(edited by Cameirus.8407)
whats with the awful female armour? why?
You must not go to the right strip clubs if you think this shows more skin.
RIP City of Heroes
(edited by Moderator)
‘Super protective fantasy armor’ is what it is all about these days, the males get the bad kitten armor that could protect them in an actual fight – while females are stuck with thin cloth and string essentially, it’s a fantasy game- but anet will not deter from the stereotypical kittenty female outfit.
The back part is probably like the obi, which is the sash around the middle with a bow at the back which can be very ornate. Seeing as this is an Oriental themed outfit, it’s very appropriate.
Example of obis, from the back
(edited by Astral Projections.7320)
‘Super protective fantasy armor’ is what it is all about these days, the males get the bad kitten armor that could protect them in an actual fight – while females are stuck with thin cloth and string essentially, it’s a fantasy game- but anet will not deter from the stereotypical kittenty female outfit.
You can’t be serious, GW2 is one of the most modest games when it comes out outfits for females.
^example of my norn. She’s pretty well clothed all things considered.
You’d freak at Tera, or even some GW1 outfits I think.
‘Super protective fantasy armor’ is what it is all about these days, the males get the bad kitten armor that could protect them in an actual fight – while females are stuck with thin cloth and string essentially, it’s a fantasy game- but anet will not deter from the stereotypical kittenty female outfit.
You can’t be serious, GW2 is one of the most modest games when it comes out outfits for females.
^example of my norn. She’s pretty well clothed all things considered.
You’d freak at Tera, or even some GW1 outfits I think.
i said that jokingly in that it’s not a big deal about the armors and expect anything from them – look at the zodiac armors, and the OP just needs to kinda get over it.
ive seen it i played gw1 which had great armor design over all and i didn’t mind it, i do prefer gw2 female versions of armor over tera 100% but i prefer gw1 armor over both and i didnt freak over the next to nothing of tera armor design, i just stopped playing.
I like the female version more. bite me.
which is fair enough.
I just dont get why they offer totally differnt models for the same gear…..
Putting aside the missing bits on female sets, why does it not have a hood whereas the male one does? why does it have an kitten -bow and the male one does not?
Why do the sets look totally different between the sexes? I cant think of a logical reason other than puerile sexist ones…
Every set in the game has different models bc of gender, except for the Charr and Asura.
When it comes to ‘traditional Japanese’ type clothing ex kimono, womens versions tend to be more gaudy and flashy while mens more subtle and to the point.
but anet didn’t have to choose the route they did they could have used the same model and didn’t but then you would have more people complaining on why they didn’t differ.
The back part is probably like the obi, which is the sash around the middle with a bow at the back which can be very ornate. Seeing as this is an Oriental themed outfit, it’s very appropriate.
Example of obis, from the back
yeah ok…..on a stealthy assassin costume? you dont think the lack of hood to conceal her and the big kitten bow might get in the way?
I like the female version more. bite me.
which is fair enough.
I just dont get why they offer totally differnt models for the same gear…..
Putting aside the missing bits on female sets, why does it not have a hood whereas the male one does? why does it have an kitten -bow and the male one does not?
Why do the sets look totally different between the sexes? I cant think of a logical reason other than puerile sexist ones…
Every set in the game has different models bc of gender, except for the Charr and Asura.
When it comes to ‘traditional Japanese’ type clothing ex kimono, womens versions tend to be more gaudy and flashy while mens more subtle and to the point.
but anet didn’t have to choose the route they did they could have used the same model and didn’t but then you would have more people complaining on why they didn’t differ.
Assassins gear tends to be gaudy does it? my I never knew….
I dont object to the costume as such, I just dont get why its so different from the male version. Which is great.
The big kitten bow and the lack of a hood is weird….
‘Super protective fantasy armor’ is what it is all about these days, the males get the bad kitten armor that could protect them in an actual fight – while females are stuck with thin cloth and string essentially, it’s a fantasy game- but anet will not deter from the stereotypical kittenty female outfit.
hey, if they want to do an armour set with pretty much naked males and females I dont care.
I just dont get why they are so different as to be totally different sets between genders on what is supposed to be the same costume….
I like the female version more. bite me.
which is fair enough.
I just dont get why they offer totally differnt models for the same gear…..
