Does any other heavy armor look half as decent as T1/T2?

Does any other heavy armor look half as decent as T1/T2?

in Charr

Posted by: Hermos.2389


I’ve looked through the charr screenshots but so far, t1 & t2 are so far the only decent heavy armors for charr in the game. Does anyone disagree? Can someone prove me wrong?

Does any other heavy armor look half as decent as T1/T2?

in Charr

Posted by: Antrak.3608


I like the Karma armor sold in Orr , except for the helm wich i don’t fancy much …

Does any other heavy armor look half as decent as T1/T2?

in Charr

Posted by: Weindrasi.3805


I’ve been using this on my charr for a while. Got it from various karma vendors and personal story rewards. I quite like it.


Does any other heavy armor look half as decent as T1/T2?

in Charr

Posted by: Ibuki.7042


While most armors look pretty dull on charr, I find the one I’m wearing quite awesome


Does any other heavy armor look half as decent as T1/T2?

in Charr

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


Heritage armor looks nice. Also, the named exotic armor chest looks like GW1-era charr with an exposed chest. Other than that, everything else looks pretty awful on my warrior

Does any other heavy armor look half as decent as T1/T2?

in Charr

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


I have the full barbaric set sans pauldrons, which have been replaced with the skull pauldrons from halloween. Over time ill mix and match with T1/T2 cultural armors. The gladiator set is also somewhat nice.


Does any other heavy armor look half as decent as T1/T2?

in Charr

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


Furthermore, i dont think you or anyone should consider whole sets of armor when outfitting your charr but rather, individual pieces. For example, i saw someone with the T3 helm, Orr Karma pauldrons and chest, T3 leggings and boots of some type and he looked siiiiiiiick.

Very few sets apart from our own look good on us as a whole but if we mix and match what DOES look good, because we are charr, well stand out in a crowd far more than any other race i think.

So think outside the box!

Does any other heavy armor look half as decent as T1/T2?

in Charr

Posted by: grknwrt.5493


Personally i love T3 heavy armor on charr but the thing is its around 90 g without helm…

Does any other heavy armor look half as decent as T1/T2?

in Charr

Posted by: sterling.2174


four pictures of my charr. im working on getting the T3 helm, but 20 gold seems such a waste to not have better stats or be exoctic, so idk yet. the last picture is just a funny. xD


Does any other heavy armor look half as decent as T1/T2?

in Charr

Posted by: LameFox.6349


The karma armour you get in Iron Marches looks pretty good, besides maybe the pauldrons. I’d only go with that if you want dark colours though, as the chest piece looks terrible if you make it pale.

Does any other heavy armor look half as decent as T1/T2?

in Charr

Posted by: Kreslin.6832


Except Cultural Armor, there is one armor which suit charr well. It’s Durmand Priory armor.
I think armor from other orders suit charr as well. That’s it.

Seize the day.