Can ALL ingredients please go to the collection tab?

Can ALL ingredients please go to the collection tab?

in Crafting

Posted by: Caela Fizzletoes.2947

Caela Fizzletoes.2947

mad ramblings of an insane chef

While I love the fact that I can discover recipes with ingredients in the collection/bank tab, I now have at least 45 “ingredients” that will not go into the collection tab and must be stored in inventory or the bank. These items are sub combines and serve no other purpose than to be an ingredient in another item.

It would be awesome that once one of these ingredient items was discovered a collection slot would open up for them.

Thank you!

The Fizzletoes hit Tyria!
Caela’s Corner

Can ALL ingredients please go to the collection tab?

in Crafting

Posted by: Chromie.6947


I wish and I’d also like to have stacks that go higher than 250.

Can ALL ingredients please go to the collection tab?

in Crafting

Posted by: vento.7913


Well rare craft ingredients (yellows) (not subcombines) should have a spot for them as well. If you have an artifician you will understand exactly what i am talking about: too many laying around in your inventory/bank.

Mad Vento – Norn Warrior – squishy lvl 80
Desolation since Beta

Can ALL ingredients please go to the collection tab?

in Crafting

Posted by: Caela Fizzletoes.2947

Caela Fizzletoes.2947

Oh yes, I agree about the yellow ingredients – I’ve only come across a few and didn’t really know what was up with those.

The Fizzletoes hit Tyria!
Caela’s Corner

Can ALL ingredients please go to the collection tab?

in Crafting

Posted by: Safari.3021


To be honest, the game needs some sort of inventory pressure, or extra bank slots become worthless and theres no hard choices to make over what to keep or destroy/sell

Can ALL ingredients please go to the collection tab?

in Crafting

Posted by: Kenral.9317


Id pay 10$ for ‘extended storage’. 1000gems even.

Nuff said. Honestly, they should add this at some point I hope.

Can ALL ingredients please go to the collection tab?

in Crafting

Posted by: Vorpal.4683


I’ve already bought 3-4 bank expansions.

I definitely agree that all ingredients need to go to the ingredients tab.

I don’t care if I have to pay extra $$ to make cooking sub ingredients and yellow crafting mats, etc, all go to collectibles, that’s fine, I just want them there for purposes of neatness.

Can ALL ingredients please go to the collection tab?

in Crafting

Posted by: Sinovera.1048


I agree… Cooking sucks so much when you have so much ingredient foods that you can’t use yet or have yet to discover a recipe for or haven’t acquired the necessary ingredients for… Makes discovering a pain since you need to make these ingredients just to see if they have any new discoveries available.

Can ALL ingredients please go to the collection tab?

in Crafting

Posted by: Suddle D.9412

Suddle D.9412

They want you to buy more bank slots, period. There is no paid subscription but still money sinks. Even worse is when you switch professions then pick another up and you end up with a lot of crafting parts that need a bank slot now. But, on the other hand you can turn gold into gems so ‘technically’ you can get more bank slots for ‘free’ but the rate is not great, so if you really need them it seems you gotta fork the cash over for more slots.

Can ALL ingredients please go to the collection tab?

in Crafting

Posted by: Pandemoniac.4739


Not all ingredients belong in the collectible tab – it seems like it’s only pretty much stuff that can be used by more than one craft. I’d hate to see some of the discovered items for cooking in my collectible tab, and I don’t think it’s really feasible to have them as blank boxes that fill in. There are sooo many things to discover, and I hope once things settle out, we’ll see some new discoverable things added. It would get very unwieldy very quickly.

I have bought a tab for my cooking ingredients. I keep it manageable by only keeping the stuff that shows up in my discovery tab. If I discover something and say, garlic bread disappears from my discovery tab, I use up all of it that I have left so I don’t have it clogging up my bank.

It was a little easier to do when you had to put stuff in your inventory to get it to show up in the discovery tab, but I’m not complaining. Discoveries are so much easier now that I don’t have to swap ingredients for my harvesting tools, HOM porter, salvage kits, et. al.

