[Teef] guild :>
Ascended armor and leatherworking/tailoring
[Teef] guild :>
They come from salvage items and the various loot bags. The frequency of getting silk/thick leather was a common complain about Heavy Moldy Bags.
Those drops also ignore your level.
Expect cloth price to greatly increase once ascended armor comes out. Cloth is used for all armor. No way to really farm for cloth since drops are in from salvage and loot bag.
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF
Crafting ascended heavy and leather armor wont be too bad. Anyone with a Huntsman crofter can build Deldrimor Ingots, Elonian Leather and Spiritwood.
Heavy and Leather armor crofters will already have a supply of those items, but light armor characters will be left chasing the wind. Tailoring will depend on daily creation of Damask and TP pricing.
The longer this goes on, the worse it will get for light armor characters.
Crafting ascended heavy and leather armor wont be too bad. Anyone with a Huntsman crofter can build Deldrimor Ingots, Elonian Leather and Spiritwood.
Heavy and Leather armor crofters will already have a supply of those items, but light armor characters will be left chasing the wind. Tailoring will depend on daily creation of Damask and TP pricing.
The longer this goes on, the worse it will get for light armor characters.
but you’ll finally be able to get rid of all those piles of silk!
Expect cloth price to greatly increase once ascended armor comes out. Cloth is used for all armor. No way to really farm for cloth since drops are in from salvage and loot bag.
also get a good amount of ori ore too, ori is use in almost every crafting like jewel,all weapons, and some armors, its good for lvl up from 400-450.
A Skritt is dumb. A group of Skritt are smart.
A Human is smart. A group of Humans are idiots.
Yea but orichalcum can be farmed for. Easy enough to do a mining runs on multiple alts so you will not have to pay the expensive price.
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF
Your biggest cost to level up those crafts will be the insignias. The remaining cost will be negligible in comparison, with tailor bring the most expensive of the three not having access to level 400 to ~430 through refining hardened leather sections.
You’re welcome.
With the recent monthly for crafting, it seems that ascended armor is looking more likely than ever to come out in the December 10th update.
With the recent monthly for crafting, it seems that ascended armor is looking more likely than ever to come out in the December 10th update.
You have no idea how right I hope you are. Been waiting for it since someone posted untextured renders on reddit. I know I won’t get the armor for probably a month after it’s out but the sooner I can even get started the better! Been hoarding Ecto’s and silk forever.
With the recent monthly for crafting, it seems that ascended armor is looking more likely than ever to come out in the December 10th update.
You have no idea how right I hope you are. Been waiting for it since someone posted untextured renders on reddit. I know I won’t get the armor for probably a month after it’s out but the sooner I can even get started the better! Been hoarding Ecto’s and silk forever.
Already confirmed in the next release page.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Your biggest cost to level up those crafts will be the insignias. The remaining cost will be negligible in comparison, with tailor bring the most expensive of the three not having access to level 400 to ~430 through refining hardened leather sections.
You’re welcome.
Keep in mind though, that insignias dont need as much t6 common mats compared to inscriptions.
While we needed 30 each ori ores and ancient wood logs for 1 inscription, you only need 10 gossamer scraps for 1 insignia
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Your biggest cost to level up those crafts will be the insignias. The remaining cost will be negligible in comparison, with tailor bring the most expensive of the three not having access to level 400 to ~430 through refining hardened leather sections.
You’re welcome.
Keep in mind though, that insignias dont need as much t6 common mats compared to inscriptions.
While we needed 30 each ori ores and ancient wood logs for 1 inscription, you only need 10 gossamer scraps for 1 insignia
I think you’re giving Anet too little credit. Just looking at the ascended weapon crafting, there are refined ascended materials, ascended crafting components, and refined ascended mats that requires alot of t6, t5, t4, and t3 materials. Chances are, we’ll be seeing the same thing for the armor.
