Female charr black fur

Female charr black fur

in Charr

Posted by: Mohawkdude.7562


Heyo I was wondering why it is not possible to go all black on the female charr, like on the male charr. It would look very beuatiful (mainly talking about the tail). Atm it looks very old when it is very greyish Probably I am not the only one thinking the same

- Sparky Legionnaire


Female charr black fur

in Charr

Posted by: Frostfang.5109


I have posted about this Before…. I wish that too…

Kima & Co

Female charr black fur

in Charr

Posted by: Voodoo.8524


I feel the same, I have a black female warrior and wanted her tail darker, after fiddling with the fur options, the closest I could get was when you actually make the base color the bluey black (to the left of the darkest black) and then add a pattern like spots or tiger stripes in the blackest black over the top. This still doesn’t make it as dark as i’d like, but it’s a darker grey than trying the darkest black as the base fur color. I wish they would fix it so like you say above, the females can go as dark as the males.


Female charr black fur

in Charr

Posted by: Kulvar.1239


More than simply “dark option”, why the tail is always white ?
If a player select red/brown fur, the tail must follow.
It’s why so many female Charr are white/grey/black, because when the fur is colored, the tail stay white/grey.