Don’t ever think you know what’s right for the other person.
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams

Can ALL ingredients please go to the collection tab?

in Crafting

Posted by: Librin Latone.1852

Librin Latone.1852

I have to admit, I would be willing to “buy” a special “crafting bank”(?) for rarer ingredients and/or crafted ingredients (such as food-stuffs made by chef) which sorts them like the current collection tab – maybe even pay some money for a special “collection” list for the different crafts which can have those sorts of things. As an artificer I HATE carrying around dowels if I accidentally make too many.

Because there isn’t a monthly subscription FEE – I am more willing to drop $10 a few times to have something like this.

Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.
~ “Eleonora” Edgar Allen Poe

Can ALL ingredients please go to the collection tab?

in Crafting

Posted by: Caela Fizzletoes.2947

Caela Fizzletoes.2947

I would be willing to purchase an extra tab that has space for all the discoverable ingredients (for all crafts) – it’s as much about organization as it is about available space.

I’ve already purchased three extra bank slots – they are full of cooking ingredients.

And I see no reason why they can’t make a slot appear for something once you have discovered it.

Alternately, I would be happy if I could put bags in the bank slots and put stuff in the bags (I come from EQ2 where you have limited bank slots, but you can put bags in each one to organize and increase space.)

While we are talking about cooking annoyances – I want to be able to sell the food to a merchant. As it is, I have 1 or 2 of lots of foods taking up space, and I could destroy it, but that makes me sad And you certainly can’t sell it on the trading post.

The Fizzletoes hit Tyria!
Caela’s Corner

Can ALL ingredients please go to the collection tab?

in Crafting

Posted by: Pandemoniac.4739


And I see no reason why they can’t make a slot appear for something once you have discovered it.

I assure you it’s more difficult than you believe it to be. If your bank is full of cooking ingredients, you’re keeping too much stuff. I’m down to half of a bank tab and I’m an avid cook. I really need to get off my butt and find some dill and rosemary though, I have a feeling half of my remaining discoveries involve those two.

It would be nice to have more organization in the bank though, similar to the crafted bags that automatically collect trophies or crafting materials.

While destroying food is sad I think being able to sell it to a vendor would really generate too much cash. I’d rather see some random mystic forge recipes. On my leather worker I’ll toss my 4 discovered pairs of gloves in there and mash them into something different. The only recipes I know of for food are the super expensive trays/bowls ones.

Actually thinking about this a bit more – we should be able to put in a snack, meal, dessert and a bottle of Zommoros’ favorite wine and get some sort of reward. It’s got to be better than a constant diet of gear and mystic coins

Don’t ever think you know what’s right for the other person.
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams

(edited by Pandemoniac.4739)

Can ALL ingredients please go to the collection tab?

in Crafting

Posted by: Schmurfy.8063


I would love this too, I know try to only create components I will be able to use immediatly but that is really annoying.

Can ALL ingredients please go to the collection tab?

in Crafting

Posted by: Librin Latone.1852

Librin Latone.1852

I am still in the early stages of cooking (I only get to play 1-2 hrs a night and not every night), so a lot of my discoveries end up being “oh great, now I can’t use this for something else until 100 or 175” and I either carry it around (use it, take up inventory, etc.) or stuff my bank.

Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.
~ “Eleonora” Edgar Allen Poe

Can ALL ingredients please go to the collection tab?

in Crafting

Posted by: Ceph Buddha.1485

Ceph Buddha.1485

I agree with OP there are many cooking ingredient which are at the same time consumable that require storage in inventory or bank.

I’ve already purchased a bank slot but the constant manual depositing of the aforementioned is extremely tedious and not only waste bank space but also creates a ‘mess’.

They’ve already done a fantastic job with allowing cooking ingredients from collectibles and bank to be used in Discovery, however it will be great if they took this a step further.

Can ALL ingredients please go to the collection tab?

in Crafting

Posted by: galeigh.5721


I completely agree. The deeper I get into cooking the more ingredients I have to store in my bank and inventory. The items that are consumable as well as ingredients I understand not having a place in the collections tab, things like noodles that are only used as cooking ingredients need to stored in the collections instead of taking up valuable bank and inventory space.

Can ALL ingredients please go to the collection tab?

in Crafting

Posted by: Llyren.3904


While I have a feeling this thread better belongs in suggestions…I would buy an expanded collectables tab that held subcombines and extra ingredients used in crafting not held by the current tab.

Let me give you my money. This is not about power, but about packratism