Celestial exotic armor investment
Here you can see what it costs to bring a crafting profession to 400 :
Else the problem with Celestial is, that you need to buy receipes for each item from that TP and some are quite expensive. However they may come back with the patch tomorrow, but we don’t know that really at the moment.
The other problem is the charged quartz, since you can only charge one per day.
Else i would say from the mats you need one piece of armor costs maybe 4-5g or whatever.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
Recipes are needed for both the Insignia AND the actual armor piece to be crafted. These can be quite expensive (especially for light armor…. as Eles are the only class considered viable with full Celestial gear).
Note that the content out this Tuesday will likely provide an alternative to obtaining the recipes AND plentiful Quartz (tho the Charged crystals are still time gated 1/day). I would suggest holding off purchasing any recipes until after Tuesday’s update.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
Or play fractals and get an ascended celestial set for free .-.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
Right now, celestial recipes drop from Zehpyr chests..a lot actually
Yepp .. bought some chests just to get the tokens for my Gift of Quarz, and my bank is full of them, and of course they are nothing worth now.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
Edit – retracted question, figured it out.
(edited by Ozzio.8024)
With this patch recipes for satchels/boxes of celestial armor got introduced. Should be cheaper to get one of those than 6 individual recipes.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
With this patch recipes for satchels/boxes of celestial armor got introduced. Should be cheaper to get one of those than 6 individual recipes.
Hmmm….wonder if this will bring down the individual TP prices for the recipes even more? 4
HOLY DIVING BELL, BATMAN! Those prices have absolutely TANKED since the announcement. The Recipes I need for my Ele totalled nearly 25g a month ago (and I don’t even need ALL of them)….I can buy them directly for about 75s now….
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)
Right now is the best time to buy celestial crystals as well because by next 6 months they will be up and popping.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
One day people will realize how easy is to get them in fractals <.<
Who would want a timegated expensive celestial when you can have free wupwup?
I suggest to buy only the inscription recipe.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
Just some inside info on trading in celestial recipes:
I invested alot in celestial recipes during last years event and consequently made tons of gold. Some of that gold, i used trying to manipulate prices of the recipe for the insignia when ascended armor crafting came around. All the price spikes in December are probably mainly caused by me, as i bought up all supply up to 7-10s several times.
I thought demand for those will roar becasue celestial users will go for the ascended set instead of paying 50g+ for the recipes for the exotic versions. However, that spike in demand never materialized and I ended up with about 10k recipes which i bought for an average of 3-4s.
Around the 20th of march, i was preparing for a server transfer, so i decided to get rid of my 10k recipes that i had in my guild fault, as i didnt think i would be able to offload them for a profit before the Bazaar comes around again. So i sold about 1k recipes to still existing buy orders between 1.34-1.50s, listed about 6k recipes at 2s and sold the remaining 3k to a vendor.
So i basically doubled the supply on the tp from 10k to 16k in march and build up a wall at 2s.
But since then, i have hardly been undercut at all and constantly sold recipes to consumers, not speculators. When i logged in and checked my “items sold tab” in the last 2 months, it was pages over pages filled with 1 each recipes sold. This is of course becasue people still need that recipe in order to craft ascended gear. Until Monday, supply from my dump went down from 15.8k to 13.8k overall, so i assume that i sold about 2k recipes. Since patch, supply on the tp went down 12.2k, so another 1.6k sold within 2 days.
I just pulled all my existing sell listings at 2s and got 2.5k recipes back, so it means i sold about 3.5k recipes in 2 months.
What made me curious is that even after the patch, i am still selling mostly to consumers (buying single recipes instead of in bulk, what speculators would do).
I also put in buy orders yesterday and updated them repeatedly but i got very few listings filled. This makes me believe that the droprate for those is actually way down compared to last year, while demand is still constantly high without speculators buying up bulks of listings.
I attached a screenshot of my items sold tab which shows that all i have sold in the last 39 minutes are those recipes and mostly 1 per sale.
And that isnt because i am only selling those recipes (i have about 650 active sell listings atm).
I checked my last 100 items i have sold ( i didnt make screenshots of all of them), out of those 100 sales within the last 6 hours, 92 were those recipes, with an overall volume of 109 recipes (1.18 recipes per sale), the highest amount i sold to a single buyer was 10 recipes, then a couple of buyers purchased 2-3 each.
I dont think prices for exotic armor pieces will ever get back into multiple gold range, especially because they introduced recipes for boxes/satchels of armor now, so new players can buy those instead of the individual ones and most will go for ascended anyways.
But that still leaves demand for the insignia recipes high, especially, if the droprate this year is actually nerfed (last year, if you would get 100 recipes, you would roughly get 25 recipes each for the insignia, the inscription and the the jewel and 25 from the pool of the other 37 recipes for individual gear)
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Yeah, i also realized that the recipes for inscriptions and insignias dont drop as much as last year.
Thanks for the inside look, Wanze. Quite fascinating to see how a market works.
One day people will realize how easy is to get them in fractals <.<
Who would want a timegated expensive celestial when you can have free wupwup?I suggest to buy only the inscription recipe.
I fully realize they are available there, I just don’t enjoy Fractals….at all.
