Best efficent way to acquire Dragonite Ore?
World bosses are how I got my ore. Even with their buff it takes maybe ~10min per boss (depending if you get there for the pre event or not), and you usually don’t have much down time if you’re tracking the events . Since the patch launched I have 750-1k or so (going from memory). Hitting up all (or most of) of the world bosses can take maybe 2 hours or so.
If I recall the (normal) dragons, Claw and kitten drop a good amount, and I think someone said golem also drops a good amount. But I don’t remember specific numbers (maybe 20-25 for those 3 bosses each).
Edit: Sorry, I don’t know if that’s the answer you wanted to hear. But I think WvW keeps and World bosses are the only things that drop dragonite ore.
Temples give 30 each. Big dragons (Claw, Shatterer) around 20. No clue on Teq, never succeeded there. All world events give some but those are the biggest piles. Unless you are buying the planks/ingots you only need about 100 a day to keep up with the time gated stuff.
May I say, I envy you for the CoF thing. Emps are very hard for me to get.
Thank you both.
So you are saying that what I should do in order to obtain Dragonite is searching for a server in which temples are being done, guest on that server and complete the event – same for Shatterer and Jormag (which I can do on my server too).
If you can get an estimate, could you tell me how many hours are required to get, say, 100 dragonites? That way I would know how to organize my game hours in a more efficent way.
@Garambola, why do you envy me for the CoF thing? Learning how to speedrun CoF P1 is really easy (provided you have either a Mesmer, a Warrior or a Thief!). There are plenty of videos out there to help you :]
Depending on the spawn times of the bosses, the big dragons in particular, I can rotate through my alts and pick up 100 dragonite in about 4 to 5 hours. Boring as kitten, I know but I don’t like the Orr temple events.
While I’m waiting for boss spawns I also run my characters through a loop in Wayfarer’s, Southsun and Queensdale pickup Empyreal frags from open world chests.
Join a PvE guild that calls out boss events in guild chat. All you have to do then is follow the zerg train. You can check out the preliminary events for the Orrian temple in between times if you feel really dedicated.
(edited by Stooperdale.3560)
Thank you both.
Garambola, why do you envy me for the CoF thing? Learning how to speedrun CoF P1 is really easy (provided you have either a Mesmer, a Warrior or a Thief!). There are plenty of videos out there to help you :]
I doubt any video can help me go through that place alone.
And I do get one run almost every day. So it is ok. It is just that it is the Emps that are stalling my progress for now. Soon it will be the timegated stuff.
Why would being a WvW player hold you back from Ascended gear? I don’t do it as much as I did a few months ago, but by that time I already had full Ascended with WvW infusions on my main and one or two for my alts.
As Stooperdale suggested, definitely join a PvE guild. Or, check with your own guild and see about setting up a time when several of you can run, because I doubt you’re the only on wanting BiS weapons. Also, find a site with timers – I’d give you a link, but am at work, and blocking software is a pain; honestly I’m still surprised it lets me here, but whatever… Once a day you should certainly run Wurm, Fire Ele, Shadow Behemoth, Shatterer, and I think Maw (again, can’t check wiki at work), as those are fairly short. Possibly Eye of Zhaitan, too, although that takes more coordination. Ulgoth and Jojo are not short. They’re the most fun, but they take awhile.
I found Dragonite to be the most balanced of the three obsidian mats. Bloodstone, everyone has too much. Empyrean is fine if you’re on a big, active server that wins. I’m on a small server that, due to a string of losses, is getting smaller, resulting in fewer camps/towers taken and more money spent on repair bills.
getting ascended mats is not a problem in the long run. As has been said you need only 100 per day to craft time gated stuff. Problem may be with Obsidian Shards if you don’t have some stacked in bank. If I remember correctly you will need 20 of them for single weapon and if you never bought it at Balthazar temple (99% it is closed) or opened dozens of Orrian boxes you may have a problem.
Thief/Necro/Guardian/Mesmer/Elementalist of SFR EU
Use every level 80 you may have and do every orr temple once per daily reset. You can guest on two servers outside of your own per day as well to speed things up(still once per temple per day though). Each temple rewards 30 and you can regularly do grenth/melandru/lyssa/dwayna on the larger servers with the rare attempt at balthazar which usually fails and takes lots of effort to engage. Easily over 100 per day per level 80 character.
As it has been said, temples are the best as they yield 30 per. The dragons/golem/fire shaman all yield a good amount also (20 or so).
You can do temples on multiple toons each day if you have alts. I can get 180 dragonite ore per day just by doing 3 temples on 2 toons. Dwayna, Lyssa, and Melandru are high on my list of to do things everyday while out farming ori/ancient wood.
Guesting to a high pop server is a great way to get these temples done. And the world bosses. Some servers have been flipping the temples on a regular basis as they come up.
The karka queen also gives 30 and she is being done regularly on high populated servers also. Beware of the overflow for this one, though.
Dwayna and Lyssa usually are done in tandem – you can check up on them while doing node farming in Malchor’s (in addition to ori and ancient wood, there’s a nice elder wood cluster there that will help you immensely with daily crafting of Globs of Elder Essence – it’s 50 planks per one piece). Those temples will already give you 60 dragonites. The average dragonite gain per Claw, Shatterer/Golem is 20 (15-25) – it should give you a nice 120 dragonites daily. This all is likely going to take over an hour (close to two hours if you are unlucky) however. Consider jumping to Claw and temples when the events are already running (but beware the overflow at claw) to save time. Do not try Teq – as dragonite source it is extremely inefficient.
Remember, remember, 15th of November