0-400 only gives 7 levels now ??

0-400 only gives 7 levels now ??

in Crafting

Posted by: Yenn.9185


kitten, so I wanna buy a level 80 for cheap, why not?

0-400 only gives 7 levels now ??

in Crafting

Posted by: Ellisande.5218


I had gathered a lot of gold and mats (with my level 80s) to cover all the crafting I would be doing. But with this change it won’t be nearly enough. Now, instead of crafting 30 disciplines to 400 (6 × 5 characters), I will have to do 45 disciplines to 400 (8 × 5 characters). In addition, eight crafting disciplines will now only yield 56 levels, instead of the 60 levels six crafting disciplines yielded before. So now I will have to play each character to level 24 (instead of 20). The cost in both time and resources is devastating.

Not surprisingly, all this has changed how I view this game. It has been made clear to me that I can not do any serious long-term planning here. Apparently, there wasn’t even any warning that such a drastic change would be coming.

You can do as much long term planning in GW2 as you can do in any MMO, as long as you play it the intended way. That said: each and every MMO is about to change constantly. Long term planning is never safe in MMOs. And… no matter what is or has been possible in this game, no dev will ever have considered a player playing the game in your just quoted way.

And after all, no class is played the same at level 20 and at level 80. So if your strange way to play the game is capped for you at level 76 for each class, it offers you the chance to play each class for four additional levels, to really get in touch which each of them. Sounds not too bad for me either.

How is playing a character from level 76-80 providing you with any more experience with that character than playing it for the same amount of time at level 80? If anything it actually provides you with less practical experience if the character at level 80 is different than it is between levels 76-80.

0-400 only gives 7 levels now ??

in Crafting

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

I had gathered a lot of gold and mats (with my level 80s) to cover all the crafting I would be doing. But with this change it won’t be nearly enough. Now, instead of crafting 30 disciplines to 400 (6 × 5 characters), I will have to do 45 disciplines to 400 (8 × 5 characters). In addition, eight crafting disciplines will now only yield 56 levels, instead of the 60 levels six crafting disciplines yielded before. So now I will have to play each character to level 24 (instead of 20). The cost in both time and resources is devastating.

Not surprisingly, all this has changed how I view this game. It has been made clear to me that I can not do any serious long-term planning here. Apparently, there wasn’t even any warning that such a drastic change would be coming.

You can do as much long term planning in GW2 as you can do in any MMO, as long as you play it the intended way. That said: each and every MMO is about to change constantly. Long term planning is never safe in MMOs. And… no matter what is or has been possible in this game, no dev will ever have considered a player playing the game in your just quoted way.

And after all, no class is played the same at level 20 and at level 80. So if your strange way to play the game is capped for you at level 76 for each class, it offers you the chance to play each class for four additional levels, to really get in touch which each of them. Sounds not too bad for me either.

How is playing a character from level 76-80 providing you with any more experience with that character than playing it for the same amount of time at level 80? If anything it actually provides you with less practical experience if the character at level 80 is different than it is between levels 76-80.

Well first, you would probably do those levels from 20-24 instead. Second, nobody is going to go out and practice their character for the same amount of time at level 80, they’re going to jump straight into pretending they’re an experienced level 80 so having to do a few levels actually does force you to kill a few enemies outside of the tutorial.

0-400 only gives 7 levels now ??

in Crafting

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Then they shouldnt have made it a feature, and advertised with the idea that you can level from 1 – 80 without picking up a sword.

Leveling a single crafting profession to level 400 will grant enough XP to gain 10 character levels. As a result, by maxing out all eight crafting professions, a player can go all the way to the level cap without ever laying hand on a weapon.

As explained by lindsey murdoch. http://massively.joystiq.com/2012/06/12/leveling-to-80-through-pure-crafting-possible-in-guild-wars-2/

So this

Again, your concern is based on the fact that you do not believe this method of leveling is an exploit of the original intention of gaining levels in the game. It is (unless you or anyone else here can show me where a Dev has specifically stated that crafting is legit way to reach LVL 80 (all by itself….not as an addition to leveling normally)).

Is the incorrect sentiment. It is most certainly not an exploit, it was a deliberate design choice and advertised as such that one could level exclusively from crafting 1-400.

0-400 only gives 7 levels now ??

in Crafting

Posted by: juno.1840


This is how I imagine the Dev convo over this issue went at the “meeting”:

Dev#1: ….so this expansion of crafting to 500….do we give more XP for those levels?
Dev#2: Is it easier to add the levels with more experience or spread the curren XP across the full range.
Dev#3: Pretty sure it’s easier to spread the XP.
Dev#2: Do it that way.
Dev#4: That’s gonna PO some players that use crafting to speed level characters…
Dev#2: You mean the leveling where they don’t actually PLAY the game we slaved to make?
<Dev’s chuckle a bit>
Dev#1: Next item…..

Forgot this:

Dev#3: But wait, didn’t they buy the game? They are our customer…

Part of me thinks that someone in ANet was thinking “hey, wanna see something funny? Watch this…”

0-400 only gives 7 levels now ??

in Crafting

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


You get roughly 10 levels for maxing a craft. Before it was 400 crafting levels and now it’s 500. It makes complete sense to adjust the exp received to accommodate the additional 100 crafting levels. However, they should not have done that to the crafts that are not able to reach 500 just yet (this assuming I read correctly from people’s comings that this was happening).

0-400 only gives 7 levels now ??

in Crafting

Posted by: juno.1840


The 400-500 range is clearly “end-game” crafting. I would have preferred to see the 0-400 ranks grant 10 levels and the 400-500 ranks grant zero levels.

Most players will be at level 80 anyway for those ranks so the experience is mostly moot (except for SPs). In addition it doesn’t break the current system nor reward/punish those players who have or have not done any crafting yet.

Part of me thinks that someone in ANet was thinking “hey, wanna see something funny? Watch this…”

0-400 only gives 7 levels now ??

in Crafting

Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176

Brother Grimm.5176

Is the incorrect sentiment. It is most certainly not an exploit, it was a deliberate design choice and advertised as such that one could level exclusively from crafting 1-400.

I call BS! Again, show me where a Dev (not some blogger or game website review) has ADVERTISED this as a game “feature” intended to allow the compete purchase of a LVL 80 character. I certainly recall the exact opposite being stated in a Dev blog back in February.

You may truly believe what you are stating, but I think if you go back and look at the details, you will find you are mistaken. I’m not saying Devs have not verified that buying a LVL 80 is possible, just that they don’t endorse it as a “feature” of the game.

Hey, I could be wrong….show me the quote of a Dev advertising it as a feature of the game.

We go out in the world and take our chances
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances

(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)

0-400 only gives 7 levels now ??

in Crafting

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Is the incorrect sentiment. It is most certainly not an exploit, it was a deliberate design choice and advertised as such that one could level exclusively from crafting 1-400.

I call BS! Again, show me where a Dev (not some blogger or game website review) has ADVERTISED this as a game “feature” intended to allow the compete purchase of a LVL 80 character. I certainly recall the exact opposite being stated in a Dev blog back in February.

You may truly believe what you are stating, but I think if you go back and look at the details, you will find you are mistaken. I’m not saying Devs have not verified that buying a LVL 80 is possible, just that they don’t endorse it as a “feature” of the game.

Hey, I could be wrong….show me the quote of a Dev advertising it as a feature of the game.

It was posted in the beta forums.