Candy Corn futures already showing to be a big gamble
I’m collecting candy corn cos I’m planning on crafting my own crossing eventually, and when I say craft like craft all my own sigils of night and the gift and all, so while I already mfed the recipie I’m gona need in the order of 2000 candy corns to craft all those sigils of night so yea I’m on the recieving end of some of those candys (though I am farming them quite well too =P) but yea fun times
what server are you on? maybe I can be a dedicated seller.
The trading post is not server specific, it’s game-wide. You are seeing the same thing as everyone else.
Yeah, prices were at 20 a piece now they’re 6-7 a piece. Too bad, there goes my lucrative business of candy corn selling.
Prices will sky rocket a few months from now. I’m hanging on to mine.
Even if they don’t, the food I can make with them is nice.
Candy corn price will go up after the event but not by much since demand will also be dropping significantly. Pretty much every other Halloween item is going to be in the same boat.