Charged Lodestone Farm (Little Guide)
I’ve done these sparks at times, but my luck is never that good at getting them to drop lodestones (only got 2 out of about 7-8 hours total farming them – multiple sessions). They are a quick spawn and easy to kill though, so you can go through a lot of them in a short time.
Playing a various Stormspire alt – if it’s Stormspire, it’s probably me
Guilds: Elder Prophets [EP], Principality of New Katulus (PiNK)
I took this route the last couple of nights for an hour or two each night. I’ve walked away with tons and tons of blues and greens to vendor, about 6 lodestones, and plenty of yellows.
This is very dependent on the number of people around. Small number of folks can = large profit. Large number of folks and you would be better off elsewhere.
does Magic Finder helps at all with this method? Frankly I have notice much different wearing them…
Pain Train Choo [Choo]
Mind Smack – Mesmer
I only use the food so i can’t comment. I find MF useless as a whole anyway.
i would think magic find should help if it increases the base chance by x amount
the loadstones i’ve farmed seem to be random, but wearing my full mf set ive gotten tones of garbage rares from trash mobs i’ve crushed for ecto’s so i’d say it worth it
Great. Now everyone will know how we supply the TP with the rocks. Thanks for helping kill my Guild’s stream of profit OP…
Yes i use full MF gear with guild buff and guild banner
I’ve spend 4h there yesterday and got nothing.
(edited by Venirto.4208)
8 hours of farming with MF gear, guild upgrade, MF cakes, and boosters, and got only 1 lodestone, and 3 rares. And that 1 lodstone droped in the first 20 minutes of spark farming. This is a waste of time ppl avoid it.
8 hours of farming with MF gear, guild upgrade, MF cakes, and boosters, and got only 1 lodestone, and 3 rares. And that 1 lodstone droped in the first 20 minutes of spark farming. This is a waste of time ppl avoid it.
Avoid it HOW? Those lodestones on the market don’t materialize out of the void. Someone had to pry them out of a spark’s cold, dead carcass.
The price hasn’t NEARLY reached equilibium yet either. Given the pure pain in the rump value (I’ve farmed 4 so far) the asking price should be more like 6 or 8 g. And when a price should be higher, it’ll get there sooner rather than later.
ANet has GOT to do something about the availability of the yellow mats in general. Its sinking any sort of reasonable expectation of progress on the game’s Omegagrind.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
lodestones may be the only thing stopping people from getting their legendaries relatively fast yet some legendaries do not require them…
Thief/Necro/Guardian/Mesmer/Elementalist of SFR EU
it is impossible to farm 8 hours and got nothing. i got 3 lodestones in 3.5 hours of farming.
first you need to be in a party for better drop
second you might be someone who dont want lodestone price go down.
i got lots of messages like im ruining their money making tactic with saying these to ppl
I have no idea exactly how, but somehow after a Tixx run yesterday I had both a charged lodestone AND a silver doubloon in my inventory, and I can only guess that something I salvaged or one of the presents dropped it. I promptly sold both fearing their value would drop, but I have not seen a repeat of the behavior. Anyone else have this happen?
I have no idea exactly how, but somehow after a Tixx run yesterday I had both a charged lodestone AND a silver doubloon in my inventory, and I can only guess that something I salvaged or one of the presents dropped it. I promptly sold both fearing their value would drop, but I have not seen a repeat of the behavior. Anyone else have this happen?
Maybe from the chest?
Since the Wintersday patch I have been getting Platinum Doubloons from the lvl79 Sparks and haven’t been seeing Lodestone drops like I was before. Or even random rares for that matter.
Correction, I got a Corrupted Lodestone and a Silver Doubloon.