(edited by CLICKS.5986)
Charged Lodestones FIX IT!
the price for charged cores and loadstones and any other thing is not desided by any in areanet atleast not directly.
any of the loadstones are rare drops so given that it is going to take a long time
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
the price for charged cores and loadstones and any other thing is not desided by any in areanet atleast not directly.
any of the loadstones are rare drops so given that it is going to take a long time
They don’t set the price but they set the drop rates, which is half of the equation for prices.
the price for charged cores and loadstones and any other thing is not desided by any in areanet atleast not directly.
any of the loadstones are rare drops so given that it is going to take a long time
The supply is so low though that they are a bit ridiculous. There are pretty few items you could need 350 of for ANYTHING in this game that are over 1G each. Plus other mats such as 250 ori and such.
This is a general problem with the entire game imo.
Corrupted lodestones are another. I’ve put in ~10 hours of farming and gotten only one.
I’m sure all the statistics monkies will tell me that my sample rate is too low. But here is what I say. If you have any item with a drop rate that is sub (and I mean SUB) a full percentage to drop than you clearly hate your players.
I would rather get 1-3 an hour of a rare material and need more of them than need only a few and the drop rate be so bad that you are lucky to see one a week. Right now it seems like both a super low drop rate AND a high volume requirement. There HAS to be a reasonable rate of reward to effort or otherwise you just feel like you’re having your time wasted.
I expect a certain amount of farming in a game and I understand the rock/hard place that a developer is in with trying to balance play time to high level gear acquisition. But the way drop rates are right now the only thing I feel is that the grind is making the whole game less and less fun to play.
(edited by Belakor.1296)
This is a general problem with the entire game imo.
Corrupted lodestones are another. I’ve put in ~10 hours of farming and gotten only one.
I’m sure all the statistics monkies will tell me that my sample rate is too low. But here is what I say. If you have any item with a drop rate that is sub (and I mean SUB) a full percentage to drop than you clearly hate your players.
I would rather get 1-3 an hour of a rare material and need more of them than need only a few and the drop rate be so bad that you are lucky to see one a week. There HAS to be a reasonable rate of reward to effort or otherwise you just feel like you’re having your time wasted.
I expect a certain amount of farming in a game and I understand the rock/hard place that a developer is in with trying to balance play time to high level gear acquisition. But the way drop rates are right now the only thing I feel is that the grind is making the whole game less and less fun to play.
Thats exactly my point and I agree. A big portion of this game, especially with the implementation of transmutation, is looking awesome. I spend forever on google, TP, and at vendors trying to mix and match what I want to look like and setting my goals. Now I get to weapons and kitten if it glows or sparks or is on fire you better give up the next 2 months of your life getting it. I know they don’t want people who play a lot to get bored but those people are going to farm that crap quick no matter how long you make it take. I’ve seen entire guilds trading off helping each other get legendaries. I am not saying there is anything wrong with that but if someone is dedicating 8+ hours a day doing nothing but farming the exact same thing over and over again to get it then hott kitten let em have it in a week. They deserve it. But going a week of farming every day and feeling like your making no progress is just stupid. There is a serious lack of reward in this game period outside of dungeons. I can’t remember the last time I found some random eventless champ in a mountain, spent half an hour fighting it, and got better than a blue or maybe kitten green that I probably can’t even use. Exploration rewards jack crap in this game and drop rates on good loot or mats is just obismal.
This is a general problem with the entire game imo.
Corrupted lodestones are another. I’ve put in ~10 hours of farming and gotten only one.
I’m sure all the statistics monkies will tell me that my sample rate is too low. But here is what I say. If you have any item with a drop rate that is sub (and I mean SUB) a full percentage to drop than you clearly hate your players.
I would rather get 1-3 an hour of a rare material and need more of them than need only a few and the drop rate be so bad that you are lucky to see one a week. There HAS to be a reasonable rate of reward to effort or otherwise you just feel like you’re having your time wasted.
I expect a certain amount of farming in a game and I understand the rock/hard place that a developer is in with trying to balance play time to high level gear acquisition. But the way drop rates are right now the only thing I feel is that the grind is making the whole game less and less fun to play.
