Size of the Legions

Size of the Legions

in Charr

Posted by: MaxTNT.3154


I couldn’t find this, but maybe some of you have information(or speculation)

What are the sizes of the Legions? How many Charr are in each? And if no exact number is known, what is the respective size of each legion?(1:1 for Blood:Iron, or 3:1 Blood:Ash?)

I would personally assume that Blood Legion would be biggest since it’s main purpose is front line troops…ergo, highest casualty rate.
Iron is probably also quite sizable since they not only construct all warmachines, tanks, guns and all other technological stuff but also need the people to operate and maintain the stuff(both in the field and the workshops). On top of that they have the Adamant Guard as Black Citadel police.
Ash is probably the smallest of all the Legions. spies and scouts usually operate either alone or in small groups and any commando teams or assassination squads they deploy would also probably prefer small and covert over overwhelming. (Only reference to possible Ash Legion size I found is Ash Legion Operations Group 98, Kalla’s Killers. This could mean that there are atleast 100, possibly more, ’Operations Groups, aka Warbands, in the Ash Legion)

Flame Legion seems freaking huge with the amount of them we encounter in the game. One can also reason that the Flame Shamans still hold some power over the less powerful/smart and or fortunate, therefor pressuring them into service to bolster their numbers

Any thoughts? (Or did I just unleash the sh*tstorm?)

Size of the Legions

in Charr

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


No exact numbers but keep in mind that each High Legion is it’s own nation. Each one is enough to qualify as a fully functional, self contained nation. So things like Ash being the smallest because they are spies, doesn’t really translate because they also have their warriors, engineers, clerical, farmers, etc.

edit: Though, you may be right about Blood being bigger since they have the more dangerous strategy. I doubt they would have been able to consistently take the types of losses that come from prioritizing frontline combat if they didn’t have the advantage of numbers. especially considering all the infighting that has taken place between the High Legions throughout the centuries.

(edited by Dustfinger.9510)

Size of the Legions

in Charr

Posted by: Val The Sorceress.2361

Val The Sorceress.2361

I think I read somewhere in game that the Flame Legion’s numbers rival those of Blood, Iron and Ash combined. They’re definitly a dangerous Legion, which may not always be as evident in game.

Size of the Legions

in Charr

Posted by: DeShadowWolf.6854


I agree with most of the things already said, but the Black Citadel isn’t the only one. Right now, the territory we see in-game is just the Iron Legion’s territory. The Ash and Blood Citadels, I think, do exist off the map. We haven’t really seen much of the charr homelands.

Size of the Legions

in Charr

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


I think I read somewhere in game that the Flame Legion’s numbers rival those of Blood, Iron and Ash combined. They’re definitly a dangerous Legion, which may not always be as evident in game.

I wouldn’t doubt if this was the case. The other High legions tend to follow the general structure of population growth through breeding. Where as the Flame Legion surly uses that as well but they have a strong policy of recruitment from the other legions. Of course with their attitude towards females, they may have less females inclined to be confined to the household.