393 in leatherworking but nothing in bank to give me experiance to progress to 400

393 in leatherworking but nothing in bank to give me experiance to progress to 400

in Crafting

Posted by: bullets.4768


Hi Folks,

Spent a bit time acquiring mats and also a few gold getting mats to craft to reach 400 in Leatherworking.
Got all the insignias I could make and used them in all pieces. Kinda stuck now
as nothing I make will gain me any experience to get me from 393 to 400
am I missing a 4th ingredient when it comes to discovery?


393 in leatherworking but nothing in bank to give me experiance to progress to 400

in Crafting

Posted by: Kiromaru.4569


In order to get to 400 you need to buy the rare lvl 80 insignia recipes from the masters and craft them and make them into armor. You only need to make 4 of the insignias and make them into armor to get from 375 to 400.

393 in leatherworking but nothing in bank to give me experiance to progress to 400

in Crafting

Posted by: bullets.4768


cheers thanks for the info. I feel like a Dummy now cos I never checked the vendor’s last buying tier.


393 in leatherworking but nothing in bank to give me experiance to progress to 400

in Crafting

Posted by: Haette.2701


FYI, you can also craft high-end runes to get you over that last hump. I didn’t even realize I could craft rare items until after I’d already hit 400.