough, you can blame the price on precursors on increased demand for ectos more than anything else, even though precursors are often mystic forged without the use of any ectos. Demand for ectos is what raised the price on those t5 mats more than anything precursor related and unfortunately ectos come from salvaged rares, rares crafted with those same t5 mats people need to craft inscriptions to make more rare greatswords (or bows, or daggers, whatever the most expensive of the day is) with to throw into the MF.
Or if they’re throwing lev 80 exotics in the MF instead of lev 80 rares, well then they need ectos directly since they’re needed to craft the exotics.
The next time the bubble bursts on ecto prices, watch precursor prices fall.
(edited by Minion of Vey.4398)