(edited by high.8526)
I think Charr need more head options
Depends what you consider to be a need, I guess. I’d like more, but I’ve found acceptable options in what we’ve got.
you know like more face options and a few more hair because the charr are the only race that have little stuff and i would like more
I agree with high, there should be more Charr head options and more customization. There is one face that looks kinda interesting but has one eye and the other is artificial, why can’t we have option to choose if we wanna have Charr with one eye on all faces or not. Also nose ring looks pathetic because its just a flat texture on muzzle, make it 3D model.
Yes. Yes. Yes.
I cannot stress this enough, I love the charr, male and female but there simply isn’t enough customization, which is unfortunate because the charr are a creative race and well executed .
As stated above, you can ‘get by’ with the current system, but if you’re rolling a male charr, you’d better like big angry felines. There’s just no subtlety. I think we are all craving some more diversity; with humans and norns you can make a character that is unique, and while the charr have a nice range of fur tones it’s still quite lacking.
I’d like to offer some suggestions and hear your thoughts.
-The most obvious is more faces. For the male, some that are capable of displaying a emotion besides rage. I have only see one male NPC that doesn’t look like he wants everything to die, and his presets are not avaliable to the player.
-For the females even three more faces that are between ferocious/beautiful would really help the customization pool as most players seem to pick 2 or 3 out of the current options avaliable.
-More face detail customization. I actually think all races need this, but the charr especially.
-The length of the muzzle (it would be cool to have some charr look slightly more canine even)
-Cheek/jaw thickness and fur density.
- More chin thickness/width options
– Eye shapes and varieties on a face we like would be great
-Fur thickness, maybe even have the option to place patches of longer fur on the chin/elbow/back etc
-Multiple fur patterns.I like the patterns and variety in fur, but it would make an even more diverse character if we could pick and chose samples from different patterns, and the colors on those.
-Nose/horn color options. Right now we only have the option of one face with a pink nose which doesn’t work for everyone who likes the face, same with other faces
-Different stances. I think the hunched pose is really appealing, but it would be cool to have the ability to stoop lower or stand more upright.
These are all off the top of my head, but I think they would really help the current system. Thanks for taking the time to read this post, I would love to hear what all of you think.
It would be nice to have hair options that are tied to the physics engine like all the other races.
Initially, I was horrified by the lack of charr head and horn options—it really bothered me a lot!
Fortunatley, I was able to make my main look almost exactly how I imagined her through heavy slider use, but I just got lucky.
And yeah, it still bugs me. There is a real lack of variety—especially for the males. The females have extremes—you can make a female look very cute or twisted and scary, along with everything in-between. But for males, they all look scary or stupid—there aren’t any soft or elegant options, and this limits them.
So I desparatley hope more charr faces are added. And more horns, too! Considering all the possible horn designs, I am sure Arenanet could have designed many more that would work with the game’s physics engine.
(edited by Weindrasi.3805)
Second this request. :) I suppose it’s not truly needed, but would be greatly appreciated even if it isn’t in the near future. Males could definitely benefit with more options when it comes to variety and females too of course! The more the better~ :D As for horns, it’d be amazing to see ram horns on a Charr!
(edited by Nimmi.1650)
I don’t know why ANet didn’t include more head/face/horns options. And we should be able to choose different kinds of ears. Maybe a torn ear? And I was disappointed by the lack of horn options. Even eyes that go with all faces. and the fur patterns would be welcome too. What if we could have fur patterns over one another?
Plus face number 2 still has this issue, at least for me. It’s not a huge problem but I notice it every time I log on. It’s like a different part of his body that has a mind of its own.
Oh that’s so creepy.
Plus face number 2 still has this issue, at least for me. It’s not a huge problem but I notice it every time I log on. It’s like a different part of his body that has a mind of its own.
Yep, leaves a gaping hole in his throat too when the character moves his head. Reason why i deleted my lvl 44 guard and made a new one