Putting aside the missing bits on female sets, why does it not have a hood whereas the male one does? why does it have an kitten -bow and the male one does not?
Why do the sets look totally different between the sexes? I cant think of a logical reason other than puerile sexist ones…
to an extent it makes sense. just like in the real world males and females wear different things. try playing a charr or asuran (or just talk to people that play them) and you’ll start to learn that having identical armor for both genders is fairly widely disliked
personally, I enjoy having “girly” armor (note: not over-sexualized, just girly) that wouldn’t work on a male character. it’s better than maplestory in which armor drops have a “male” or “female” version and you can only equip one of them and you’re just out of luck if you get the wrong one
I dont go to any, I’ll bow to your superiour knowledge in that matter, what I was doing was using hyperbole….
And hyperbole has no place in a constructive thread on female armour. But since this isn’t one and just you venting, proceed away.
RIP City of Heroes
The male costume is that of a stereotypical male ninja, such as Ryu Hayabusa or Hattori Hanzo. The female costume, in turn, is that of a stereotypical female ninja.
Go look up the character Ibuki from the Street Fighter series. The female version of the outfit in GW2 is pretty much identical to her costume, save for the bow/obi, which in turn appears on costumes for other Japanese characters Akuma, Gouken and E. Honda.
The male costume is that of a stereotypical male ninja, such as Ryu Hayabusa or Hattori Hanzo. The female costume, in turn, is that of a stereotypical female ninja.
Go look up the character Ibuki from the Street Fighter series. The female version of the outfit in GW2 is pretty much identical to her costume, save for the bow/obi, which in turn appears on costumes for other Japanese characters Akuma, Gouken and E. Honda.
I just googled Ibuki. That’s very interesting. I have extreme doubts that any female ninjas/assassins ever actually ran around with a side view like that but it tells us where ANet got their inspiration for this costume.
(edited by Astral Projections.7320)
I was more disappointed I didn’t get pretty flowers for my female asura … she’s still a girl even though she doesn’t have bewbs dangit.
Love the female version, bought it for that version. I do agree some parity in designs would be nice (why is the genie pant cloth set not a little Aladdin-esque vest on the guys??) but that doesn’t make me dislike the female version of this item.
trixnotes tumblr: quick hits of lore | personal tumblr (some other GW2 stuff)
You can piece together a really nice assassin outfit with the CoE armor and a few other sets to make your female thief look like a real assassin.
I kind of ignore the latest costumes because I only see them as a temporary set for below 80 characters. I guess ANet thought that kind of outfit would sell the best, so that’s what they did. It’s not like you can’t make your own assassin outfit with other armor sets. At least GW2 gives you a choice between outrageous and practical.
If you want to look well-protected as a female character, the Ascalonian Catacombs, Cadaecus’ Manor, Citadel of Flame, and Sorrow’s Embrace armor are generally the more realistic and practical of the armor sets for all classes (CoF is a bit over the top, though). I like to think my warrior is pretty kitten awesome.
I bought the shadow assassin costume on my male sylvari, and it looks great and I love it (though the main colour has an odd lustre but whatever).
However, I then though, why not try a thief, this costume would look kitten on a female human thief….so I made one, put the costume on….and WTF? First no proper head piece, its now a mask, secondly why is my ninja assassin showing more skin than most pole dancers, and WTF is going on with the comedy (stupid) bow comming off her kitten ?
Why Anet? Why?
Why take a good skin and make it like that on female characters? are you artists juvenile sexually charged teenagers that all women costumes need to flash as much skin as possible?
I was extremely disappointed in seeing this. Deleted the character.
edit: to avoid confusion, I dont get why the female version is SO different from the males….I dont object to revealing outfits, but for an assassins costume, lack of a hood and a massive kitten bow seam an odd choice.
Your ninja assassin is not showing more skin than pole dancers. Why do you feel the need to write such hyperbole when the game is full of modest outfits, this one included? It’s like people just can’t handle even the slightest bit of skin showing.
If it did show more skin than pole dancers I would have bought it. At least pole dancers don’t wear baggy pants.
On a sidenote, did you know that poledancers are trying to lobby for pole dancing at the Olympics? Awesome.
This issue won’t be resolved until Anet stop designing the humanoid armour to be so drastically different based on gender. The gendered differences are so massive they could easily get two completely different armour sets out of each humanoid armour released, but instead we’re stuck with arbitrary restrictions because we picked ‘Female’ or ‘Male’ in the character selection screen, or a non humanoid race, in which case we are ‘male’ by default.
