Sylvari, looking for a pet

Sylvari, looking for a pet

in Charr

Posted by: EsLafiel.4517


Hello I am a sylvari and I am here looking for a pet.

Would anyone wanna come home with me.

I have treats for you nice little charr.

(plus I need a new rug)

Sylvari, looking for a pet

in Charr

Posted by: BlueStripedTiger.3760


A tempting offer, a tempting offer indeed.

However, as a condition, I demand that we bulldoze the Pale Tree and replace it with a weapons research facility. Surely, all that ‘pretty’ space could be turned into something pretty useful. Also, the amount of lumber we could get from the Pale Tree would fuel the smelters for a good year.

Sylvari, looking for a pet

in Charr

Posted by: EsLafiel.4517


Just as all the rest, such small minded creatures.

First the pale tree, can make weapons that is beyond anything else out there. However, only it can make it and not anything that try and use it to make it.

Second animals burn better then plants.

Esp there fat can be use for multy things.

So we will use you instead, for are smelters.

The pale tree dont just stand there and do nothing.

It have so many use’s, it can make a army of it own. It can make extremely strong weapons. It makes clothing and so much more.

Sylvari, looking for a pet

in Charr

Posted by: AuldWolf.7598


Last thing we need here is a trolling thread.

Don’t bite, people. Let’s keep it civil.