Charr running animation

Charr running animation

in Charr

Posted by: Drson.4730



I have a question on Anet, that isnt a bug nor a technical problem, so I dont know where to ask it.

Basically my question is if there is or will be in the future the option to turn off the “on all 4” running animation for Charr champions?

I hope I could run normally like when in combat without weapons in hands, but out of combat also. This problem is mostly for me from the cosmetic standpoint but also its a problem during any jumping puzzles, where you can pull out your weapons so you are on his 2 legs, but its unpractical and you never know when he puts them back in and he starts running on his 4 legs, which is horrible to hit small platforms.

Could anybody give me information about this or point me the way I could send this to Anet?

Thnx a lot

Charr running animation

in Charr

Posted by: Frostfang.5109


Just do an AA attack once in a while while running – problem fixed.

Kima & Co

Charr running animation

in Charr

Posted by: Drson.4730


But I would like him to run on 2 legs without weapons in his hands … its much better animation…

Charr running animation

in Charr

Posted by: Black Teagan.9215

Black Teagan.9215

As long as we can control if they run on all fours or not, okay.

But else…

No way!

This is the best animation which they have and make them to something special.

Caleb Ferendir
-Charr Thief-
It’s good to be bad!

Charr running animation

in Charr

Posted by: Zenchii.6531


I’d love the ability to opt in to using the two-legged running animation they have because, as of now, the only person that runs like that is the player, whereas all other Charr run on two legs.

It’s like, what’s wrong with the player that he has to run on all-fours? Does he have a strange mental illness? Is this some weird back problem? He seems to be just like any other charr in the cut scenes.

This is mainly why I want the option. So that I can have some consistency.

Charr running animation

in Charr

Posted by: DietPepsi.4371


I’d love the ability to opt in to using the two-legged running animation they have because, as of now, the only person that runs like that is the player, whereas all other Charr run on two legs.

It’s like, what’s wrong with the player that he has to run on all-fours? Does he have a strange mental illness? Is this some weird back problem? He seems to be just like any other charr in the cut scenes.

This is mainly why I want the option. So that I can have some consistency.

Lore wise, it would be faster to run on all fours, in fact when you are running next to a Charr NPC you will run faster than them (unless they veer of their path, at which point they will move super fast to catch up to where they should be), mainly because they are constantly doing the ‘in combat’ run; which is on two legs.

You stand to benefit more from making friends than making enemies.

Also I hate my user ID.

Charr running animation

in Charr

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


Why not have him run on all fours when given a speed buff of any sort. That would at least be fun.


Charr running animation

in Charr

Posted by: Drson.4730


I wouldnt use any speed buffs then myself

I would really appreciate the possibility in General options to turn this “on all 4 run” off. That would be the best option. I dont want it to be absolutely taken out of the game, I would just want it to be an optional thing.

Charr running animation

in Charr

Posted by: DietPepsi.4371


I wouldnt use any speed buffs then myself

I would really appreciate the possibility in General options to turn this “on all 4 run” off. That would be the best option. I dont want it to be absolutely taken out of the game, I would just want it to be an optional thing.

I think having it as an option would be the best idea, that or adding the ‘combat run’ to the control options.

You stand to benefit more from making friends than making enemies.

Also I hate my user ID.

(edited by DietPepsi.4371)

Charr running animation

in Charr

Posted by: Tanith.5264


I used to have a real problem with the charr running animation, but then a guildmate pointed out that they look like “an excited cat running after a toy”.

Now I love it.

Tanith Fencewalker, Tanni Mindbender, Thyra Wrathbringer, Lovecraft Thrall
Guardians of the Vault [GotV] and Guíld of Dívíne Soldíers [GoDS]
Gate of Madness server

Charr running animation

in Charr

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


I wouldnt use any speed buffs then myself

I would really appreciate the possibility in General options to turn this “on all 4 run” off. That would be the best option. I dont want it to be absolutely taken out of the game, I would just want it to be an optional thing.

Hotkey “Sheathe weapon” to a key, then use it to pull out your weapon while running. Problem fixed.

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

Charr running animation

in Charr

Posted by: Drson.4730


I wouldnt use any speed buffs then myself

I would really appreciate the possibility in General options to turn this “on all 4 run” off. That would be the best option. I dont want it to be absolutely taken out of the game, I would just want it to be an optional thing.

Hotkey “Sheathe weapon” to a key, then use it to pull out your weapon while running. Problem fixed.

Its not…
I said earlier, the animations are so different. At example Charr animation with 2h Greatsword in his hands is horrible…
Im looking for the in combat running animation with weapons sheathed

Charr running animation

in Charr

Posted by: Halcyon.7352


There are consumable items out there that cause you to be in the combat ready two legs stance. A personal favorite is the Box of Chocolates skill 4, which shrinks your character if you need less obstructed vision, and keeps you in a one handed combat ready pose. Or you can pop a tonic too.

Personally, I’ve gotten used to doing jump puzzles on all fours. It’s really difficult for me to get used to doing jump puzzles on my non Charr characters – I struggled with SAB for example for a while, til I got used to the feel and look of moving on two legs. This also makes puzzles in which you need to hold objects and stand up on two legs really annoying for me…

Tarnished Coast Engineer and… general alt-o-holic.

For the toast!

Charr running animation

in Charr

Posted by: Rauderi.8706


If you hate their running animation, wait until you try jumping puzzles with them.

Many alts; handle it!
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632

(edited by Rauderi.8706)

Charr running animation

in Charr

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


If you hat their running animation, wait until you try jumping puzzles with them.

