How to explain to devs that...

How to explain to devs that...

in Charr

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


… it’s plethora of bugs with this race was the main thing that made it unpopular? Really, i would’ve definitely made such character if not flying shoulders and a very noticable dual wield weapon size difference that makes you look kittenED… and really, nobody wants to look kittened in a game where you’re supposed to look cool, so everyone just ignores that race… But how to explain that to devs? It’s just logical that if bugs will be fixed number of players using this race will increase…
Same thing with engineer too, so many bugs with that class which leads to only 2 builds being playable…

(edited by dragonkain.3984)

How to explain to devs that...

in Charr

Posted by: PlayerX.5307


… it’s plethora of bugs with this race was the main thing that made it unpopular? Really, i would’ve definitely made such character if not flying shoulders and a very noticable dual wield weapon size difference that makes you look kittenED… and really, nobody wants to look kittened in a game where you’re supposed to look cool, so everyone just ignores that race… But how to explain that to devs? It’s just logical that if bugs will be fixed number of players using this race will increase…
Same thing with engineer too, so many bugs with that class which leads to only 2 builds being playable…

How are there only two builds on engineer?

Wait, silly me. Isn’t this suppose to be about Charr?

I am sure they will fix it in time. They have so much more on their plate than Charrs clipping problems.

How to explain to devs that...

in Charr

Posted by: Drakkon.4782


I am sure they will fix it in time. They have so much more on their plate than Charrs clipping problems.

They’ve stated that, at this time, the Charr armor issues aren’t even on the plate. They’re sitting back on the buffet in a small chaffing dish behind the kippered herring.

“People don’t hate Scarlet the way Game of Thrones
fans hate Joffrey. They hate her the way Star Wars
fans hate Jar Jar Binks.”-not a direct quote, but still true.

How to explain to devs that...

in Charr

Posted by: kamedin.4698


i agree with Drakkon. personally besides clipping issues, some of the armor can look good on a human but just look horrid on a charr.

Lyscir – Main Engi
[????] – HoD

How to explain to devs that...

in Charr

Posted by: Red Tree.1936

Red Tree.1936

A good start would be trying to explain it to them directly. There are a lot of forum threads about it, but given the few members of ANet staff who look at forums along with the very very low traffic of the charr forum subsection in general, it’s about as effective as walking into your closet and muttering “I’m angry”.

Daniel Dociu, art director, was the one who stated on that panel that charr are being neglected, and will continue to be, because there are a fewer number of them being played (even if only by a couple percent behind the sylvari) than other races. His contact information is on his personal website. Perhaps he’s the first person we should ask?

How to explain to devs that...

in Charr

Posted by: Drakkon.4782


A good start would be trying to explain it to them directly. There are a lot of forum threads about it, but given the few members of ANet staff who look at forums along with the very very low traffic of the charr forum subsection in general, it’s about as effective as walking into your closet and muttering “I’m angry”.

Daniel Dociu, art director, was the one who stated on that panel that charr are being neglected, and will continue to be, because there are a fewer number of them being played (even if only by a couple percent behind the sylvari) than other races. His contact information is on his personal website. Perhaps he’s the first person we should ask?

The Charr are being played by 13% of the playerbase. The race with the largest playerbase is roughly 10% more. Given the tiny margin between races, I still cannot fathom how they can legitimately justify saying that not enough people play Charr to care about the problems. The argument is sheer stupidity.

“People don’t hate Scarlet the way Game of Thrones
fans hate Joffrey. They hate her the way Star Wars
fans hate Jar Jar Binks.”-not a direct quote, but still true.

How to explain to devs that...

in Charr

Posted by: Ben K.6238

Ben K.6238

They might actually make more money if the cash shop skins looked good on charr. I’d certainly pay for them.

Just has to be a style that makes sense on a charr, doesn’t clip, and with any luck has some panache. Get the first two right and I’m already sold. Last one and I might even pay extra.

At present, amongst the few skins that don’t clip, there are quite a few that just don’t look like something a charr might want to wear. All those flambuoyant light armour skirts… never mind the medium armour trenchcoats that just look ridiculous.

(edited by Ben K.6238)

How to explain to devs that...

in Charr

Posted by: Red Tree.1936

Red Tree.1936

The Charr are being played by 13% of the playerbase. The race with the largest playerbase is roughly 10% more. Given the tiny margin between races, I still cannot fathom how they can legitimately justify saying that not enough people play Charr to care about the problems. The argument is sheer stupidity.

I know. It’s GW2’s armor design team that doesn’t seem to get it quite yet. What I’m suggesting is that they should be educated on the idiocy and inconsiderate nature of that kind of business philosophy.

But on the subject of percentages, I don’t believe that what John Smith’s infamous year 1 graph portrays is the actual percentages of the playerbase who play the different races, or all of the percentages would likely add up to far more than 100%. It’s more likely that it’s based on percentages of charr/sylvari/asura etc. characters out of all characters, and could only be representative of players who play those races if, say, all people who played one charr only played charr, or all people who had one sylvari had nothing but sylvari. While those kinds of players certainly exist, they’re also certainly in the minority. As big a fan of the charr as I am, they don’t completely dominate my character select screen.

The fact of the matter is that, assuming many players have just one or two charr, the percentage of the player base who play at least one charr is likely much higher than 13%. That’s assuming that John Smith’s information is correct in the first place. Given that he doesn’t give any information on how he obtains and interprets his data, we have little reason to assume that it is.

But what the designers at ANet need to understand is that none of that even matters. Regardless of arbitrary percentages, all racial variations of their armor designs should be made with equal amounts of care and attention to detail. It doesn’t matter if a player has nine humans and one charr. That charr is still a character who belongs to a player who (hopefully) payed for the game. Thus, that charr matters just as much as the nine humans.

They might actually make more money if the cash shop skins looked good on charr. I’d certainly pay for them.

And I know you aren’t alone. Not to sound jaded, but bringing up a projected financial loss on their end (even if such a thing isn’t technically a “loss”) is a good detail to throw in when addressing a company about an issue.

(edited by Red Tree.1936)

How to explain to devs that...

in Charr

Posted by: Surbrus.6942


This is akin to making Champ farming incredibly profitable compared to everything else, then justifying adding more of this zerggy, auto attack spamming, champ farming by “well everyone must love this type of game play!”.