why do Charr swim like a human?
I think the real question is why do humans swim like Charr? :P
Well their arms are just like humans and other uprights not like four legged creatures. It only makes sense that they swim alike. The real question is why do they run on all fours?
Because it works, and they can.
While underwater, Charr swim in a dog-paddle style. XD
I think the real question is how Charr — or anyone else — can swim in anything heavier than light armor.
I half expect my Charr warrior to sink like a stone every time she dives into water.
What I want to know, is how they do fancy rolls underwater and not get dizzy. I keep rolling around and expecting my Charr to get dizzy and float around weirdly.
Rolling isn’t so bad underwater. Take a deep breath and propel with your hands and you can keep going around and around for ages. I’d much rather do that than what they do on land, and end up breaking my neck or something.
Yes, but I get dizzy afterwards. How come they don’t? They continue to float around like nothing ever happened.
I’d get motion sick on a swing but even I can roll forward/back underwater with no issues. Maybe you’re just weird.
What animation should they have? I can’t imagine that anyone would want to roll a char is every time they were in the water they did a doggy/kitty paddle
I’d get motion sick on a swing but even I can roll forward/back underwater with no issues. Maybe you’re just weird.
Your the weird one if you get motion sick on a swing. And I am aware of the fact I’m weird.
Water mechanics in general are weird. Medium armored thief charr using Roll for Initiative underwater is like an Asuran elementalist using Ride the Lightning on land, it propels you a good 900-1200 at incredible speed, with only one push with both arms.
Therefore, either:
+ Charr, thieves, and any heavy armored characters are genetically similar to Michael Phelps or
+ All the water in Tyria is magic.
Take your pick.
Because it works, and they can.
I was discussing this the other day; look closely at how they run on all fours; when they land on their hands they put all the weight of their (very significant!) mass through their wrists; that’s going to cause joint damage and early arthritis! ;p
Garnished Toast