I don’t even notice the animation doing them. Then again, I’ve done every JP in the game as a Charr, so I’m just used to their movement and timing.

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

Charr running animation

in Charr

Posted by: Rauderi.8706


I don’t even notice the animation doing them. Then again, I’ve done every JP in the game as a Charr, so I’m just used to their movement and timing.

I /salute you, sir. You are a soldier of incredible skill and patience.

I think I’m more ticked off at this point that the devs continue to design their jumping puzzles for smallest-possible-height Asura, with absolutely no account for max-size large races like Norn and Charr.

Many alts; handle it!
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632

Charr running animation

in Charr

Posted by: Shinya.2598


Optional running is a great Idea !!
The most important thing with MMO’s is that you’re happy with how your character looks! So: make charr running animation optional, make engineer hobosacks optional.

Charr running animation

in Charr

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


I don’t even notice the animation doing them. Then again, I’ve done every JP in the game as a Charr, so I’m just used to their movement and timing.

I /salute you, sir. You are a soldier of incredible skill and patience.

I think I’m more ticked off at this point that the devs continue to design their jumping puzzles for smallest-possible-height Asura, with absolutely no account for max-size large races like Norn and Charr.

Back during the first Wintersday I ran the JP multiple times, at least 8 hours worth of tries before I managed to get that JP done. During that time I started getting used to doing it as a Charr and managed to get some of the more advanced JP movements down. Leave it to the 2nd hardest JP in the game to get that skill into you.

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

Charr running animation

in Charr

Posted by: Ilien.5302


I actually think that JPs as a Charr are fairly easier than other races. When you get used to the jump timing… I normally use the front paws as a hint. When they’re out of a platform, I jump. Usually works.

Charr running animation

in Charr

Posted by: Drson.4730


Optional running is a great Idea !!
The most important thing with MMO’s is that you’re happy with how your character looks! So: make charr running animation optional, make engineer hobosacks optional.

Exactly, you read my mind. MMOs are about making your character looking great, and especially Guild Wars 2, since you can get almost the best gear when you hit lvl 80 no problem! Nobody can tell me that GW2 isnt all about cosmetics xD

And engineers granade and bomb backpacks are the same problem! Why do I try to get the perfect backpack and weapon for my engineer, when all the time I have these backpack on me?

Charr running animation

in Charr

Posted by: FunnyCide.5426


One of the things I love about playing a charr is running on all fours. It’s like watching a happy kitty. However, giving people an option on how they want to run when the weapons are sheathed would be neat for those who would prefer to run like the two legs.

Like wise, I prefer doing jp’s on my charr now. Once I got used to doing them as a charr I’ve had a very hard time doing them with my sylvari. So my charr is now my default jp character.

Charr running animation

in Charr

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


With Charr in JP’s, your feet position are always centered on your hind legs. When starting to do JP’s on Charr, I used to get tricked out all the time by the way Charr “stretch out” mid-jump. After I learned to use my hind legs as my anchor point, doing JP’s becomes much the same as with other races. (Except for tight-camera ones like Troll’s End. Gawd, that was annoying on a max-size Charr.)

Charr running animation

in Charr

Posted by: Rym.1469


Seriously, I have no problems with Charrs’ running animations. Done all Vistas, JP’s in the game as big Charr Necromancer and it/s in fact easier for me to do than on some small rat or human.

The only problem could be the camera sometimes, but it’s not that bad actually, because it allows for FP view most of the times

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

Charr running animation

in Charr

Posted by: LadyRhonwyn.2501


I don’t even notice the animation doing them. Then again, I’ve done every JP in the game as a Charr, so I’m just used to their movement and timing.

I /salute you, sir. You are a soldier of incredible skill and patience.

I think I’m more ticked off at this point that the devs continue to design their jumping puzzles for smallest-possible-height Asura, with absolutely no account for max-size large races like Norn and Charr.

Me, I have more success on JP’s with Charr than with any other race, and the least with the Asura…

About the animation, make an engineer and get some grenades… I really love the 4 legged running animation and was kind of sad that my Charr engineer would always run on two….

Charr running animation

in Charr

Posted by: DivineRequiem.2710


I just looove the charr running animation xD

Charr running animation

in Charr

Posted by: insaneshadow.1654


I want to know why other Charr (NPCs) don’t run on all fours. Seriously, that’s been bugging me more than it should.

Gust Root | Letum Folium | Lo Bridge | Snow Spot | Roland East | Nascharr | Bjorn Microbrew
Yak’s Bend
Lincoln Force [BOMB]

Charr running animation

in Charr

Posted by: LadyRhonwyn.2501


I want to know why other Charr (NPCs) don’t run on all fours. Seriously, that’s been bugging me more than it should.

All NPC’s run with their weapons out (even if they don’t have one). That’s why they run so slow…

Charr running animation

in Charr

Posted by: shinreigari.7318


I want to know why other Charr (NPCs) don’t run on all fours. Seriously, that’s been bugging me more than it should.

All NPC’s run with their weapons out (even if they don’t have one). That’s why they run so slow…

That’s not correct.
When my charr is in combat and i put away the weapon, she runs exactly like charr npcs do all the time. So they run as if they were always in combat, but they aren’t.
And i agree with LadyRhonwyn – it bugs me too, a bit more than it’s supposed to

Charr running animation

in Charr

Posted by: ShroomOneUp.6913


YEAH imfor a option to change it to. if we can´t get first person, ebcause anet wants us to see our toon, then i want anet to give us this option so we can like itmore to watch at our toon.