Still annoying. Will complain every time it happens, but after 2 years, not honestly expecting anything to be done about it. It’s a real shame; I thought GW2 would be the MMO to really push being progressive on the gender front. It succeeds in some areas, but has some major fails in character customisation.
It’s a real shame; I thought GW2 would be the MMO to really push being progressive on the gender front.
Wait. Waiiiiiiiiiit right there. What? You have to elaborate here because if any company did everything right in this respect, it’s Anet. The only other company that is on the forefront on this issue is Bioware. Anyway, you cannot blurt out such sweeping statements and not back them up.
The male costume is that of a stereotypical male ninja, such as Ryu Hayabusa or Hattori Hanzo. The female costume, in turn, is that of a stereotypical female ninja.
Go look up the character Ibuki from the Street Fighter series. The female version of the outfit in GW2 is pretty much identical to her costume, save for the bow/obi, which in turn appears on costumes for other Japanese characters Akuma, Gouken and E. Honda.
That being the case, care to explain why the asura female costume is exactly like the male’s and yet the human female one looks totally different>?
Your ninja assassin is not showing more skin than pole dancers. Why do you feel the need to write such hyperbole when the game is full of modest outfits, this one included? It’s like people just can’t handle even the slightest bit of skin showing.
because it was light hearted hyperbole….its a way of making a point with emphasis, which you seam to have way over reacted to and missed the main issue, that human armor differs between the genders for no particular reason,
It’s a real shame; I thought GW2 would be the MMO to really push being progressive on the gender front.
Wait. Waiiiiiiiiiit right there. What? You have to elaborate here because if any company did everything right in this respect, it’s Anet. The only other company that is on the forefront on this issue is Bioware. Anyway, you cannot blurt out such sweeping statements and not back them up.
I certainly can.
Much was made during pre-release of progressive elements to the game, and yes, as I mentioned in my post, Anet were successful in some areas. But they don’t follow through. I guess the best way I can sum it up is that the ideas are there, but they are failed by stereotypical sexist MMO implementation.
For example: when the sylvari were introduced and their lore and culture started to trickle out in interviews and blog posts, they made heavy mention of the lack of traditional gender roles. The sylvari are supposed to see gender as no more significant or defining than hair or skin colour – it’s a physical attribute with no social ramifications.
This sounded awesome.
Unfortunately, the game mechanics do not support this. The sylvari have no traditional gender roles but you cannot wear male armour on a female sylvari or vice versa. There are character customisations specific to the female models or male models. You see how the lore clashes with the game implementation, making this shallow gender-progressiveness at best?
Likewise, when the charr and asura were revealed and we first saw the female charr and asura, I was super excited because here was a great example of no gender dimorphism and sexualisation of the female of the species.
But they can only wear male armour. They are male by default. Male is normal armour, female armour is other. It’s exceptional, and assumed to be sexualised or inappropriate for everyone else by default.
Then there’s the fact that we had to fight tooth and nail pre-release to get anything but ‘barbie’ physiques for the female humans (and there are still no well-built or muscular builds available), and after more complaining we got one token older female face, and one token ‘black’ face preset added.
Don’t even get me started on the lack of armour diversity and revealing armour for male characters. I’m tired of seeing male characters look like they were dressed by overprotective mothers who think they might catch a chill if they leave anything but their face exposed.
For every great step Anet takes forward (inclusion of non-hetero romance, prominent female lead characters, races who in principle do not embody heteronormative standards or have no supposed sexism in them/mock the sub-groups that encourage sexism), they take three back with the lore vs game mechanics and gender restriction clash.
Phalanx female armor is what you should be complaining about. Male version is fantastic. Female version looks nothing like the male version. If only the female version actually looked similar to the male version…
at times i wish the male version looked more like the female version, i see to many sardine cans to worry about skin.
better yet, i hope Anet releases better looking armor that isn’t so closed in, it might fit in a historical accurate game but GW is anything but.
we see to much of this:
i rather see more like this:
My issues are with the mask and the bow too. I had to buy a makeover kit for my thief to feel like I didn’t waste 700 gems on the outfit.
And then another makeover kit for my engi to keep the male/female ratio intact.