No reward justifies forcing yourself to play content you do not enjoy.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
300% price increase on the insignia recipes in the last days.
Thanks for the inside look, Wanze.
Quite fascinating to see how a market works.
I relisted 100 each at 5, 10 and 15s and now they all sold out in bulk. I was making some calculations, if there even are enough insignia recipes compared to armor recipes but due to the introduction of satchel/box recipes, there are.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Or play fractals and get an ascended celestial set for free .-.
Never heard of this I have.
Tell me you have to.
Be with you may the force.
Or play fractals and get an ascended celestial set for free .-.
Never heard of this I have.
Tell me you have to.Be with you may the force.
In fractals you drop different armor boxes.
Piece and primary stat is specicfied.
For example you get a Healer box of ascended pants, or malicious box of ascended gloves.
From the first you can get any type of pants (heavy/light/mid) with Healing as stat.
From the second you can have any type of gloves with condition damage stat in them.
Guess wich stats are present in every chest?
Wupwup..aka celestial ascended.
Got almost 2 sets already (chances are slightly more than 10% at higher levels).
That works only for armors though.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
Or play fractals and get an ascended celestial set for free .-.
Never heard of this I have.
Tell me you have to.Be with you may the force.
In fractals you drop different armor boxes.
Piece and primary stat is specicfied.For example you get a Healer box of ascended pants, or malicious box of ascended gloves.
From the first you can get any type of pants (heavy/light/mid) with Healing as stat.
From the second you can have any type of gloves with condition damage stat in them.Guess wich stats are present in every chest?
Wupwup..aka celestial ascended.Got almost 2 sets already (chances are slightly more than 10% at higher levels).
That works only for armors though.
Thank you! I heard of something called Healer box of ascended pants and hoped that it worked that way. How are the drop chances? Could be relevant for the OP too.
Post update they still are being calculated
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
While that information is good to know (was unaware Wuwup choice was in all chest types), a player would need to participate in LVL 30+ fractals to obtain a 1% chance for armor and LVL 40 + for a 10% chance.
If it was possible at below LVL 20, I might consider attempting it.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
the limit of making ONE charged quartz per day per account baffles me, especially since it’s account bound. and so is the celestial gear we make from the charged quartz. this is EXOTIC gear we’re making, not ascended. it shouldn’t take 4 months of logging in every day just to make charged quartz, in order to make a full set (armour plus trinkets plus weapons) of exotic gear.
edit: math fail…
for jewelry, one jewel needs 3 charged quartz, one piece of jewelry needs 5 jewels… so that’s 15 days per piece of jewelry, 5 pieces of jewelry makes 75 days.
the armour recipes need a total of 6 insignia (1 insignia per armour piece), at 5 charged quartz each, for 30 days.
so, minimum 105 days to gear up ONE toon in celestial exotic gear, not counting weapons.
(edited by Forgotten Legend.9281)
Just out of curiousity..why would you still use celestial AFTER the patch? I understood it became quite nerfed rendering it useless sort of…
the limit of making ONE charged quartz per day per account baffles me, especially since it’s account bound. and so is the celestial gear we make from the charged quartz. this is EXOTIC gear we’re making, not ascended. it shouldn’t take 4 months of logging in every day just to make charged quartz, in order to make a full set (armour plus trinkets plus weapons) of exotic gear.
edit: math fail…
for jewelry, one jewel needs 3 charged quartz, one piece of jewelry needs 5 jewels… so that’s 15 days per piece of jewelry, 5 pieces of jewelry makes 75 days.
the armour recipes need a total of 6 insignia (1 insignia per armour piece), at 5 charged quartz each, for 30 days.
so, minimum 105 days to gear up ONE toon in celestial exotic gear, not counting weapons.
Exquisite quartz jewels take 1 charged quartz, not 3, so 25 days for the trinket set.
The timegate was introduced before ascended crafting came around so Anet propably used it to collect data on how many people would do it on a regular basis.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Just out of curiousity..why would you still use celestial AFTER the patch? I understood it became quite nerfed rendering it useless sort of…
celestial is still good for some specific hybrid builds.
Even for a warrior, celestial can be used on a hybrid build that use every single one of the stats on it.
Just out of curiousity..why would you still use celestial AFTER the patch? I understood it became quite nerfed rendering it useless sort of…
celestial is still good for some specific hybrid builds.
Even for a warrior, celestial can be used on a hybrid build that use every single one of the stats on it.
Ele, Engie, Ranger, Warrior, Necro all have pretty interesting wvw celestial builds, and with the ease of making ascended armor instead of exotic, since the per-piece price is in karma and laurels instead of just straight gold is very tempting.
My staff ele is pretty amazing with the new GM healing trait and celestial armor. She’s dropping 4k meteor-nadoes as well, so the DPS loss is there, but minimal.
Physti – Elementalist | Fistful of Blades – Thief
[WHIP] Quaggan Slavers – HoD
Once you learn, fotm 49-50 is way easier than 20-39
Most due to the fact people at higher level know what to do.
And a 10% is quite a lot given the cost of a wupwup light set.
But since last patch exotic became viable again.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.