Any signs of Cooking going to 500?
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Ascended Account Bound Foods? Wot?
Only thing I can see doing is having really expensive time gated foods that allow players to craft foods. The foods crafted will be unlimited variants of the foods.
Even then, it’s a lot of effort because what could you craft between 400-500?
Yeah, I’m not really sure what they’re going to do with cooking unless they introduce new ingredients into the game. Maybe with a newer area there’ll be stuff. Although we already had the new cacti stuff, but it’s just level 400 recipes.
A lot of the foods are already really powerful. I mean, what are we going to see? “Mists-infused Poultry Soup” with -100% condi duration and +300 vitality? Might as well change WvW into FvF (food vs food).
If you look at weaponsmithing, artificing, and huntsman, they all have consumable items, but they don’t go past level 400. Since the cooking produces nothing but consumables, it’s hard to think of what they would do if they wanted to go past 400. I guess they could make more dye pack combinations, but maybe they could come up with something else… I’m not really sure what though.
Only thing I could think of is what Esplen said: permenant foods. Kinda like the birthday blaster, but different foods that already exist.
It would make sense to bring in a new level of craftable dyes, but after that? Who knows.
I can think of a few ideas for r400+ food:
1. Triple Stat food. Some of the more expensive 400 level dishes get upgraded to provide triple stats. Good candidates include the LS recipes and the various Cacti recipes.
2. Special Ascended foods that, when consumed, grant permanent bonuses to your characters. For example, you may have a “Divine Berry Pie”, which requires 250 Omnomberries, an “Essence of Berries” crafted from 250 Blueberries, 250 Strawberries, 250 Blackberries and 250 Raspberries, 10 Bottles of Elonian Wine and a Ball of Dough. Eating this pie, which can only be done once per character, gives that character a permanent +25 boost to all your stats. (This bonus disappears in WvW and PvP.)
3. At r500, you can craft Endless foods. This will probably require stuff like a Metabolic Primer, a Vision Crystal, and then a large amount of the food you wish to make Endless.
4. At r500, you also gain the ability to craft special dye packs that have a very rare chance of dropping gemstore colours. Crafting these dye packs will probably require stuff like Mystic Forge Stones, so it still ties back into the gemstore (or having lots of AP).
There are a number of ways they could make ascended cooking work. A 10% effectiveness boost that requires bloodstone, empyreal and dragonite would provide a useful drain on these materials. Or maybe the recipes themselves could require the use of a vision crystal.
Either way, there has been no indication that they are going to release it any time soon.
The game seems to have ground to a halt – I`d be impressed if we got anything, ever at this rate.
There already is account bound food, but it is crafted by weaponsmith / huntsman, not Cook.
The requirements for all new recipes since Flame and Frost have been ascended-like for far less bang on the buck. Not sure I want to see what an extension of that system will produce.
I can see it happening…
Just an idea for 500 Cook:
-Endless plate of ____
100 plates of _
1 Vision Crystal
250 Reagents
Bottomless Pot
~1 Clay Pot
~20 blood stone bricks
~20 dragonite ore
~20 Emperyl Stars
Recipes to craft Bottomless Pot + Endless Plate of _
can be bought from the vendor for karma
Festive Endless plate of _
can be unique drops from their festive loot tables
Account bound on Use
Fort Aspenwood
(edited by Wolfey.3407)
I can see it happening…
Just an idea for 500 Cook:
-Endless plate of ____
100 plates of _
1 Vision Crystal
250 Reagents
Bottomless Pot
~1 Clay Pot
~20 blood stone bricks
~20 dragonite ore
~20 Emperyl StarsRecipes to craft Bottomless Pot + Endless Plate of _
can be bought from the vendor for karmaFestive Endless plate of _
can be unique drops from their festive loot tablesAccount bound on Use
Endless plate of bacon.
Yes, I can see it, too. 250 Orrian truffles, 4 foxfire clusters, 7 ascended wet baker’s ingredients (gated 1 per day using 10 water, 20 chilli pepper, 10 flour, 40 butter), and 100 vanilla.
The issue with infinite use food items is that it could cause potential crashes in the economy. I mean, look at something like lemongrass poultry soup. Everyone would want an endless one of that, so they’d make themselves one and never have anymore need for the ingredients or actual soup items from the trading post anymore. If they were going to implement such things, they’d either need to be quite arduous to craft or restricted in some other manner so that they don’t instantly deflate a bunch of stuff. It would also make things like food primers useless for people who craft the unlimited things, and I doubt they would want to potentially damage their own gem store sales.
Or perhaps instead they could put some kind of limiter on the unlimited versions of food, such as being able to only use it once per day, but always being able to have it every day. That way, there could still be demand for the actual food items if you wanted to continue to have the food buff for a longer duration. Of course, then they’d also have to consider the interaction with primers in this case, perhaps making them not work in conjunction with primers. However, maybe these restrictions would relegate the unlimited version into too much of a convenience roll and not actually provide enough novel value.