Racial Skill: Hidden Pistol

Racial Skill: Hidden Pistol

in Charr

Posted by: Wiser with Age.3714

Wiser with Age.3714

Having finally made a (Charr) Engineer, I’m actually slotting this skill for the 1st time. (By using this skill, you also get a bonus Engineer skill which is basically a version of the Thief’s “Unload” ability.) While I’ve got issues with a single pistol shot & Dodge roll having a 15 second recast, I’m will to over look that flaw due to my Engineer benefits.

My issue with the skill is the time delay pause. When you hit this skill, you character freezes for around 1 second. Once the freeze ends, you jump backward and shoot. It’s this 1 second of just sitting there that grinds my gears. Hidden Pistol isn’t the best skill in the first place. Then 1 second of dead time just makes it nearly unusable. If I didn’t need it for my Hidden Dual Pistols bonus skill, I don’t see how I could ever justify this skill since it doesn’t even operate in a functional manner.

We are Test Group F. (Don’t ask about what happened to the previous Test Groups.)

Racial Skill: Hidden Pistol

in Charr

Posted by: Kitty La Boom Boom.4065

Kitty La Boom Boom.4065

I slotted this on my Elementalist the other night. Other than giving you an extra dodge, it’s not very useful. It does no real damage that I can see. Unless they add a stun, or make it a bleeder, I won’t be using it again. I really wish we could get our skill points reset. I regret having wasted so many on that skill.

Although; if they added an effect that is class dependent and it might make an very interesting skill.
Necro: Life Steal (.2% max HP of mob, multiplied by # of points in Blood Attribute?)
Guardian: Bind
Mes: Confusion
Thief: Bleed
Ranger: Poison
Warrior: Cripple
Ele—>Depending on attunement:
Fire: Burning
Water: Freeze
Air: Blind
Earth: Cripple

It’s a racial skill, so it’s not used for PvP, where the added effects might be OP.
Racial Skills are part of what makes our characters unique. They should at least be useful.

Racial Skill: Hidden Pistol

in Charr

Posted by: Wiser with Age.3714

Wiser with Age.3714

Yeah. If it was basically an Instant Cast version of a Dodge on a 15 second timer (with a worthless amount of damage), then I could at least see the arguement for the skill. Or if the recast timer was then lowered afterward to 10 seconds, it would actually be popular.

Based on ArenaNet’s theory on how Racials should work, I doubt that we’ll ever see the recast timer reduced. However the 1 second pause upon activating the skill is just too much. At that point, it’s really not even much of a “free Dodge” at that point since you can’t even use it in a responsive manner.

For a 6 Skill Point ability, Hidden Pistol is remarkably bad in its current form. I’ll still slot it on my Engineer since the bonus Engineer skill called Dual Pistols has become part of my bread ‘n butter combat moves. However it stinks that I basically have to waste a Utility slot. If I wasn’t an Engineer, I don’t think that there would ever be a time that I would use the skill since it’s just so non-responsive.

We are Test Group F. (Don’t ask about what happened to the previous Test Groups.)

Racial Skill: Hidden Pistol

in Charr

Posted by: Ixal.7924


Hidden Pistol is great on an engineer. Just see it as a more offensive Rocket boots with more damage on its toolbelt skill but without stunbreak on its utility (which on the other hand doesn’t knock you down).

Racial Skill: Hidden Pistol

in Charr

Posted by: LameFox.6349


I really wish we could get our skill points reset. I regret having wasted so many on that skill.

You know you keep getting them after 80 right? Might as well unlock everything.

Racial Skill: Hidden Pistol

in Charr

Posted by: tjafaas.3726


Six points is nothing. As points out LameFox, you’ll get tons of skill points after 80, not to mention all those you get from exploration (challenges).

However, I must agree on the fact that this skill is most useless in its current form for everyone, except engineers.
I mean … whoa ! I can make a free backroll ! … With amount of damage even lower than my auto-attack and with a big cooldown …

IF there was a slot dedicated to racial skills, it could potentially be interesting … though the “warcry” is IMO more benefical.
Then again, there is no such slot.

Give us some love on that skill T_T

(edited by Moderator)

Racial Skill: Hidden Pistol

in Charr

Posted by: Kitty La Boom Boom.4065

Kitty La Boom Boom.4065

I really wish we could get our skill points reset. I regret having wasted so many on that skill.

You know you keep getting them after 80 right? Might as well unlock everything.

I know, but at lower levels, there are far more useful skills that I’d rather have available now. It’s just a matter of convenience, not having to go hunt down skill challenges to make up the points.

Racial Skill: Hidden Pistol

in Charr

Posted by: LameFox.6349


To be fair, I did get some (PVE) use out of it as a ranged warrior. It could be handy in kiting when I come across an enemy immune to knockback, or to get out of an AoE marker.

Racial Skill: Hidden Pistol

in Charr

Posted by: Wiser with Age.3714

Wiser with Age.3714

To be fair, I did get some (PVE) use out of it as a ranged warrior. It could be handy in kiting when I come across an enemy immune to knockback, or to get out of an AoE marker.

I’m personally fine with using it to get out of a ranged AoE marker. My issue is the 1 second pause that happens before the Dodge backwards. Depending on your reaction time and when you notice the AoE marker, 1 second makes a world of difference. If the response time on this skill was instant, then I’d be satisfied with where it currently stands (since ArenaNet always wants Racial skills to be weaker than Class skills).

We are Test Group F. (Don’t ask about what happened to the previous Test Groups.)

Racial Skill: Hidden Pistol

in Charr

Posted by: LameFox.6349


I’ve been using it on an engineer recently and I don’t actually notice any delay. It’s sort of like rocket boots but short-ranged and without tumbling all over the place.