Your biggest cost to level up those crafts will be the insignias. The remaining cost will be negligible in comparison, with tailor bring the most expensive of the three not having access to level 400 to ~430 through refining hardened leather sections.
You’re welcome.
Keep in mind though, that insignias dont need as much t6 common mats compared to inscriptions.
While we needed 30 each ori ores and ancient wood logs for 1 inscription, you only need 10 gossamer scraps for 1 insignia
I think you’re giving Anet too little credit. Just looking at the ascended weapon crafting, there are refined ascended materials, ascended crafting components, and refined ascended mats that requires alot of t6, t5, t4, and t3 materials. Chances are, we’ll be seeing the same thing for the armor.
I just read your post 5 times and i have no idea how it relates to mine.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Gossamer and hardened leather just doubled their price.
As a casual, this increase was phenomenal. I only want to craft exotics and now I need more gold for buying mats.
I hope Anet do something about the means to get this crafting mats.
I agree that an alternate and semi-guaranteed source of T6 cloth / leather needs to be added to the game. If they altered the salvage rates for LVL 78+ equipment to provide a more reliable source of T6 materials, that might help.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
Not concerned of regular mats, but the ascended mats. If Anet really wants us to craft them, make them cost 1 or max 2 bloodstone brick/dragonite ore/empyreal star per piece. If it costs more of those per piece (especially dragonite), man, they’re gonna lose their transmutation crystal money.
Your biggest cost to level up those crafts will be the insignias. The remaining cost will be negligible in comparison, with tailor bring the most expensive of the three not having access to level 400 to ~430 through refining hardened leather sections.
You’re welcome.
Keep in mind though, that insignias dont need as much t6 common mats compared to inscriptions.
While we needed 30 each ori ores and ancient wood logs for 1 inscription, you only need 10 gossamer scraps for 1 insignia
I think you’re giving Anet too little credit. Just looking at the ascended weapon crafting, there are refined ascended materials, ascended crafting components, and refined ascended mats that requires alot of t6, t5, t4, and t3 materials. Chances are, we’ll be seeing the same thing for the armor.
I just read your post 5 times and i have no idea how it relates to mine.
I replied on the wrong thread and post but decided to leave it anyway.
I have made so much gold today. I’m only sad I didn’t go with my gut last night and buy up more supply.
Terribad Ranger
Stormbluff Isle
Ascended armor shouldn’t be as bad with the t6 fine mats. They’ll have to allow us to salvage dire/rabid/etc. armors for us to be able to craft those as ascended. Gloves etc. from dungs cost far less tokens. Thus they should be less expensive (unless they lower the drop rates on them).
We will need to spend more on the cloth stuffs though since the supply will be lower (can’t go out and pick a cotton node etc.).
It shouldn’t be too bad. It’s also not like people haven’t been telling others to stock up on cloth for months (there should be quite a bit of cloth that people have hoarded). I’m just happy that I’ll finally be able to play my alts that I converted to cloth storage again.
As far as gathering t2-4 cloth stuffs… dropped mob bags from level appropriate foes would work, but still not nearly as easy as going and just grabbing nodes.
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa
(edited by Aberrant.6749)
Actually, it will be much worse than leveling the weapon professions. Gossamer scraps can not easily be farmed. It also doesn’t matter how much people are holding in their banks as surplus. Supply will very quickly drain by the shear demand for it.
All insignias require 10 gossamer scraps. These are used for all three professions. Let’s say that it takes 8 exotic discoveries to gain 25 crafting levels. Let’s also say that you will only craft exotics from 425-450 and 475-500 which equates to 16 exotic discoveries per profession. That’s 48 insignias you need meaning you’ll need 480 gossamer cloth alone just to get the insignias. Now take into account the gossamer that’s required for the actual armor components.
I’ll just be extremely conservative and say you only need 500 gossamer scraps. This is far far below the actual number but I’m using this to prove a point. Currently there are 72,000 scraps listed on the TP. This means that there’s only enough for 144 people to get enough for all three professions.
