Arcane Crystal Drop Rate

Arcane Crystal Drop Rate

in Crafting

Posted by: Vijil.5786


So I’m going to put this post in two places, here and on the PVP forum since its kind of both.

I have been though at least 15 silver boxes, 10 copper ones and a gold one and have yet to get a single one of these. When I was at the rabbit rank, I seemed to get them pretty regularly. Now that I’m deer I haven’t seen one yet. I’ve read on the gw2 wiki that they should drop in higher rated from silver boxes and so I’ve been trying to focus on those.

I realize that they are only the second most common ingredient after the orbs which I have like 40 of, but it seems like they aren’t dropping at all. Anyone else running into this?

Arcane Crystal Drop Rate

in Crafting

Posted by: kabaal.1832


same thing here, opened 35 gold wolf chests earlier and salvaged everything… got 1 crystal.