That being the case, care to explain why the asura female costume is exactly like the male’s and yet the human female one looks totally different>?
Because Asura gear tends to be the same for both genders. There’s only a handful of outfits where the Asura and Charr look different based on genders, and this apparently isn’t one of them.
The visible physical differences between male and female Asura and Charr tend to be in the ears for Asura, and the horns/tail for Charr. Neither of those differences are places you can reliably build different armour sets around. The difference between male and female Humans/Norn/Sylvari are a bit more noticeable for armour sets.
I’ve got the same question in my mind after i bought the skin.
Why is it look so different between male and female.
Female version looks so……………………. amazing, while male version is ugly as hell.
Especially the helmet for male, looks like some kind of bug….
It’s a real shame; I thought GW2 would be the MMO to really push being progressive on the gender front.
Wait. Waiiiiiiiiiit right there. What? You have to elaborate here because if any company did everything right in this respect, it’s Anet. The only other company that is on the forefront on this issue is Bioware. Anyway, you cannot blurt out such sweeping statements and not back them up.
I certainly can.
Much was made during pre-release of progressive elements to the game, and yes, as I mentioned in my post, Anet were successful in some areas. But they don’t follow through. I guess the best way I can sum it up is that the ideas are there, but they are failed by stereotypical sexist MMO implementation.
For example: when the sylvari were introduced and their lore and culture started to trickle out in interviews and blog posts, they made heavy mention of the lack of traditional gender roles. The sylvari are supposed to see gender as no more significant or defining than hair or skin colour – it’s a physical attribute with no social ramifications.
This sounded awesome.
Unfortunately, the game mechanics do not support this. The sylvari have no traditional gender roles but you cannot wear male armour on a female sylvari or vice versa. There are character customisations specific to the female models or male models. You see how the lore clashes with the game implementation, making this shallow gender-progressiveness at best?
Likewise, when the charr and asura were revealed and we first saw the female charr and asura, I was super excited because here was a great example of no gender dimorphism and sexualisation of the female of the species.
But they can only wear male armour. They are male by default. Male is normal armour, female armour is other. It’s exceptional, and assumed to be sexualised or inappropriate for everyone else by default.
Then there’s the fact that we had to fight tooth and nail pre-release to get anything but ‘barbie’ physiques for the female humans (and there are still no well-built or muscular builds available), and after more complaining we got one token older female face, and one token ‘black’ face preset added.
Don’t even get me started on the lack of armour diversity and revealing armour for male characters. I’m tired of seeing male characters look like they were dressed by overprotective mothers who think they might catch a chill if they leave anything but their face exposed.
For every great step Anet takes forward (inclusion of non-hetero romance, prominent female lead characters, races who in principle do not embody heteronormative standards or have no supposed sexism in them/mock the sub-groups that encourage sexism), they take three back with the lore vs game mechanics and gender restriction clash.
So basically, you want armor to be devoid of gender. Because of the lore and all. Or in the alternative, you want there to be revealing male armor. There is such armor btw, but I do agree the choice is limited (I saw pit fighter, gladiator, barbaric, feathered pieces, and a few gemstore skins).
I disagree that showing gender, or strongly accentuating gender, is a bad thing. It’s a bit the feminism of the 80s mentality where women had to fight for recognition and show they mattered and started dressing like men. Many thought that “equality” included wearing the same clothes as men. That should not be necessary anymore. The strongest of women these days are often very feminine. And that’s a good thing; they’re women, not men.
I have 2 sylvari female characters. Had I not been able to dress them up femininely I would not even play them. Yes, I know the lore for the Sylvari, but frankly I don’t care. If I’m going to spend hours looking at her I want her to look elegant and feminine. Aesthetics is a powerful thing: look at legendaries, people are willing to spend hundreds, or even thousands of hours behind a screen so that they can get a bundle of flashy pixels. Anet knows this and caters to this very well.
(edited by Buttercup.5871)
So basically, you want armor to be devoid of gender. Because of the lore and all.
Nope, that’s not what I want (or said) at all. I would like armour to stop being gender-essentialist – that is, enforcing standards upon people because of arbitrary gender choice.
I’ve got no problem with armour being conservative or revealing, or having skirts or trousers, or having a bowtie or a ribbon, or any other traditionally “gender-specific” motif (that actually has nothing to do with your sex or gender and is all socially dictated). I have a problem with armour being completely different (and in many cases completely inaccessible) depending on that option you picked at character selection.
