See you in Tyria.
Weird Female Charr Engineer vocals
See you in Tyria.
What came to my mind instantly is…. it’d be lovely to have an option at character creation to choose from a few different sounds for a character. I often feel that my character’s voice and sounds do not match the “personality” or not even the looks. Ofc it would be hard work to remake all existing dialogues with 2 or 3 new sounds but i think it would be acceptable to leave the dialogues as they are and only make more combat sounds and grunts and stuff like that.
I rolled a female charr engineer and she is great! I couldn’t wait to get her a hat and deck her out but as I played, one thing REALLY annoyed me: the sound she makes when she uses rifle #5 and rocket boots.
I’ll do my best to type out what it sounds like – HE HA HRAH HA HUUHHH! (insert grunt about 2/3 the way in) It does not match her in any way, it does not synch, she could almost be giving birth the way she sounds.
Does this bug anyone else?
Needless to say, after hearing it over and over, I just couldn’t take it. (Yes, I use rocket boots and rifle a lot). She has retired from legion service. I want an engineer but humans…ehh, sylvari NO!, norn MORE NO!. Asura is the only other viable option for me.
But I really want a charr engineer…maybe I can try a male charr since the new faces are out.
Yeah it bugs me aswell, I’m pretty sure it’s a bug as it can’t be intended and it sounds really silly.
As to whether they’ll fix it in a week or in a year, considering Anets stance on Charr I wouldn’t get your hopes up.
Tycho Snowpaw – Guardian
Gandara – [WvW]
My female Charr is a warrior, and I was just complaining to my guildies this evening that her voice just doesn’t match her. When she cries “For Great Justice!” she sounds like a disinterested soccer mom. That’s not a slam against the voice actress who plays the part, it’s just…jarring.
What I would love is for her to sound like the Scorch warband near the Fire Shaman event in Iron Marches. A couple of those Charr gals have a raspy growl to their vocals that suits them perfectly.
Guardians of the Vault [GotV] and Guíld of Dívíne Soldíers [GoDS]
Gate of Madness server
Have any of you heared your charr warrior sounded when you dodge roll?
It like they were hit by a sniper with a tranquilizer….kinda weird, its funny but not very s-charry
I dunno if its a bug, or just a really weird soundclip that was intended for something else and just slapped on Jump Shot last minute because they needed a clip, or what. But yah, its pretty strange, like your character has a freaking spaz attack when she uses that skill. It just goes on and on, longer than the actual attack lasts most of the time even.
They could just cut the sound clip by about 90% and just have the first grunt and it’d be fine. It just needs to not carry on like a spaz for a few seconds like it does now.
I just think of it as sorta a charr version of Bruce Lee.
And then, I try not to.
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast