Character Bios!

Character Bios!

in Charr

Posted by: Drakenvold.9761


So for anyone that wants,tell us a song worthy of skaalds here about your character ^^


Approximate Age:




A quick overview of your character goes here. This is the elevator pitch for your character – what do they do? What is their goal? What are they notable for, and why?

A description of your character goes here. What do they look like? Are they short or tall? Small or large? What are their most striking physical features? If you saw them on the street, what are they most likely to be wearing?

A history of your character’s childhood goes here. What were their parents like? Did they have any siblings? Where did they live? How did they spend their time? Did anything notable happen to make them into the person they are today?

Early Life
Once they came of age, what did they do first? If they left home, what was the motivation? Did they hold any jobs before they became an adventurer? Did they develop any hobbies or meet any interesting people?

Current Status
What is your character doing now? Where are they living and why? Do they hold a job? What occupies their time or attention? What are their goals and ambitions?

Guilds and Groups
Are they involved with any groups and guilds? How did they become part of these organizations? What role do they play now? Do they want to play that role, or do they have other ambitions?

Family and Friends
Does your character have any friends or family, or anyone else of notable relation, in their life? How do those people affect your character?

Are they generally happy, or are they easily brought down? Are they outgoing, shy, or somewhere in-between? Do they have a sense of humor, and what is it like? Do they laugh in the face of danger, or do they cower in the corner? Are they hopeful for the future, or are they more pessimistic?

What makes your character unique? Do they have any interesting or strange habits, features, or interests?

Stories and Art Involving This Character
Feel free to put the stories you’ve written about your character, or any drawings or music you’ve created for them, on this wiki too! You can link back to them from here.

If there’s anything you’d like us to know about your character, this is the place. Also, if you’re looking for any specific kind of person to roleplay with, or need a guild for this character to be a part of, feel free to state that and some contact info so others can find you!

Character Bios!

in Charr

Posted by: Drakenvold.9761


Name: Ferro Ninelives

Approximate Age: 22

Affiliation: Ash Legion

Race: Charr

Profession: Thief

Famed young charr from the Ash legion,that works as “intelligence agent”,seeking to bring glory to their warband and renownd for escaping death.

With all white fur and striking yellow eyes,Ferro was sometimes called the Pale Death by their comrades,shes lean and very agile

A true warrior,born on the battlefield,thats Ferro´s story!she was born to a Blood Legion mother and Ash Legion father,an uncommon union,but they knew how to keep secrets,Ferro was born as her mother was storming some Ascalonian crypts in a campaign against the ghosts that endlessly plagued the land,the last campaign she´d be a part of as she died that day in battle,after giving birth to Ferro,she had to be dragged to a safe place to give birth to the cub because she refused to stop her charge and rest,and so as mortar shells hit the battleground and cries and shouts were heard,so did young Ferro came to this world.

Early Life
After her mothers death,her sire brought her to an Ash Legion fahrar and she was educated on the fine arts of stealth and murder,the intricacies of poison and traps by a young Faion The Wraith and she became quite famous,as a promising young cub earning the nickname Ferro Deathtouch

Current Status
She and her warband took part in a campaign agaisnt the ghosts in Ascalonian territory as is usual in the eternal battle agaisnt the tireless foes,and entered the crypts to lend a hand to Trbune Brimstone of Blood Legion,however only herself,Clawspur Deathshroud and few other survived,and so she was named Ferro Ninelives,now seeking a new warband to bring glory to the Legion!

Guilds and Groups
Shes Ash Legion since Birth,and advises Vanguard Blood Order,an independent group or sellswords,on various steatlh operation and security meseurs on the insistance of her tribune

Family and Friends
Her sire was a loyal soldier that is now dead,her warband is her family now

Shes very quiet,intent more on listening than speaking,she despises humans and sometimes uses her charm if the mission requires so.

She takes mementos from her kills,and she uses a fighting style relying on speed and agility to counter more powerfull foes,uses daggers and pistols in battle

Stories and Art Involving This Character
NA as of now

Na as of now

Character Bios!

in Charr

Posted by: Soulus.4308


Name: Soulus Ironbrand

Approximate Age: 21

Affiliation: Iron Legion

Race: Charr

Profession: Engineer

One of the inventors for the Iron Legion he is always developing upgrades to weapons, although mostly with making explosives more explosive.

He is tall and rather large for someone who likes to tinker with objects and chemicals. He has light brown fur covering his body except for his hands, as the fur has been discoloured permanently due to handling various chemicals and explosives.

He is the child to a shaman and a soldier of the Blood Legion. He was born in the wilderness after his mother fought off several Flame Legion soldiers raiding an Iron Legion camp. After he was born, she took him to the camp and left him there to chase down the Flame Legion soldiers. His sire on the other hand, left to join the Flame Legion a few months after Soulus was conceived.

Early Life
He was supposed to join the Blood Legion after his mother due to his sire betraying his legion, yet it became clear soon after that Iron Legion was more suited for him. He showed a lack of interest when it came to swordfighting, which would often infuriate his Primus. Even at a young age he would always tinker with objects. One day, he made a makeshift bomb with just a few bits and pieces of scrap. It didn’t do much in the way of harming people, but it made a nice explosion which accidentaly scared a pack of dolyaks causing them to flee, and get a mouthful from some of the locals. His primus noticed this and decided it was for the best that he should be transferred to an Iron Legion primus. It was an unusual case, but it was accepted to be for the best.

Current Status
He has risen through the ranks to Centurion and is working on rebuilding his warband. He still like sto tinker with his explosives, always certain he can make a much bigger explosion.

He has banded together with other races to ward off invaders from attacking our nation, but will always remain loyal to Iron Legion.

Family and Friends
His mother went missing after she charged after Flame Legion soldiers, but his sire has been pardoned for betrayal by stopping the Flame Legion from assassinating the imperators.

He is rather outgoing and likes to talk, though sometimes seen as being eccentric when he is playing around with his inventions and explosives.

He has an unusual obsession with explosives, always trying to find the best way to make his opponent blow up, or in the most amusing way possible. At on etime, he stuffed a skale with so much explosives and sent it running into a seperatists camp as a surprise attack.

Stories and Art Involving This Character
N/A yet =D

N/A yet =D