What I’d like to see, and the link in my sig explains more, is some basic design tenets being put in place so that armour is not substantially different between the two genders. This doesn’t mean taking away armour or making it all “male by default” armour. It just means taking a design and making it available for both genders. That’s it.
Traditionally masculine or feminine stuff doesn’t need to go away to achieve this – it just needs to be available for both genders, so players can decide what their character wears, instead of someone else’s preconceived notions of what’s acceptable for a particular gender.
So basically, you want armor to be devoid of gender. Because of the lore and all.
Nope, that’s not what I want (or said) at all. I would like armour to stop being gender-essentialist – that is, enforcing standards upon people because of arbitrary gender choice.
I’ve got no problem with armour being conservative or revealing, or having skirts or trousers, or having a bowtie or a ribbon, or any other traditionally “gender-specific” motif (that actually has nothing to do with your sex or gender and is all socially dictated). I have a problem with armour being completely different (and in many cases completely inaccessible) depending on that option you picked at character selection.
What I’d like to see, and the link in my sig explains more, is some basic design tenets being put in place so that armour is not substantially different between the two genders. This doesn’t mean taking away armour or making it all “male by default” armour. It just means taking a design and making it available for both genders. That’s it.
Traditionally masculine or feminine stuff doesn’t need to go away to achieve this – it just needs to be available for both genders, so players can decide what their character wears, instead of someone else’s preconceived notions of what’s acceptable for a particular gender.
Ok, this post is more balanced and I see more what you mean now. I disagree though on one single item in this post that lies at the heart of this discussion (in bold): that gender choice is arbitrary. It almost never is.
For me, the discussion is a bit moot because I tend to only like one or two pieces of the armor sets I bought (which is almost all). Mix and match all the way.
Real assassins looked like everyday people. What you have is outfit for a Japanese theatre, troped as something assassins would wear to kill people.
I was more disappointed I didn’t get pretty flowers for my female asura … she’s still a girl even though she doesn’t have bewbs dangit.
Love the female version, bought it for that version. I do agree some parity in designs would be nice (why is the genie pant cloth set not a little Aladdin-esque vest on the guys??) but that doesn’t make me dislike the female version of this item.
Give asura a bigger bosom. Problem solved.
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa
I bought the shadow assassin costume on my male sylvari, and it looks great and I love it (though the main colour has an odd lustre but whatever).
However, I then though, why not try a thief, this costume would look kitten on a female human thief….so I made one, put the costume on….and WTF? First no proper head piece, its now a mask, secondly why is my ninja assassin showing more skin than most pole dancers, and WTF is going on with the comedy (stupid) bow comming off her kitten ?
Why Anet? Why?
Why take a good skin and make it like that on female characters? are you artists juvenile sexually charged teenagers that all women costumes need to flash as much skin as possible?
I was extremely disappointed in seeing this. Deleted the character.
edit: to avoid confusion, I dont get why the female version is SO different from the males….I dont object to revealing outfits, but for an assassins costume, lack of a hood and a massive kitten bow seam an odd choice.
Why delete the character? I don’t get it.
+1 for more revealing male armor
+1 for more concealing female armor
I guess a dark skinned character could be more subtle in this outfit. Either way, very few outfits appear as appealing to the sight for heavy armor characters. I’m glad I can add this one to my set. Happily waiting to see GW2 grow large enought to please most if not all of the gaming verse
PowerColor Radeon HD 7870 MYST Edition//Intel Core 2 Duo E8500//8 Gigs or DDR2 RAM//240 GB SSD
Why take a good skin and make it like that on female characters? are you artists juvenile sexually charged teenagers that all women costumes need to flash as much skin as possible?
Hahaha flash skin? It’s just a little leg and a little cleavage! For all I know, showing skin stopped being the ehm .. unholy tool of the devil’s temptation a long looooong time ago.
By the way, the male costume has .. bare arms! Yes, quite shocking. :P
+1 for more revealing male armor
+1 for more concealing female armor
As far as heavy and medium armor goes, I’d say the majority of armor sets in game are pretty concealing.
