Advantage for more than 2 disciplines?

Advantage for more than 2 disciplines?

in Crafting

Posted by: Beast.9516


Is there any advantage to having more than 2 disciplines. I know crafting comes into legendary gear, but aren’t most legendary items weapons? Should we always choose weaponsmithing? I’m obviously missing something.

Beast [Beastess Isdottir][Meilikki Isdottir][Kaunista Illusio][Savant Bixxie]
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Fort Aspenwood

Advantage for more than 2 disciplines?

in Crafting

Posted by: Erasculio.2914


Is there any advantage to having more than 2 disciplines

The advantage is kinda obvious – you can craft more things. If you have a warrior, for example, you could benefit from armorsmith, weaponsmith, huntsman, jeweler and chef.

“I think that players are starting to mature past the point of wanting to be on that
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons

Advantage for more than 2 disciplines?

in Crafting

Posted by: Qayin.9127


Not all legendary weapon requires you to be a weaponsmith. For example if you’re after the legendary shortbow, then you’ll need to have huntsman and jewelcrafter crafting discipline instead.

The link above is a good guide in telling you what you need to craft the legendary weapon you’re after.
On a side note; level up another alt to learn other crafting disciplines that you need/lack

Advantage for more than 2 disciplines?

in Crafting

Posted by: Gator.5729


Crafting is also a great way to level. If you happen to have a lot of crafting mats from mapping it can really be cheap too.

Advantage for more than 2 disciplines?

in Crafting

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


I mainly use the crafting as a way to gain levels. For the most part it is a long term gold loss as crafting is very hard to make profitable. But the exp gained is great.