Bit confused on crafting, help?
225 crafting skill makes level 55 items. 250 makes level 60. As for raising it faster… either buy the mats needed if you have alot of cash, or go back and farm old zones. Discovery gives a lot of crafting xp.
level and rarity determine the numbers. also with crafting, each tier (after the copper tier) only provides 2 blues and a green (generally 3 insignias @ the starter level make blues, 4 insignias make blues 5 levels higher and then 7 insignias make greens 5 levels higher than that) so there might not be items at the exact rarity and level you’re looking for.
what about discovery? how does that work? I only discovered one thing so far x.x
what about discovery? how does that work? I only discovered one thing so far x.x
I am sure there are many guides around the web with recipes and such, but basically you start with one material, put it in the a box in the discovery tab, then the others that can be combined will stay active and the rest will grey out, so its gives a good hint as to what will mix with other items.