Lets take into account the surplus people have. I’ll greatly exaggerate the number and say that total supply is at 1,000,000. This means that there’s now enough for just 2,000 people. Obviously more than that many people play the game. Also take into account that the lower the supply, the greater the price (demand will be high). It won’t take much to get the price of the cloth to skyrocket.
Over time prices will drop as people will have their professions capped and have no need for the scraps. I won’t go into the details about wool, cotton, and linen scraps that will be required for the T7 cloth. These are even more harder to get than gossamer scraps and current supply is much much lower than gossamer’s not taking into account how much people may be holding.
I’d say buy your materials now before prices shoot up even further or wait until a few weeks after the update to do it. I can bet the prices will shoot up again on Monday during the preview if they cover the recipes and again at the update when very one who didn’t stock up is a scrambling to get their materials.
I’d also watch the prices of ectos and T6 fine components used for the insignias. They could also rise in price which they did when the weapon crafts went to 500.
(edited by Ayrilana.1396)
Full guild bank filled with armor crafting mats since September. Feels good.
Silk and gossamer have been flooding the market with no use since launch. There is so much excess in the game that we are unlikely to run out. People who have been hoarding will all sell as the price rises and everyone has their own expectation of what price point that is. You only need 2 stacks to get to 500, Which while it seems is a lot of gossamer it really isn’t that much in the grand scheme of things.
I agree that an alternate and semi-guaranteed source of T6 cloth / leather needs to be added to the game. If they altered the salvage rates for LVL 78+ equipment to provide a more reliable source of T6 materials, that might help.
Anet HAS to answer this question. Its been raised for months.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
Except you will need much more than 500. I did not take into account in the number you need for light armor and the lining using for heavy armor. You may need another 250 for this. If you tallied how much people will need, and divide it by the supply, you will see that there’s not that much to go around. I’m also pretty sure people will craft exotics from 450-475 as they likely didn’t stock enough T7 to refine to cover all tree professions for that range.
Gossamer scraps were not really flooded in the market as they were used to craft exotic armor. There were other uses too. Silk on the other hand had no use which is why it used to sell on the TP for vendor cost. Silk also had a supply of about 3,000,000 a month or two ago compared to the 75,000 gossamer scraps had the last I checked.
While you say two stacks of gossamer isn’t that much in the grand scheme of things, you’re not taking into account the number of players that will need that many as I alluded to above.
(edited by Ayrilana.1396)
You can easily farm lower tier materials. Salvage items and bags drop per the mob’s level, not you character’s. Any 80 should be able to kill tons of lower levels and make way more. Salvage/open for what you can, sell the other crap you’ll get to buy more.
Light and Medium crafters get the advantage of selling off any metals they get. Don’t see what’s stopping them from gathering the metals and selling it to buy the cloth/leather they need.
Nevermind those of us that hoarded enough to supply our own needs and then some.
You’re assuming that enough players will go out and farm them when FGS champ farming is more efficient since it yields much more gold per hour than you would save by farming the materials.
Not everyone hoarded supplies and I showed you exactly how many people would be able to craft to 500 on all three professions if there was 1,000,000 supply which I seriously doubt. People will try to max all three for their alts and likely for the AP. Look at how many people are on the AP leader boarders. Do you think they’re going to sit back and fall behind? The AP leader boards are one of the contributing factors as to why demand will be high at first.
You’re assuming that enough players will go out and farm them when FGS champ farming is more efficient since it yields much more gold per hour than you would save by farming the materials.
Not everyone hoarded supplies and I showed you exactly how many people would be able to craft to 500 on all three professions if there was 1,000,000 supply which I seriously doubt. People will try to max all three for their alts and likely for the AP. Look at how many people are on the AP leader boarders. Do you think they’re going to sit back and fall behind? The AP leader boards are one of the contributing factors as to why demand will be high at first.
I’m not assuming anything. I’m simply pointing out that one can farm the materials. So many people say you can’t farm the cloth/leather like you can the metals; when, in fact, you can potentially farm more.
