Charr behaviour too Human
Is it just me or…?
I Have 3 Charr’s (My absolute favourite race in this game). Then I decided to roll a different race but same class as one of my Charrs – it turned out to be a Norn Ranger. (I actually wished the charr had some of the norn skills and the closeness to nature in their lore, but thats a different story
Now I have sadly made this descovery as I have been into the norn (very human-like race in behaviour if u ask me) a bit…
The Charr act very human-like, that to me is making them loose mych of the animalistric feeling to them that they should have.
The speach: EVERY single race in tyra speaks PERFECT English. Whatabout if there were accents/dialects and /or somewhet backwords grammar (everyone understands what Yoda says despite wiered grammar)… Some more grunts/growls/purrs etc could be added in lines etc…
The passive movements: Thay stand perfectly still (apart from looking around a bit) when passive. Whatabout adding some animal behaviour here, like sniffing around or scratching or licking a Paw, just moving around more or something…
When exiting water: a charr could make a good shake as they have fur and want to get rid of the water… Would look awsome I Think!
In cut scenes: (face to face dialogues). Iplement the animalistic behaviour here too… the moving, the grunting, the sniffing, scratching etc… as mentioned above.
Small things like this could bring so much more Life to this race!!!
Anyone agree on this?
Don’t take this the wrong way but do you honestly think that A-Net will rehire all the voice acters and make all these changes putting down loads and loads of hours doing these changes just cuz’ some people want their characters to have a more ‘animalistic feeling’? Also I don’t really get at all where you’re coming from, my 2 mains are charr’s and I feel like a total beast playing them.
By the way, charr do sniff the air when idle.
Of all the races in terms of logic and thinking, Anet has said charr are the most human like.
But no, we’re not humans. There are some very distinct and profound differences in how we process the world around us.
How we think and feel that make our races very, very different. In relating to charr from a human perspective, you could say they’re almost human.
At least in general. Some humans are exceptional by charr standards and some charr are incredibly human by human standards.
(Logan Thackery and Tybalt Leftpaw, respectively)
Intellectually, we’re all sentient beings and so you have to deal with charr being charr. Charr have to deal with humans being humans. Etc, etc.
Aside from all the above, the worgen idle snuffling in WoW began to grate on many peoples nerves back when I was still playing. Not too much for me, but I didn’t play my worgen too often.
Side note: Asura also have an idle air sniff. So they may have a latent increased sense of smell, do to having come from beneath the ground.
I’m not sure where the OP got the impression that Charr speak perfect English though. Just about every Charr NPC I meet has a gruff voice, and the more important NPCs (including the PC) have a kind of growly, almost slobbery undertone to their voice, accompanied by the odd jowl’y sound.
Listen to the female charr voice and u’ll hear a very smooth voice… Even the female Norn voice is more rough.
Male charr Voice is quite nice though. I dont run any male charr though…
I’m speaking more of OUR playable characters here than the NPC’s… especially the female ones.
And the air sniff… Looks more like “looking around” to me… :/
I recommend you to play as Skritt. You’ll be satisfied.
Listen to the female charr voice and u’ll hear a very smooth voice… Even the female Norn—
“Argh! Has anyone seen Karris?! Mmmm! I can’t stop thinking about those pickled eggs! She’s been gone too long!”
Nah. Female charr can sound quite beastly. That the PC sounds more level headed and cunning isn’t a bad thing.
And the air sniff… Looks more like “looking around” to me… :/
Zoom in to watch it. You see the nostrils flare as they sniff.
The Blood Legion feels just like I am apart of a Lion Pride that ferociously fights each other. You also get to feel like an alpha once you get the chance to dominate the abusive, Blood Legion Leader. The charr hunt and are very territorial, it gives it more of a beast like feel. So to me the charr already feel very animal compared to other races.
Spirituality, religion, and a closeness to nature would actually ruin the charr because it would make them seem too civil. Beasts do not care for religion or the environment. Beasts only care for the hunt, war, and their pride.
Spirituality, religion, and a closeness to nature would actually ruin the charr because it would make them seem too civil. Beasts do not care for religion or the environment. Beasts only care for the hunt, war, and their pride.
This^. Well said.
I would like the out of water shake but if we did get such an animation I’m sure it would dissipear like thief dodge blur.
Spirituality, religion, and a closeness to nature would actually ruin the charr because it would make them seem too civil. Beasts do not care for religion or the environment. Beasts only care for the hunt, war, and their pride.
This^. Well said.
Hm. I think quiet opposite. I want to see Charr in that way too but still keep normal charr. Something like some groups of environmentalists, faith seeker Charrs decide to emigrate from the Black citadel to find better quality of nature or maybe found a real prophet that will create religion and shape their society.
My warrior and Mesmer charr is some kind of Sylvari alike but seems like Arenanet just fix aggressive trait to charr only. Wish Arenanet will make a voice customization like Saint row 3/4 and make more younger and more cute face. After all not all Charrs are that aggressive. (Compare to normal Sylvari and Scarlet).
I wish i can make a charr that born from Pale tree. That may sounds good.
The speach: EVERY single race in tyra speaks PERFECT English…..
I don’t think Charrs speak in perfect English enough.
I want Arenanet make charrs in both more gentlemen with scholar style and ferocious like the wild. Only warlike or too animalistic is somewhat bad. (But old running animation when in combat and not draw weapon is so gooooood. I miss it. :’( )
Spirituality, religion, and a closeness to nature would actually ruin the charr because it would make them seem too civil. Beasts do not care for religion or the environment. Beasts only care for the hunt, war, and their pride.
