medium armor that does NOT clip tail?
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Marksman doesn’t even go to the tail, so there’s that. My engineer currently has a coat with a V notch (well, a long ^ notch) for the tail, and I don’t remember what it’s called, but I think I may even have crafted it. If not it’s just a common drop, because I spent nigh on nothing to outfit that engineer.
that is a depressingly short list
The Arah medium armour used to look absolutely terrible. However, sometime in the last month or so they actually fixed it. Rather than your tail clipping right through that spine on the coat, that spine on the coat goes down your tail. Almost makes me wish I had a medium armoured Charr now, whereas before it was probably the most embarrassing armour a Charr could ever wear.
Props to Anet for fixing at least some of the clipping issues.
There’s also Inquest armor from Crucible of Eternity.
oooh, that Arah armour looks sweet… only need to get about 50 more levels on my engie
The rascal armour doesn’t clip, it goes to the sides of the tail.
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