Secondly, all your made up numbers are based on a static supply for instant demand. That’s not the case. Demand is constantly pulling from the supply and the supply is continually providing enough to keep the price at it’s current point. Sure, prices will go up, spike, and eventually steady out. But there will always be some supply be it from farmers, leveling, or whatever. There are enough people that either don’t care for ascended armor or are just waiting for more drops/another way to get it.
Third, it’s nobody’s fault but their own if they failed to stockpile materials while prices were lower. It was a known fact that ascended armor was going to be released and that it would be obtained via crafting. Anyone caring to have a set ASAP should have either hoarded enough materials to crank it out via daily crafting or hoarded enough gold to buy the ascended parts from those just selling to make a buck.
Lastly, a good laugh over the Achievement Leaderboards. If people want to pay extra for the 25 points (per craft) first, then let them. But note that the points aren’t temporary and thus can be done at any time, so any “falling behind” would be temporary.
Again, if grinding gold is your thing, be prepared to pay the higher prices but don’t complain as you can always grind the materials yourself.
I’m not assuming anything. I’m simply pointing out that one can farm the materials. So many people say you can’t farm the cloth/leather like you can the metals; when, in fact, you can potentially farm more.
I misinterpreted your statement. I took it as you saying that everyone would just go out and farm the materials instead rather than pay the price on the TP. Thank you for clarifying that up an my initial assumption was wrong.
Secondly, all your made up numbers are based on a static supply for instant demand. That’s not the case. Demand is constantly pulling from the supply and the supply is continually providing enough to keep the price at it’s current point. Sure, prices will go up, spike, and eventually steady out. But there will always be some supply be it from farmers, leveling, or whatever. There are enough people that either don’t care for ascended armor or are just waiting for more drops/another way to get it.
While they do no account for incoming supply, the numbers are still very much valid. Take for instance my example about supply being 1,000,000. Whether or not it’s static doesn’t matter. If you compare many sell orders have been on the TP for the past couple of months, you’ll see that barely 1,000,000 would sell within a week. The incoming supply is obviously less than that per week but let’s say that it is at the moment.
After the initial supply of 1,000,000 is drained providing 2,000 people enough materials to craft, only 2,000 more people per week will then be able to get enough materials. The player base is greater than 4,000 players.
Third, it’s nobody’s fault but their own if they failed to stockpile materials while prices were lower. It was a known fact that ascended armor was going to be released and that it would be obtained via crafting. Anyone caring to have a set ASAP should have either hoarded enough materials to crank it out via daily crafting or hoarded enough gold to buy the ascended parts from those just selling to make a buck.
You’re correct. There were ample clues and warnings given for people to stock up on the materials while they were low. We even had minor spikes in prices before they settled back down.
Lastly, a good laugh over the Achievement Leaderboards. If people want to pay extra for the 25 points (per craft) first, then let them. But note that the points aren’t temporary and thus can be done at any time, so any “falling behind” would be temporary.
You’d be surprised about how far some people will go to be the “best” and remain the “best”. Some may realize they can wait, and I agree with what you said, but there will likely be quite a few who can’t and won’t.
Again, if grinding gold is your thing, be prepared to pay the higher prices but don’t complain as you can always grind the materials yourself.
I likely wasn’t clear in my point that you were addressing. I was referring to champ farming being the more efficient method as the amount of gold you could farm was greater than the amount of gold that the materials you farmed were worth. I’ll price cotton scraps at 4 silver a piece. They’re not that high but it makes the math a bit easier.
You can on average get 4 gold per hour doing FGS not counting lucky drops. This is enough for 100 cotton scraps. Unless you can kill enough enemies and get salvageable trophy items that will yield cotton, including bags that contain cotton, to get 100 scraps in a hour, doing the champ farm is better. I was also going off a previous thread that lower tier cloth farming was very difficult due to you getting scaled up drops.
still no red response on that? i am sad
suggestion: maybe allow to make lower tier mats from higher tier mats?
