Are the Box of X's Draconic Armor worth it?

Are the Box of X's Draconic Armor worth it?

in Crafting

Posted by: Bytor.3826


I’m level 74 and approaching 80 pretty quickly, and I’m wondering how I should gear at 80 and what to gear myself with.

I’m playing a warrior, and I have this build I want to use centered around dealing massive greatsword burst, and kiting/poking with a rifle/longbow till I can do it again. So naturally I want a set of armor with the ‘Berserker’ prefix for this kind of build. I’ve had my eye on the Berserker’s Draconic armor, but the armor is fairly expensive (A box costs 17g on my server.) I like the looks and the stats are what I want, but my question is HOW good are they actually? Are the stats provided by this set worth 17 gold? Is there something I could get that’s better that I could get with karma/less gold/dungeon currency?

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Are the Box of X's Draconic Armor worth it?

in Crafting

Posted by: Painking.4703


From a crafter’s point of view it is entirely worthless, as crafting the box requires more materials than creating each individual piece of armor does. In your perspective, simply check the prices of the armor. If you can buy all 6 pieces cheaper than a box is worth, then it’s obvious what the answer is.

Are the Box of X's Draconic Armor worth it?

in Crafting

Posted by: Nikku.3562


Can I ask if any devs have responded about this? Will there be a fix, or is this just a pointless recipe?

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Are the Box of X's Draconic Armor worth it?

in Crafting

Posted by: Ghoest.3945


As to the value of the armor itself.

Exotic armor is exotic armor, its all the same for any given prefix and its the best armor available in game.
Beserkers seems to be the most popular but is by no means the consensus best prefix.

Also IMO Draconic is ugly as sin. After I bought mine I used transmutation stones on much of it.

Are the Box of X's Draconic Armor worth it?

in Crafting

Posted by: ExTribble.7108


I don’t recall the thread (therefore no linky), but a dev did confirm that this is being looked into. He/she claimed these boxes’ total cost should be the same as crafting each piece individually.

Therefore, even if they do fix it, it’s a waste of money since you’re essentially paying for the recipe to gain no advantage over crafting individual parts.

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Are the Box of X's Draconic Armor worth it?

in Crafting

Posted by: Truearrow.3527


I don’t recall the thread (therefore no linky), but a dev did confirm that this is being looked into. He/she claimed these boxes’ total cost should be the same as crafting each piece individually.

Therefore, even if they do fix it, it’s a waste of money since you’re essentially paying for the recipe to gain no advantage over crafting individual parts.

I dunno 6 pieces of armor taking up only 1 slot in a guild bank or storage can be helpful space management, I think that was the original idea behind the boxes, I craft full sets of MF gear to help guildies, I would use it. I would also like to see it for jewelry.

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