Apprentice craftman

Apprentice craftman

in Crafting

Posted by: Dreadflame.6823


Hi guys. Hope it’s not too late to be asking for help with this, with the mayan apocalypse upon us xD. Ok enough jokes…the thing is i’m a relatively new player(noob), only reached level 25 with my first character today after 5 days of starting playing, i also found an awesome guild full of really nice people.

They have helped me getting good stuff. The thing is…i feel a bit useless right now, for them at leasts, even though they say we take care of each other. I want to contribute. So i’m trying to level my crafting skills. Here the question: ¿ The more stuff i craft and discover the better? Do i get to create more powerful gear at this rate? What about recipes?

Thanks very much. The game community of this MMO has been real kind to me. best wishes XD

Apprentice craftman

in Crafting

Posted by: Stylva.7461


Yes, discovery is the very best way of leveling your crafting. As you level crafting the gear level and power will go up too
You usually never need to buy recipes until you want to max your craft (get to lvl 400). All the normal recipes you might need are discovered in discovery tab or just learned autmatically

Apprentice craftman

in Crafting

Posted by: Daulnay.4971


If you want to craft up on the least amount of money, you will want to buy the insignia/inscription recipes from the master crafters. They will let you make rare (yellow) items, which are significantly better, and often profitable to make and sell.

Few tips:
Always buy materials and parts with an offer, unless the lowest sale price is very close to the highest offer. Takes patience, but you usually save a lot of money.

Compare buying parts with making them from materials. You give up a little xp, but can save a lot of money. I’ve even found parts selling so cheaply that I could vendor the item I made for a profit!

Check to see if the inscriptions/insignia are selling for less than they cost to make. This is true often enough that I always check (except for rare inscriptions/insignia, which are usually pretty high_.

If you are selling on the TP, generally don’t take the offers, put it up for sale. Setting the price right will take a bit of judgement and practice….

Apprentice craftman

in Crafting

Posted by: Dreadflame.6823


Yeah, i’m almost through the first tier of huntsman…it surely takes it time. But i’ll prevail XD. Thanks guys. I wished finding materials could be easier, perhaps faster is a better word