[Teef] guild :>
Gossamer should be fine, in my opinion. It’s offset by the vast quantities of Silk pouring into the market everyday; people will just transmute Silk to Gossamer if prices start getting too excessive.
Wool, Cotton and Linen are more of an issue, I think, but Cotton and Linen at least are obtained fairly easily in Caduceus’s Manor. Just slaughter all the Bandits in there and collect your loot bags. Might even encourage people to stop skipping mobs.
There must be at least 10,000,000, probably more like 100,000,000 leather sections/gossamer scraps hoarded. 1,000,000 is a far far far too small number.
The real question is do I sell my 30k leather sections now, or wait til dec 10?
Gossamer should be fine, in my opinion. It’s offset by the vast quantities of Silk pouring into the market everyday; people will just transmute Silk to Gossamer if prices start getting too excessive.
Wool, Cotton and Linen are more of an issue, I think, but Cotton and Linen at least are obtained fairly easily in Caduceus’s Manor. Just slaughter all the Bandits in there and collect your loot bags. Might even encourage people to stop skipping mobs.
If you want to go farm it yourself you’ll need 40 wool, 20 cotton and 40 linen. that’s 100 scraps a day. That’s quite a bit of killing when you’re limited to bags/salvage items. Consider the time that would take. I don’t see that many people being willing to go out and mass farm for bags/salvage because of this. Seems to me they would go farm up the gold in other ways to buy the thing they want directly and not have to play around with drop + bag RNG.
Silk/goss will drop (in the form of items) while doing the gold farming stuffs, but there will be a large demand for both to hit 450/500.
It’s not looking good for people that didn’t stock up.
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa
(edited by Aberrant.6749)
I use a combination of self-farming and buying up shortfalls. My post was more to spread the knowledge of end-game content people can do to help increase the supply of Cotton/Linen in the market. (Plus you get gold + tokens in the bargain!)
Gossamer should be fine, in my opinion. It’s offset by the vast quantities of Silk pouring into the market everyday; people will just transmute Silk to Gossamer if prices start getting too excessive.
Wool, Cotton and Linen are more of an issue, I think, but Cotton and Linen at least are obtained fairly easily in Caduceus’s Manor. Just slaughter all the Bandits in there and collect your loot bags. Might even encourage people to stop skipping mobs.
Both Gendarran Fields and Harathi Hinterlands has some fast respawning centaurs. That should take care of the wool and cotton. Not really sure where to go for the linen.
There must be at least 10,000,000, probably more like 100,000,000 leather sections/gossamer scraps hoarded. 1,000,000 is a far far far too small number.
The real question is do I sell my 30k leather sections now, or wait til dec 10?
I don’t think so. Supply has never dipped above 115k. Without a direct way to farm the scraps, there’s no way for surplus to be that high. This leaves them having to purchase them off the TP. This would have been noticeable with listing being much higher (or lower depending on what you’re looking at) and you’d see a volatile prices by the shear amount people would have to buy. Even dragged out over the past couple months, it’d be noticeable. Also consider the amount of players that actually have the gold to purchase large quantities of scraps.
We won’t find out the true amount that people are hoarding until Tuesday. I’m pretty sure gossamer scraps will reach 16 silver a piece that day with orichalcum ore hitting around 9-10 silver (before quickly falling since it can be mined).
(edited by Ayrilana.1396)
I use a combination of self-farming and buying up shortfalls. My post was more to spread the knowledge of end-game content people can do to help increase the supply of Cotton/Linen in the market.
(Plus you get gold + tokens in the bargain!)
Certainly would make CM more worth while doing. Cloth + Tokens→Insignia =’s $
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa
Both Gendarran Fields and Harathi Hinterlands has some fast respawning centaurs. That should take care of the wool and cotton. Not really sure where to go for the linen.
