Warrior in the Iron Legion
Just like how a warrior serves in the priory, or a thief in the vigil.
Different roles require different tasks. They have a shield model with all the legion symbols on it. One blank, one for Ash, one for blood and one for Iron.
Hell, if you wanted to you could use that and the wrench mace :P.
Well… Not quite. Ugh, for me it looks like the Blood Legion is the only choice.
While Blood legion is the best at frontlining, every legion is distinct and stand-alone. They only work together for massive joint operations. This means that Iron Legion needs its own frontline soldiers.
I currently play an Iron Legion (And Priory) warrior – Fight smarter, not harder. Then again, your body’s possibly the best tool/weapon you have. It also IS a tool/weapon, don’t be afraid to use it. You are a part of the smoothly-functioning warmachine that is your Warband. Machines need plating to protect the vulnerable mechanisms inside. A gun is worthless without a bullet, as is a ram without a head. But, while you may be an interchangeable part of a greater whole, you are still critical.
Also – your body is the most adaptive and capable warmachine that you have, as long as you maintain it. You are not a wimpy human with philosophical stuff like quality of and right to life – instead, you’re a highly sophisticated, versatile, self-repairing, mobile, self-directed weapon platform, capable of mounting an entire kitten nal of weapons to ensure you have the right tool for the objective ahead of you.
Don’t think of yourself as a glory-hounding warrior – You’re a furry Omnimech.
What Sartharina said. Every High Legion is it’s own self contained city-state. So every High Legion utilizes every class. But every HL will tend to use them differently.
The thing is not to think of warrior as purely being a “ROAR I SMASH kitten!”, but come up with different ideas.
Like for example, the priory warrior who may not be the best bookworm, but joined for the idea of adventuring to ancient ruins, finding awesome artifacts, but while also guarding his companions who aren’t as tough.
A warrior in the iron legion could be the strongest (physically) member of the warband, who can wrestle back enemies while his fellow charr set up the cannons or gates. The one they turn to for the heavy lifting, but while also is an excellent marksmen and knows how to build and maintain his rifles.
If you wanted to do a more techy route, you could have rifle as one weapon, but then your other weapon set (duel wield?) be an axe/sword/mace + the wrench mace.
Just like Blood legion and Ash legion have engineers (as shown in the Iron legion storyline, both legions come up with a variant of the ghostbore musket after your character builds it.), but their focus is different then an Iron legion engineer perhaps. Ash would be more stealthy and ambush, while blood goes for the huge cannons :P.
It’s your character, but any class can work with any of the legions.
It… It is wonderful.
Now I need to see, what suits ME the best. If not, that Blood Legion story part is quite bad, towards others (‘cmon, a kittenbag as a legionnaire, that you kick to death and then bla bla bla, meh) it’s still frontier.
yet, your ideas are amazing (Especially you, Sartharina. I’ll make sure your Tribune knows about your trully iron person) and I will have nowsome really tough nut to bite. Blood or Iron.
Iron legion story deals with building a new anti ghost rifle/musket.
Dummo what the Ash legion storyline does.
My main is a Iron legion warrior marksman of the Adamant Guard (basically military police). Iron legion is basically a mechanised division and Iron legion warriors are the regular infantry within said division that support the units.
Also I hate my user ID.
My warrior is Iron Legion, on pretty much the same logic as given already. The legions may have their particular areas of expertise, but that doesn’t mean they have an exclusive laser-like focus in their particular area. Iron Legion still needs regular infantry to accompany and support the war machines, after all, and even in modern armies infantry is still needed to perform duties that machines can’t do, or where a human soldier is simply cheaper and more capable than an expensive machine (although making robots that are cheap and have similar agility to a human is a big focus of modern defence engineers). That’s going to be even more the case with the Iron Legion.
I would imagine that Iron Legion warriors probably take a more cautious approach than Blood Legion – where Blood will charge in shouting battle cries, Iron warriors are probably more likely to hang back and pour volleys of fire into the enemy along with the heavier guns. However, they’re not afraid to be the first to pull melee weapons to drive off an enemy that threatens their position, or to charge in should it become evident that artillery and rifle fire alone isn’t going to drive the enemy out of a fortified position (think of the improvised melee weapons used for trench warfare in WW1 – Iron Legion warriors don’t have to improvise…).
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
What role could have a warrior in the Iron Legion?
I am Blood Legion frontier, yet I wonder, how does a warrior serve in the Iron Legion, in our turning gear of progress?
His melee combat skills do not quite fit it, yet as a rifleman he is just perfect. Tho, it’s obvious, that cutting warrior’s posibilities just to rifle is bad.
How would a warrior serve there?
The thing to keep in mind is that every Charr is a warrior at the end of the day, owing to how their society is structured. So anyone from a thief to a mesmer could also be Iron Legion. It’s easier for me, from an RP standpoint, if my Iron Legion characters also craft something metal (ie, weaponsmith, huntsman, jeweller).