Gender disparity aside (because I agree, at least in part, with Faowri’s post, regarding the idea of “male as default” (for Charr/Asura) is a disparity in and of itself), I actually think there are lots of good options for a range of modesty in female armors. I don’t think the female version of the assassin’s outfit is particularly revealing, but I do think it’s pretty unattractive, especially the “poofy” pants. That said, there are plenty of people who really like it, and I do not believe that every bit of artwork in a game should appeal to me.
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?
hey, if they want to do an armour set with pretty much naked males and females I dont care.
I just dont get why they are so different as to be totally different sets between genders on what is supposed to be the same costume….
I’m totally with you on this one. My male norn really wants to wear a skirt to go with his princess wand, but that’s reserved for only females. I really hope we can in the future.
+1 for more revealing male armor
+1 for more concealing female armorAs far as heavy and medium armor goes, I’d say the majority of armor sets in game are pretty concealing.
but what good is that for light wearers?
we need more of both, and it would be fantastic if we could choose which option we want..the male or female version of an outfit.
But this isn’t new, and it seems anet won’t be doing something like this any time soon.
+1 for more revealing male armor
+1 for more concealing female armorAs far as heavy and medium armor goes, I’d say the majority of armor sets in game are pretty concealing.
but what good is that for light wearers?
we need more of both, and it would be fantastic if we could choose which option we want..the male or female version of an outfit.
That I agree with, more choice is always better! :-D
Though you can make pretty covered outfits with light armour as well, just check the wardrobe and mix and match a bit.^^
we actually need some more revealing armors, we have ALLOT more sardine cans, cotton bags and leather towels.
is it so bad to have some skin or is that to sexy for you, is a bare arm or belly way to revealing?
The reason that males have a full hood is that they have to remove hair to avoid it clipping through the mask, which would leave the character bald.
Females don’t have facial hair, so masks on females don’t have clipping issues.
The reason that males have a full hood is that they have to remove hair to avoid it clipping through the mask, which would leave the character bald.
Females don’t have facial hair, so masks on females don’t have clipping issues.
Hmmm. I know it’s mostly medium armor that has them, but the masks that males wear don’t make them bald. They remove beards, but the character’s don’t go bald. If they can do it with armor, why not costumes?
(edited by Astral Projections.7320)
we need more of both, and it would be fantastic if we could choose which option we want..the male or female version of an outfit.
You do realize you just asked to double the number of available armor models in the game, right. The directions some of these threads take with no regard to the effort involved is just baffling at times.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
we need more of both, and it would be fantastic if we could choose which option we want..the male or female version of an outfit.
…..You do realize you just asked to double the number of available armor models in the game, right. The directions some of these threads take with no regard to the effort involved is just baffling at times.
ppl do call them skins, it’s the wrong naming because it’s a 6 part 3D model with skin and layers.
but since ppl say “skin” they assume it’s just a matter of photoshopping something together, misinformation makes correcting a mistake quite difficult when it becomes mainstream.
we need more of both, and it would be fantastic if we could choose which option we want..the male or female version of an outfit.
…..You do realize you just asked to double the number of available armor models in the game, right. The directions some of these threads take with no regard to the effort involved is just baffling at times.
Well the could start by not creating outfits that are different based on gender.
For example the ninja outfit, they could’ve created the male version for all, and then created the female version for all.
Not be like "you chose a female, here show some skin.
Especially for charr/asura. With these races, you never know if the next armour anet makes will be a male version shared b/n both or you’ll actually be forced into the female version. (note the chinese outfit. Something I had wanted to buy, but thought it looked terrible on charr and wasn’t too keen on asura. I play only female characters.)
I would just wish I had the alternative of making my female hold her magical weaponry, or greatswords for that matter, in a fashion that didn’t spell “Halp I am female how do I battle”
Because, while I understand the appeal towards the basic MMO crowd which dictates my females must dress like prostitutes and be unable to comprehend that staves are not meant to be hugged, I would want to make a normal woman that knows her priorities, or at least has a -choice- on knowing her priorities. I love me being able to wear heavy armor that looks like heavy armor, but not so much when my character goes on to flail weapons like she can barely hold her ground, hug staves like pillows and have idle animations that show quite clearly nobody ever thought you would actually play a heavy armor female. (Better squish my face with my own pauldrons while stretching, so relaxing.)
Hard enough finding a pair of pants if you’re a light armour-wearing female.