So, I have a friend who during the first weeks of the game, learned a neat trick on the trading post to make gold. Basically what he did was a test which ending up netting him 900 gold.
The method of doing it was like this:
He would put out Buy orders of 30s for exotic armors that were level 70 and then he would purchase mystic forge stones from the gem store. Mystic forge stones act a substitute for some items in the mystic forge.
Now, he only did this with armor as it is random as to what type of item you will get, however if you put 3 armor pieces you will get an armor piece back, and since armor is desired by every class, you would always make money. If you tried this with weapons, you might get a trident or speargun which is much less desirable.
So after you put the items in the MF there is a high chance of getting a level 80 exotic back, so what he did was sell these exotics for 5-10g, thus netting him large sums of profit, and he did this for days until he reached 900g and above.
Now that the explanation is out the way, let’s go on to the test he did. Basically, he purchased 300 level 80 rare greatswords, and 200 level 80 exotic greatswords, and took them to the mystic forge.
Now you might say he is crazy, but he heard about how people were having issues getting the precursor and wanted to do a large scale test, to see the results. He’s got everything he could possibly want(commander,precursors, etc.) So what else could he possibly need the gold for anyways?!
So after putting all of the swords in, he didn’t get a single Dawn or Dusk back. Now, I don’t know about the rest of you, but after putting 500 greatswords in the Mystic Forge, and not getting a precursor back, I think I would have probably quit the game if I did not have back-up gold and various luxuries as he does.
With that out of the way, I would also like to bring up another subject. I’ve been doing some digging around, and it turns out a few of the people who made legendary, in particular technically the first legendary. These players were alpha testers, or closed beta testers.
So they knew before the game even launched, on how to get the precursors.
The only thing arena-net changed was how to get the “gifts” so that was the only thing they didn’t know about.
With that said, I would like to leave you all with the following attachment of a Image I found while scouring the internet, where a single person has multiple precursors in their inventory through god knows what type of method.
I hope through this thread everyone gains a bit more knowledge about the chances of getting one of these precursors(Extremely, Extremely, Extremely Hard) and rather than wasting their time throwing weapons in the forge, just spend months saving their gold as the price gradually goes up for them over time!
P.S Here is the link to thread where an alpha tester breaks NDA, and explains that he knew how to get the weapon before everyone else.
He edited out to say he only played during BWE3, but if you read down you can still see the quoted post where he says he was an alpha tester.