Who waters the plants in the Black Citadel?
Haven’t you noticed there’s no bathrooms in the Citadel? Of course Charr need plants.
The Charr have giant tanks, automated turrets, firearms, ect. I’m sure they’ve figured out sprinkler systems.
But why do they even have them? It seems strange for the charr to want to interior decorate.
who do you have to kitten off to get that job? :p
Im the lucky one who “gets” to water the plants in the Black Citadel
look closer, its all good plastic imitations
Skilled Thiefs are dangerous
The Tribunes need an unpleasant task to assign to soldiers who have committed minor offences. Hence the plants.
I like that one ^
Those aren’t just simple plants, they’re all catnip!
I would get a chuckle if farhars were given such a task.
“But I want to kill giants!”
“Start with watering the hibiscus first, then we’ll see.”
“What about fighting monsters?”
“You’ll face one if Rytlock’s tulip collection goes wilt, I promise that.”
Although remember guys, we DO get the odd Charr like Anya Fairmind or Kastaz Strongpaw that seem to like gardening.
^There is those few, but it’s more than likely low ranked Charrs or less likely cubs. And who says the Charr aren’t allowed to decorate with something that’s not metal or used to kill people? But on the other hand they could be there to appease Sylvari or Human taste in decoration, make them feel more welcome kinda thing, doubtfully, but theres that too.
Haven’t you noticed there’s no bathrooms in the Citadel? Of course Charr need plants.
Looks like you never studied Black Citadel, because they actually have bathrooms with nice hot showers :p
25 charracters
^There is those few, but it’s more than likely low ranked Charrs or less likely cubs. And who says the Charr aren’t allowed to decorate with something that’s not metal or used to kill people? But on the other hand they could be there to appease Sylvari or Human taste in decoration, make them feel more welcome kinda thing, doubtfully, but theres that too.
You do bring up a good point, there are plebians (Humans and Sylvari) in the city.
Sending a few out to play gardener would work.
Plants clean up the air and we know Black Citadel can get smoggy after all.
spice plants to grind up and use as seasoning with the meat.
Sell the seeds or use them to feed the animals for slaughter.
wait wait wait wait…. you are still talking about the potted plants and not the sylvari right? cos i have to say, sylvary spiced steak doesn’t sound very tasty. :P
It’s because you don’t tried our special Charr marinated meat in jalapeno-sylvari sauce or pancakes with maple-sylvari syrup. (Don’t ask where the syrup come from.)
Charr do seem to like heavy spices with their meat, actually, if a lot of their recipes sold by NPCs is anything to go by.
I wonder if it’s because Charr tastebuds aren’t as discerning as other races (i.e. they can’t detect sweetness very well, and it’s implied that Charr whiskey is extremely strong, but without much flavor), and so need stronger spices to make it noticeable.
Who waters the plants around the Black Citadel? Obviously, everyone.
After a long night in the bar.
- Zuul Grimtooth
Those “plants” are actually bio-toxic defense mechanisms set to activate as a last resort, if for some odd reason the Citadel is ever invaded. ’
Source: last 10 seconds of thinking about it.
The Tribunes need an unpleasant task to assign to soldiers who have committed minor offences. Hence the plants.
wait wait wait wait…. you are still talking about the potted plants and not the sylvari right? cos i have to say, sylvary spiced steak doesn’t sound very tasty. :P
You might need to revisit Meatoberfest. At least a fifth of those racks of meat must be the new, trendy 3-spice sylvari flavored meat with extra hot sauce!