I get a decent amount of Linen killing pirates and Risen in places like Bloodtide Coast and Sparkfly Fen. I don’t usually go out of my way to kill them either; I just slaughter any that get in my way when I’m heading somewhere (like Tequatl).
@Ayrilana: Waitwaitwait, 9-10 GOLD for Orichalcum Ore? O.o Are you serious? Or are you talking about for a stack of it?
Both Gendarran Fields and Harathi Hinterlands has some fast respawning centaurs. That should take care of the wool and cotton. Not really sure where to go for the linen.
I get a decent amount of Linen killing pirates and Risen in places like Bloodtide Coast and Sparkfly Fen. I don’t usually go out of my way to kill them either; I just slaughter any that get in my way when I’m heading somewhere (like Tequatl).
@Ayrilana: Waitwaitwait, 9-10 GOLD for Orichalcum Ore? O.o Are you serious? Or are you talking about for a stack of it?
I meant silver, sorry. I’ll edit my post.
Both Gendarran Fields and Harathi Hinterlands has some fast respawning centaurs. That should take care of the wool and cotton. Not really sure where to go for the linen.
I get a decent amount of Linen killing pirates and Risen in places like Bloodtide Coast and Sparkfly Fen. I don’t usually go out of my way to kill them either; I just slaughter any that get in my way when I’m heading somewhere (like Tequatl).
@Ayrilana: Waitwaitwait, 9-10 GOLD for Orichalcum Ore? O.o Are you serious? Or are you talking about for a stack of it?
Then linen shouldn’t be too bad either between Taidha’s base and Bloody Bill’s.
Gossamer should be fine, in my opinion. It’s offset by the vast quantities of Silk pouring into the market everyday; people will just transmute Silk to Gossamer if prices start getting too excessive.
Until they realize that each bolt of damask is 50 bolts of silk. And that bolts of damask are used in armor creation.
While gossamer will be main problem when levelling crafting professions, when you switch to making armor, you will find that it’s silk that will be more valuable. Also, there’s the “small” problem with the cost of t6 dust.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
(edited by Astralporing.1957)
Yeah, Crystalline Dust will be the bottleneck there.
That’s why I support the salvaging of Ascended Rings for Ectos, with rare chances for Dark Matter and Mist Essence.
Unless they are altering the drop rate of silk at the same time I don’t see much of a problem. It just drops in such massive quantities …
Unless they are altering the drop rate of silk at the same time I don’t see much of a problem. It just drops in such massive quantities …
Supply will drain quickly because of it being used to refine T7 cloth. While there will be a constant incoming supply, I think it will hit a point where it’s not worth it to promote them. Dust may have an impact on that as well.
the problem is not only high lv cloth/leather but also low lv
it is not farmable by all means; worse part if you go and try to farm them you get loot scaled up to your lv so mostlikely you won’t even get low lv leather/cloth after salvaging
as armorsmith i can just go to zone XY and farm ore….
[Teef] guild :>
Anet HAS to answer this question. Its been raised for months.
No they don’t. They can respond with some changes when they deem it’s needed but they DON’T have to answer to you because of your anxiety over something that hasn’t even happened yet.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
You can get cloth from salvageable trophy items (e.g. Rags) which don’t scale up and also play RNG with the loot bags.
the problem is not only high lv cloth/leather but also low lv
it is not farmable by all means; worse part if you go and try to farm them you get loot scaled up to your lv so mostlikely you won’t even get low lv leather/cloth after salvaging
as armorsmith i can just go to zone XY and farm ore….
Both cloth and leather are farmable. Much faster respawn than ore/trees too.
What is more difficult is finding good spots for each of the different tiers. For ore and trees you just have to look at the name of the node. The level range of the map/hearts is a nice guide but it’s still a roughtguide.
And it only takes one or two other people farming that spot to make it not worth doing.
And it only takes one or two other people farming that spot to make it not worth doing.
Luckily most maps on most servers are relatively dead according to all the complaints. :P