[Request] Goodlooking Charr in light armor

[Request] Goodlooking Charr in light armor

in Charr

Posted by: gattsuru.4712



[Request] Goodlooking Charr in light armor

in Charr

Posted by: mororem.8275


my fav light armor for the charr is full vigil armor minus the head piece seen below on my charr ele

have yet to find any decent head gear though, nothing really fits the face of a charr to my liking sadly, but won’t stop me from playing my pretty kitty XD


[Request] Goodlooking Charr in light armor

in Charr

Posted by: Serious.4839


This is the current set that I’m using for my elementalist, went for a shamanistic look.
T3 Charr Head
T3 Charr Shoulders
HotW Gloves
Drybones Chest
Drybones Pants
T1 Charr Feet
As a side note, I really like the contrast on the new dyes.


Sea of Sorrows

[Request] Goodlooking Charr in light armor

in Charr

Posted by: Zak.8274


I really didn’t like any typical charr light armor, so I made something a lil unique.


(edited by Zak.8274)

[Request] Goodlooking Charr in light armor

in Charr

Posted by: Gil Newport.7291

Gil Newport.7291

Updated my charr, new fur and armor!

What armor pieces are these? Particularly the shoulders and gloves?

[Request] Goodlooking Charr in light armor

in Charr

Posted by: Sharkey.9805


What armor pieces are these? Particularly the shoulders and gloves?

Those are the arah shoulders and gloves.

Dapper charr is still the best charr.


[Request] Goodlooking Charr in light armor

in Charr

Posted by: crosknight.3041


lost count on how many of the level 80 trans gems i used on my ele: aw well sometimes you just have to go for style points

head: flame eye (starting elemental headpeice if choose fire)
shoulders: Inquest (CoE)
chest: T3 cultural
gloves: T3 cultural
pants: Priory
feet T2 cultural (if i recall)
back: suncatcher


[Request] Goodlooking Charr in light armor

in Charr

Posted by: Kagusaki.3176


I think this armor looks superheroish on my superhero named The Charrcromancer. He loves his booze. Nothing better than a drunken superhero right? X3


Foreman Spur – Level 80 Charrior | Firefister – Level 80 Charrcromancer
The Legion of Charrs [TLC] – Fort Aspenwood’s Finest Charr Guild
You can’t spell Fur Affinity without FA! :3

[Request] Goodlooking Charr in light armor

in Charr

Posted by: Redball.7236


Dapper charr is still the best charr.

What armor even is that? Don’t think I’ve ever seen it before.

Cassius Snowstorm – Engineer
Tycho Snowpaw – Guardian
Gandara – [WvW]

[Request] Goodlooking Charr in light armor

in Charr

Posted by: Sharkey.9805


Armor is Archon Shoulders, Gloves, and Boots, with Heritage Chest and Pants. Still haven’t found a good headpiece for it, though – the better matches all have some sort of clipping issue or float too far from the face.

[Request] Goodlooking Charr in light armor

in Charr

Posted by: SkySand.2480


My mesmer. Helm/shoulders/gloves undisplayed, because sometimes less is more.


[Request] Goodlooking Charr in light armor

in Charr

Posted by: Myst.5783


I’m almost happy with what I put together here, and as far as Charr armor goes it doesn’t get much better than “almost”.


Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

[Request] Goodlooking Charr in light armor

in Charr

Posted by: DeShadowWolf.6854


I personally really liked the look of Tap Ski’s charr. I used a lot of the same things in my look, which I rather like.

[Request] Goodlooking Charr in light armor

in Charr

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

It’s t1 cultural with a t2 helm.


[Request] Goodlooking Charr in light armor

in Charr

Posted by: Inugami.1328


This is my simplicistic Mesmer ^^
I wont bother posting my ele as hes using the flamekissed chest which is subject to change.


[Request] Goodlooking Charr in light armor

in Charr

Posted by: CMstorm.8679


This is my simplicistic Mesmer ^^
I wont bother posting my ele as hes using the flamekissed chest which is subject to change.

I like your armor 8/10 what is it?

But idk bout that mask :/ it looks alright. but personally, the necro starter masks look pretty cool on charr, depending on your facial features, lol. U might look pretty cool in the demon masque or wraith masque. but that’s just me.
anyway, ur charr is still pretty cool

[Request] Goodlooking Charr in light armor

in Charr

Posted by: Imagi.4561


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But the majority of the people just start running at the sight of me

Your look is phenomenal. Would you mind providing a breakdown of what skins you’re using?

I think my female Charr mes is beautiful, but I don’t really know what to do with her in terms of armor. I wish I could show off her fur, as weird as that may sound.

By Ogden’s hammer, what savings!

[Request] Goodlooking Charr in light armor

in Charr

Posted by: Darake.3596


These are my charrs in light armor ^^


[Request] Goodlooking Charr in light armor

in Charr

Posted by: Star Ace.5207

Star Ace.5207

I think this is my “finished” look on my Elementalist, as of now at least… was hard to come with something decent and original. There’s very slight tail clipping with the Noble pants, but they fit the rest while also being the leggings Euryale used on the storyline. The rest is an Archon’s mask (T2), Magus Shoulders, Gloves, and Boots (T3), and the “Slayer’s Coat” (PvP Rubric, storyline reward). It really looks “arch mage”-like for a Charr, so I am really enjoying the final combo despite the inconvenience of spending so much time looking for the right fit.


(edited by Star Ace.5207)

[Request] Goodlooking Charr in light armor

in Charr

Posted by: Serophous.9085


This look should suffice.

Karka shell back
Starter face mask
TA shoulders
Gloves i believe are just a blue rarity gloves
Pants are karma pants in the zone with the shatterer, i believe the one heart near the wall that gets repaied.
Boots are another blue quality item
Weapons are karka scepter and TA dagger.

Sorry for being vague on a few, posting from phone


[Request] Goodlooking Charr in light armor

in Charr

Posted by: Suma Lynx.4398

Suma Lynx.4398

I like desaturated colors.
I was too lazy to work for nightmare boots (the original plan), and the desert rose is there because… I dunno. :P


[Request] Goodlooking Charr in light armor

in Charr

Posted by: Halcyon.7352


My Ash Legion elementalist.

I actually didn’t look very much at options when I put this together, I just happened to like how the colors went together with his fur and hair colors, and I love the ornate gems.

I may replace the leggings someday, as they’re a tad bit more stretched then I’d like, with a tailclip. May not be easy to do, as now that I’ve looked at light legging options for my new Mesmer, I like exactly two non cultural pants.

Svanir (HotW) chest, leggings and gloves with T2 Archon shoulders, T1 boots and the starter Stone Eye.

I’m still mixing and matching my Mesmer’s set. Will post later when I’ve decided on a look!


Tarnished Coast Engineer and… general alt-o-holic.

For the toast!

(edited by Halcyon.7352)

[Request] Goodlooking Charr in light armor

in Charr

Posted by: Sharkey.9805


That elementalist has one classy staff.

Found a hat that I liked.


[Request] Goodlooking Charr in light armor

in Charr

Posted by: Halcyon.7352


That elementalist has one classy staff.

Found a hat that I liked.

You’re cheating, that’s also available in heavy and medium!

But really though, I’ve kinda been considering the Wanderer for some of my Charr as well. I need to preview it with dyes…

Tarnished Coast Engineer and… general alt-o-holic.

For the toast!

[Request] Goodlooking Charr in light armor

in Charr

Posted by: PCanineBrigade.4916


I want to use Charred dye but it’s expensive as ****.

I loves my charr.

I love her, too. very classy.


(edited by PCanineBrigade.4916)