(edited by DallasisaLeo.1584)
The New Hairstyles for Male Charr
I should note that the last second one, when paired with one of the new faces, looks exactly like Shou Tucker’s dog-daughter. “Ed….ward?”
(edited by DallasisaLeo.1584)
I should note that the
lastsecond one, when paired with one of the new faces, looks exactly like Shou Tucker’s dog-daughter. “Ed….ward?”
Y’know, I had to think about that one for a minute.
And then…
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
I should note that the
lastsecond one, when paired with one of the new faces, looks exactly like Shou Tucker’s dog-daughter. “Ed….ward?”Y’know, I had to think about that one for a minute.
And then…
Right? So sad…
Based on what I’m seeing in LA, I’m afraid I’m in the minority on this one :-\ It’s clear that giant low-rez hairstyles that clip into essential body parts and reek of kitschy comic relief are what people want. It makes me feel like I’m taking crazy pills, but there’s nothing I can do except complain, and that’s not very attractive in large amounts. My opinion is out there now, but I don’t like it when people rant, so I guess I’ll leave it at that and let people use this thread to agree or disagree as they please.
The overall collection of gemstore hairstyles have been pretty awful for the female charr as well. Too flowy, smooth and pretty for something that’s a giant warmongering cat-beast. Maybe it’s just me, but I’ve come to realize that the best hairstyles for charr are the ones that without all of the ornate decor that stick to dreads, mohawks and manes. If I want comedic or ridiculous, then I stick to the asura; that was their motif – not the charrs’.
As an artist, I’m also suspecting that it’s getting to the point where their designers are running out of hairstyle ideas for the charr or they need to off them and find someone else to do the job. It doesn’t help that my charr is the only one out of my 5 characters who hasn’t used a hairstylist kit because of all of these ridiculous, directionless, clip-ridden designs either.
(edited by La Goanna.8142)
Wow . . . it’s times like this I don’t regret choosing the technically “bald” hairstyle for my Charr. It’s the one option that imo looks normal for them.
I just can’t imagine anyone who would look at these designs and possibly think to themselves “Hmm you know what? I think people will like that ridiculous huge hairstyle that looks silly. In fact let’s give the male Charr 3 new silly hairstyles every time for kittens and giggles.”
The lions mane seems to make sense, what’s wrong with it? Apart from the clipping issues, I would have assumed those without reading on the forums about them.
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”
The new hair styles are just way too big compared to the head, atleast on the males, not to mention its goofy looking, and the fact that the textures look low resolution even on highest settings doesn’t help one bit. (Don’t get me started on the whole mane-disappearing when a helm gets equipped and DOESN’T cover the neck part.)
Is it too much to ask more thinner and tamer hair styles for charr? Its as if Anet wants the charr turn in to a bigger confused mess in the game, more that they already are (both esthetic-wise and technically).
Ppl have asked for for Lion manes for a long time – now they got it!
(edited by Frostfang.5109)
The lions mane seems to make sense, what’s wrong with it? Apart from the clipping issues, I would have assumed those without reading on the forums about them.
Ppl have asked for for Lion manes for a long time – now they got it!
I know. This is the only one I’m not fully disappointed with, which is why my first post mentions only two styles. I’ll edit it to make it more clear.
It’s not anymore ridiculous than having a human with an afro, except this is a charr hairstyle derived from charr fringe culture, presumably based off of flame. Don’t be hatin’.
I actually almost like the topknot. The only problem I have with it is the bangs covering the eyes. The purpose of wadding the hair like that is usually to keep it out of the way (and that would fit very well on a warrior race like the Charr), and if its in your eyes you’re clearly failing on that front. If they had ditched the bangs I’d actually think its a pretty nice style overall. Probably not nice enough to actually use it, but I’d enjoy it.
The “super saiyan” hair, though… yah, that’s a bit silly. I mean, I could get behind the premise of the style itself, a spiked hairdo potentially based somewhat on Flame Legion, but dear god, its freaking HUGE. Seriously, cut it down by half and it’d probably still be oversized. Its so big I doubt it even fits in the hero panel, though I’m not about to switch to it to find out. Its just completely ridiculous.
I’m not a fan of the mane either, actually. I just don’t think a full mane works well on Charr given their physiology, it looks off to me. I think a more bushy half mane kind of like that the first gem store hairstyle with the shards in it would work much better.
I also agree that with each passing addition, hairstyles for Charr look more and more ridiculous. It’s ok to include anime hairstyles but that doesn’t mean they automatically have to look ridiculous, like those in DBZ or Yu-Gi-Oh…They’re cringe worthy. Sorry Anet, just being honest here.
They should also stop with all the additional metal parts that come with the hairstyle. I think they should be optional.
After seeing this release of new hairstyles I just have to say that females need more and males need less. So many are running around looking like a Dragonball-wannabe I just would rather look to the ground than to force myself not to laugh.
I’m a big fan of anime and there are many great hairstyles out there, but Dragonball is just not one of them!
Well, if one out of three looks reasonable (though it’s not going to work with many headgear skins at all), it’s a plus for me.
I’m still waiting for additional female hairstyles that don’t look like a misplaced human hairdo or an accident at the mechanic’s.
The Dragon Ball super Sayian hairstyle is pretty funny. I have it on my main character, a charr guardian. Why not, a bit fun is fine.
I don’t know, but I have no problems with clipping. What’s all the fuzz about?
‘would of been’ —> wrong
meh.. next time i want a long open, slightly frayed mane with center parting that covers both eyes for both genders