what happened?
gw2spidy shows a sudden decrease in supply in a short time frame, so more than likely they got taken down by sellers.
I don’t suggest putting out that skin just yet. It’s a seller’s market but we don’t know what the price can be. Just wait for the buy orders to shoot up.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
I would guess people bought them all, possibly to resell them and make a huge profit. If no one else is selling it, and people want it, they can charge whatever they want.
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I missed out on this. I needed to sell one more legendary to have enough money to buy them all, I was 3-4 short. My last legendary sold when I was at work yesterday, went to buy the 20-25 that were there the last time I looked and they were all gone
I was fighting with someone putting buy orders in for around 180 to 200g for a while, should of known better. Good for him though.
i bought one at it’s peak in march for 248g and some change (for personal use, not even to sell), thinking it would continue to spike further and prove to be a good bargain. lol, stupidly didn’t even put in a buy order for it bc i really wanted it and was convinced it was gonna continue going up. i’ve been pretty bummed ever since until seeing this latest spike. :p
The Society [SCTY] on YB
Note that it’s entirely possible they make a comeback next halloween, at most I’d expect there to be new skins but also the ones from the previous season showing up together. Can’t say what happens for living story but at the very least for repeatable holiday events this much should be a given.
Can’t see any logic in re-releasing old skins (gw1 generally didnt) – new skins generate more revenue.
Note that it’s entirely possible they make a comeback next halloween, at most I’d expect there to be new skins but also the ones from the previous season showing up together. Can’t say what happens for living story but at the very least for repeatable holiday events this much should be a given.
I don’t know if I’ve ever played a game where they reused the skins from the year before. Too many people would complain.
If your betting that they will come back I wouldn’t go all in. 3 years from now this shield and the greatsaw will be extremely hard to come by and the people who hold on to them that long will be set.
I lost a lot of gold because they released the same skins at The lost shores and Last stand at Southsun, so I think that we will have the same skins in halloween, but maybe, a few more with tickets.
^ As Robles said, never say never. GW1 re-used the same Lion Helmet for Canthan New Year year after year too, and after being retired, the devs made it possible to gain minipets/festival hats/birthday presents from any year. I wouldn’t put it past ANet to do something similar here too. After all, if the RNG chests made them money the first time around, if they wait long enough for demand to build up and release them again, it should make them money again.
Looks like all 5 skins that where unlisted are relisted back up. At a higher price lowest being 385g.
I still don’t know if I want to sell mine and I don’t use a shield that much on my warrior or guardian.
Should I sell now or hold on to it as I don’t want the value to drop as you guys say it might be coming back in Halloween
Looks like all 5 skins that where unlisted are relisted back up. At a higher price lowest being 385g.
I still don’t know if I want to sell mine and I don’t use a shield that much on my warrior or guardian.
Should I sell now or hold on to it as I don’t want the value to drop as you guys say it might be coming back in Halloween
Don’t pay attention to the lowest selling price. Doesn’t mean anything.
A few weeks back someone bought up all the dusk (or removed them) and some smart guy put one up for like 900g. Of course he immediately got undercut and it ended up going back down to 500-600g. That’s 135g lost.
Pay attention to the highest buy order. If there is a huge gap (+100g) then there is still time for the price to adjust on both sides. I’d wait until it’s at a difference of 40g.
Or the general rule is that the acceptable difference is equal to the breakeven point of buying it at lowest buy order and selling it.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/