Can you get a Precursor as a drop? Can a Dev confirm?
I’ve heard “friends of friends” type stories about how someone watched a guy kill a mob, flip out and then show it off on his back. I’ve never seen an exotic of any kind drop myself, though. I do know you can get them from dragon chests, though. Unless, of course, guildies are just lying about that, too. Which I would not put past some people.
A far cry from GW1, where most drops at level 20 would be level 20, and next to perfect if not perfect. Opening a chest, your only worry would be “I hope this rare item is req 9 and not req 10.” Blue items, blue items…
I would say yes, but a very low chance. Like .001 kinda low.
You the precursor can drop, my friend got Spark the precursor to bolt form a champion mob during the Claw of Jormag pre-event