Charr and Trenchcoats/Skirts
Yeah it bothers me too, but the ‘rascal’ set coat looks more or less like a long coat should on a Charr, not like a skirt. I suggest you check it out if didn’t already.
Other nice sets are the racial tier 1 medium (no skirt and shows some fur, pretty cool) and the ‘leather’ set coat which is much shorter than most coats, so it might suit you (I prefer the rascal one).
I attached a screenshot of my rascal coat/gloves + commando shoulder pads, my favourite combo so far
Seafarer’s Rest server
(edited by Netsu.3769)
my biggest concern is sets that were designed specifically for charr, that still somehow manage to have horrible clipping (I’m looking at you Dungeon reward sets!)
Rascal’s coat, you say.. I do like how that looks. Why do some trenchcoats blast out to the sides while others hang correctly?
(the pirate’s coat also seems to look fine)
I’m still amused that the T3 cloth culture armor has the tail go through it still along with the Flame Legion armor. 2 things you’d think they’d make sure to modify for the tails.
I also am getting tired of the way tails clip through certain skirts/coats. I’m wishing they would alter each and every armor skin more than just in the proportions to fit on your character, but also in consideration for certain racial features.
Like tails.
You know what they say about the leading man? He never dies.
The female Charr town clothes… ugh. The front of the skirt sticks out a long way before draping down, and looks very odd from the side.
Almost all of the higher level/cooler looking armor looks awful on charr, unfortunately. If it’s not the coat hang problem it’s the textures being hideously stretched out and terrible to look at. I too use the rascal coat since it has the least noticeable stretching of any item I’ve found thus far, but even there you can clearly see the belt buckle is unnaturally stretched out and odd looking.
Don’t even get me started on how bad the 400 Leatherworking exotics look on them.
The long coat with the tail just bother the begeezus out of me. Good looking armors seem a pipe dream for the Charr right now.
The long coat with the tail just bother the begeezus out of me. Good looking armors seem a pipe dream for the Charr right now.
Ehh, charr generally look awesome in high level plate.
Playing as a charr engie, this really bothers me as well. Oldsgate coat looks absolutely horrible with its clipping.
I don’t get it, why is it so hard to make the armors “charr friendly”? It only takes about ~60 mins of actual work per piece for a good artist, so its safe to say that Anet could have it all fixed in like a day (especially considering there are not that many armor peices to begin with, and they would only have to “fix” certain gear).
Given their sales, I don’t think the cost would be a problem either.
Trow us a bone, anet.
Rolled a charr engineer and just for kicks I went into the mists to try on some gear in the PvP locker. Immediately deleted the charr and rolled a human instead. It’s sad because the charr have a fantastic personal story for an engineer but 95% of leather armor just looks terrible on them. Even some of the plate pants that have skirt elements to them look pretty bad.
If they stuck with the body type that was used in guild wars 1 i believe the armor would have looked a bit better. I don’t understand why they don’t have both body types since they had it in guild wars one with Pyre Fierceshot having the posture thats used by the charr in guild wars 2 and the rest standing up straight.
Fully agree that charr need to stop slumping so much. It makes them look like they lack backbone. Might make all these long coats look better.
We see it in the “cinematic” (if you can call talking heads cinematic) sequences. And we see it in concept art.
You know what they say about the leading man? He never dies.