Yeah, that I would go for weapon/armorsmith on warrior, if I’d pick Iron Legion…
As others have said all three legions; Blood, Iron, and Ash utilize members of every class. A well seasoned warrior clad in armor wielding sharpen charr steel can easily punish the narrowed minded who believe that the Iron Legion is just a bunch of tinkerers and demolition experts whose sanity may be questionable.
There are also plenty of angles to adapt your character’s story to fit within the in-game story options and of course come up with your own lore friendly story that is separate. Despite the fact that I almost never RP in-game, more from a lack of people and time than desire, I still spend more time than I’d like to admit on the character creation screen trying to come up with something I am happy with.
I settled on the following. My charr warrior Mufasa(lore friendly amrite?) Onyxclaw is Iron Legion, though not by desire. His mother an Iron Legion sniper used her resources to ensure her son would be Iron Legion. This was done out of fear that her son would have his life and potential foolishly thrown away in Blood Legion, much like his father’s was. This of course made the young cub who dreamed of following his father’s path spiteful for a time. Still like any smart young cub he focused on his training.
Still determined to be a great warrior he focused on melee combat, while minoring in marksmanship. He wanted to prove his wroth as a warrior so much he often, and still does challenges Blood Legion Warriors to duels and often gets into brawls with them. He was the source of much worry as a cub coming back bloodied and often seeming focused on a choice that was not his. Only when he was training, fighting, or working a anvil did he seem to be at peace.
He as a grown soldier of Iron Legions serves as the front-line defender, stopping any foe who would hope to attack the artillery lines. When the war machine operators need to relocate he covers them. He is also a talented marksman, taking out threats before they reach the lines, yet hoping they get within a greatsword’s reach. Still that age old anger resides deep inside, but is over taken by a desire to continue to prove the narrowed minded wrong, that an Iron Legion warrior is just as deadly any of Blood’s.
Hah, I had a similar quandary when slotting some of my first Charr into legions.
My warrior for Blood was an obvious choice, though he takes the role of rallying war leader over bloodthirsty frontliner.
My mesmer for Ash is likely somewhat typical, but what I do for him as personal canon is that he’s more of a diplomat, charming and deceiving his way into places he shouldn’t be. Ash and Order of Whispers were natural choices for that particular “Prince Charrming.” (I had the pun of the name until I remade him. :P)
The odder choice was a thief for Iron Legion. Turns out he’s something of an overachiever. Builds guns like Iron, fights as well as Blood, and sneaks like Ash.
I changed his original trade skills to include Huntsman, since the Iron storyline deals with the Ghostbore musket. Couldn’t be happier with him.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
well one of my first charr characters is a warrior in the iron legion. who better to build weapons than someone who uses them on the field of battle? (as a point she makes all of her own weapons and armor.)
just as my mesmer is a member of the blood legion. She utilizes all forms of weaponry – as fitting blood legion – via sword, pistol, and staff. while other mesmers are roses, she’s only thorns.
And my third example is an engineer in the ash legion. Sort of a james bond like character for the legion with his gadgets.
The adamant guard of the black Citadel are Iron legion aren’t they?
The adamant guard of the black Citadel are Iron legion aren’t they?
Indeedy they are. The BC is the capitol of the Iron Legion nation.
You have to remember, each legion is stand alone and has its own armies. They cant all be engineers, they need their spies and warriors for battle. A warrior could serve in the Adamant guard or maybe a guard for a war machine crew. The sword and shield theme would still work as a guard. Hell you can even put it as lore that your warrior is a rifle making expert.
You have to remember, each legion is stand alone and has its own armies. They cant all be engineers, they need their spies and warriors for battle. A warrior could serve in the Adamant guard or maybe a guard for a war machine crew.
This explains it well.
Also I hate my user ID.
You have to remember, each legion is stand alone and has its own armies. They cant all be engineers, they need their spies and warriors for battle. A warrior could serve in the Adamant guard or maybe a guard for a war machine crew.
This explains it well.
One can think of this in terms of the militaries of various real-world nations at various points in time having different focuses. In the leadup to World War 1, Britain was known as a naval power and Germany as a land army power, but they still had an army and navy respectively. When Australia is asked to participate in a hot conflict it’s usually the special forces that are grabbed first, but Australia still maintains a fully capable (if smaller than more populous nations) military. And those are just examples that immediately come to mind.
The same is true of the legions. Iron is known for its engineering, but still needs conventional soldiers and, probably, special forces (if only to keep the Ash Legion honest in its dealings with Iron). Meanwhile, in the Iron Legion personal story, you interact with engineers from Blood and Ash looking to incorporate your work into their own equipment. Iron has the most priority on engineering, Blood on front-line soldiers, and Ash in special forces, but none of these exclusively focus on one area.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.