This^. Well said.
Hm. I think quiet opposite. I want to see Charr in that way too but still keep normal charr. Something like some groups of environmentalists, faith seeker Charrs decide to emigrate from the Black citadel to find better quality of nature or maybe found a real prophet that will create religion and shape their society.
You mean the flame legion. We can see how well that is going.
The Charr would DESTROY any group that tried to be “prophets” for any kind of religion among them. It would almost be like betraying who they are.
To be Close to nature doesn’t meen they have to get religous… ALL animals are Close to nature – it’s that sort of “Close-to-nature-ness” I’m talking about….
Listen to the female charr voice and u’ll hear a very smooth voice… Even the female Norn—
“Argh! Has anyone seen Karris?! Mmmm! I can’t stop thinking about those pickled eggs! She’s been gone too long!”
Nah. Female charr can sound quite beastly. That the PC sounds more level headed and cunning isn’t a bad thing.
Hahaha I heard that NPC’s voice in my head as I looked at this. Makes me laugh every time.
Honestly, I wish my female charr’s voice was somewhere in-between that and what we currently have. The NPC outside the black citadel that says “If you live long enough, you’ll get plenty of both”—that voice is perfect! I want it.
I also wish my charr looked a little bit more feral. Pupils that narrow and widen like a cat’s to show emotions, lips curling back and revealing her teeth as she “tastes” the air, colder eyes, longer more ragged body hair, scars
Spirituality, religion, and a closeness to nature would actually ruin the charr because it would make them seem too civil. Beasts do not care for religion or the environment. Beasts only care for the hunt, war, and their pride.
This^. Well said.
Hm. I think quiet opposite. I want to see Charr in that way too but still keep normal charr. Something like some groups of environmentalists, faith seeker Charrs decide to emigrate from the Black citadel to find better quality of nature or maybe found a real prophet that will create religion and shape their society.
You mean the flame legion. We can see how well that is going.
The Charr would DESTROY any group that tried to be “prophets” for any kind of religion among them. It would almost be like betraying who they are.
I don’t know. But my opinion is that it happens after Zhaitan defeated (end of the Original GW2 story). I also think for something like Rytlock and the other two leader expel them and when the Black citadel being attack by a group of Flame legion,they decide to help them and all three leader will test them (still expel from Black citadel) and after all kind of test, the charr phophet decide to stay with the Pale tree so at least they will not make conflict with the Black citadel and Flame legion. Then after several weeks, this charr prophet can see a new,never see before and it’s not in Tyria (Cantha or Elona) so he spreads his vision because those people need help to……(up to there lore).
Yeah that’s what i think. (Hope the developer can see this suggestion. )
Although i just know that Molten alliance still alive (From Scarlet) so i think there will be some change in the future about unique Charr,i hope.
Listen to the female charr voice and u’ll hear a very smooth voice… Even the female Norn voice is more rough.
Male charr Voice is quite nice though. I dont run any male charr though…
found your problem
and yes, this is precisely why all my charr are male
If you read the Guild Wars 2 Wiki page on charr ecology it says: the charr have evolved beyond the more primitive actings of their ancestors.
The Charr have had an industrial revolution in the last hundred years, this is obviously going to make them less savage than when they were essentially a mongol style horde in GW1. That said the Charr still see nothing wrong in killing your superior in a duel as a means to get a promotion (at least in blood legion).
The Charr have had an industrial revolution in the last hundred years, this is obviously going to make them less savage than when they were essentially a mongol style horde in GW1. That said the Charr still see nothing wrong in killing your superior in a duel as a means to get a promotion (at least in blood legion).
If your warband’s Centurion or Legionnaire is incompetent, then of course you have the right to challenge his authority, if you can prove you can do a better job first. If you’re just as incompetent, you should probably expect to die in the Bane, too.
I did it both ways for my Blood Legion Charr. My Guardian let his Legionnaire live as a Gladium which totally didn’t come back to bite him in the tail, whereas my Warrior killed her misogynistic pig of a Legionnaire and ended all discussion of her fitness for command immediately.
Of course, I’ve noticed that some of the times when she says things in the wild, she seems to have the male voice, but her voice acting in scenes is all female. I suspect that heavy armor female Charr might be XXY’s. I’ll have to see if she pees standing up at some point.
fans hate Joffrey. They hate her the way Star Wars
fans hate Jar Jar Binks.”-not a direct quote, but still true.
My Blood Legion Charr let Steelbane live. In his own words: “Coward. You can’t even face death with honor? Go then, and live in shame. You’ll find it to be a far harsher punishment.”
Well if u look at IRL humanity today… there are still “savages”, Indians living in some rain Forests, Tribe ppl in the desert and so on… I don’t Think every singe charr have been Civilised – espacially not in such a short period of time….
I’m looking forward to going north after Jormag, one ot the areas up there besides the far shiverpeaks are the old Blood legion homelands. I expect charr up there probably will be much more tribal, (if any remain what with the icebrood of course). They’d probably be nomadic animal herders living in a sub-arctic tundra environment. After being cut off for centuries and not having had the chance to settle and civilise they’d probably be as freaked out by Ascalonian charr as they would by Humans or Norn.
Only Iron Legion charr are Ascalonian. The non-Iron legion/non-Flame legion in ascalon are invited there by Smodur from their respective homelands.
Bathos – I’m also very much looking forward to when we can explore those areas!