I’m a female player and it’s not my ideal cute either. No offense to you, I just have different tastes—but I’m glad you found a look you love. I like my female charr to look a little more “manly” as you call it.
Honestly, I can see what Voodoo means. While I purchased one of the new female faces and got its features to be something I really liked—he has a point. All the new female faces are cutesy and “sweet-baby-cat” like. Which is a step away from the fierce charr we’ve come to know.
Someone who gets the point.
The proliferation of those faces plus a handful of… unlikely hairstyles is making most of the female charr I’m seeing with makeover kit faces look like weird anthro things that, compared to the original female charr, look not cute but ridiculous.
I think it’s mainly the eyes on the new female faces. If the eyes were more fierce then the faces would be more charr-like.
As they are, I don’t mind them but they’re not my thing. Y’all have been doing a good job with them. I’m just having a tough time coming up with a character to use them.
Someone who gets the point.
The proliferation of those faces plus a handful of… unlikely hairstyles is making most of the female charr I’m seeing with makeover kit faces look like weird anthro things that, compared to the original female charr, look not cute but ridiculous.
Raises Brow
lol that facial expression!
Raises Brow
lol that facial expression!
o u 0 …
Just for fun, I tried to make the lynx and snow leopard faces look as mean and scary as possible. I don’t think I did too bad XD
First image is awesome. I might try that look cause it’s sinister.
I bought another makeover kit as I liked one of the other male faces, I was in two minds as to whether I should use the ‘Elvis’ ‘do..but kinda wanted to try one of the new hairstyles, I found the fur pattern looked pretty good on his lips and eyes..i’ve not been able to make a new female face look good I really like the old female faces especially the snow leopard looking one. So below are my 2 ‘new face’ creations.
It’s me again! I have come to bring back my CHARR!
Been playing around with animation glitches for my character when doing certain things and found a model freezing glitch. Check it
Since when does L play GW2 :c ?
That sounds like you´re a spy from the Flame Legion….
After this picture: link
I fell in love with those new faces
It seems the asura in red didn’t like my new look and decided to demonstrate his superb skills in the fragile art of roundhouse kicking.
Raises Brow
It’s me again! I have come to bring back my CHARR!
Been playing around with animation glitches for my character when doing certain things and found a model freezing glitch. Check it
Ugh this moe moe kawaii uguuu charr face trend that started with Rox really ticks me off… if it were any other race i’d get it but this doesn’t fit charr ._.
my charr ranger <3
#1 PVE Commander EU
Desolation motto: Guests Go Home
My fav of the new faces on my female charr ele
interesting to see what some people here have done with the faces
I was really excited when i saw the new female charr faces, i especially liked the lynx-like face. I found it a bit too “cute-ish” but i though, okay, let’s see what i can make of it. I like my charrs looking predatory and fierce, and hell, this face proved to be a real challenge… i had a general idea of what made a face look fierce and i think i did the best i could with this face…. but from the front it still looks as if it was smiling :P But overall, i’m kinda content with it (it really is the closest one can get to a dangerous lynx look with this face, i think)
So this is my necro, Khazura The Looming
I’m pretty late, but wanted to tell you that that’s a really really cool look. I’m in the same position as you were, I like that face per se but was worried it might be too cute for the Charr Thief I have planned. But what you did there looks like just the right mixture between fierce and cute