Thats exactly my point and I agree. A big portion of this game, especially with the implementation of transmutation, is looking awesome. I spend forever on google, TP, and at vendors trying to mix and match what I want to look like and setting my goals. Now I get to weapons and kitten if it glows or sparks or is on fire you better give up the next 2 months of your life getting it. I know they don’t want people who play a lot to get bored but those people are going to farm that crap quick no matter how long you make it take. I’ve seen entire guilds trading off helping each other get legendaries. I am not saying there is anything wrong with that but if someone is dedicating 8+ hours a day doing nothing but farming the exact same thing over and over again to get it then hott kitten let em have it in a week. They deserve it. But going a week of farming every day and feeling like your making no progress is just stupid. There is a serious lack of reward in this game period outside of dungeons. I can’t remember the last time I found some random eventless champ in a mountain, spent half an hour fighting it, and got better than a blue or maybe kitten green that I probably can’t even use. Exploration rewards jack crap in this game and drop rates on good loot or mats is just obismal.
Just curious, what activities do you do with the 8 hours in a day you play?
I farmed Sparks at the gates of Arah with about 110% Magic Find and got 1 Charged Lodestone in less than an hour. If you really spent ~10 hours and didn’t get one, you were just really, really unlucky.
Although I understand, I need to get these for Sunrise. Gonna be one hell of a farm, since I really can’t afford to spend 300g buying them from TP. Whenever I see one for less than 3g I immediately buy it.
Also, the Orrian Jewelry boxes have such a low percentage to drop Lodestones you could almost call it a waste.
the price for charged cores and loadstones and any other thing is not desided by any in areanet atleast not directly.
Jajaja, funny guy.
Duplicate drop rate (0.001 → 0.002?) from Charged and see how price go down.
I dont decide drop rates. You dont decide drop rates. Anet dont decide dro… oh wait, yes they do…
Supply is not a problem. Demand is a ‘problem’. Don’t complain when there are people out there willing to pay more than you.
Why should I sell you my lodestone for 30s when someone wants it for 3g.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
It’s funny how Mjölnir is still cooler than most Legendaries.=P
The supply isn’t the issue, it’s the demand. And partly the cost of crystalline dust, since combining anything as of late has gotten stupidly expensive. 250 for infinite light, 350 for mjolnir, 100 for Sunrise, 100 for Dwayna’s Wings, etcetera. If someone’s willing to pay more than you, tough turkey, l2makedosh. Go run CoE speed clears – less than 1 hour to do all 3 routes with a solid group, several chests involved.
I am going to buy 200+ of these until they will reach 6g to 7g each (thats they are worth seeing the scarcity on supplies ^^) :p
I am going to farm cof p1, 8h straight everyday for the next two weeks and spend all gold in buying as many as I can to make some stocks and profits in next month just because it’s best item in game :p
I am already trading my stocks of ecto to buy some, ty for the advice !
(edited by Titan.3472)
I am going to buy 200+ of these until they will reach 6g to 7g each (thats they are worth seeing the scarcity on supplies ^^) :p
I am going to farm cof p1, 8h straight everyday for the next two weeks and spend all gold in buying as many as I can to make some stocks and profits in next month just because it’s best item in game :p
I am already trading my stocks of ecto to buy some, ty for the advice !
Maybe you should do this…maybe then Anet will then make then as common as dead in Orr lol.
(edited by Amun Ra.6435)
Actually the price has dropped. They use to be 4g each. Now they’re around 3g. If you really want the TP prices to drop then my advice is to stop buying from the TP. Instead, all of you should hook up, find more like-minded individuals and run CoE Explorable until you’re blue in the face. If depreciated returns kick in, do some fractal runs until they reset. This will require a higher skill level of play but you’ll have a better drop rate than farming elementals. You’ll also make more gold. Better yet, you will improve your skills.
Just one word of warning: Subject Alpha will teach you how to dodge the hard way.
CoE gives tons of cores and lodestones. I don’t see what’s the problem. You’re not supposed to farm them over night, the process is supposed to take months.
I didn’t know that Mjolnir was required to craft.
I didn’t know that Mjolnir was required to craft.
There’s not much leverage to be gained there- the game is not required to play. For people who put aesthetics on par with or ahead of in-game power, its as important as geting your exotics, tuning you runes, and working up those Ascended.
I’m up to 56 out of the 250 charged cores I’d like to have. Would I like them to be a little easier to come by? Sure – that would make my farming them a little less soul crushing and it would bring the price down a little. Maybe it would make Infinite Light a little more common about town, but I want it because it’ll go with my look, not because it’ll set me apart.
I thought that the Orrian Boxes were a good step forward. Again the conversion rate is brutal (I just opened 100 in a batch and got 4 lodestones, none of them charged), but still appreciated over the previous condition.
So while I’m not on board with “FIX IT!” I wouldn’t mind a very small amount of “take pity on those of us who don’t grind COF 1 relentlessly”
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
I think the drop rate of charges lodestones is pretty much the same as the other lodestones. People may think fusion lodestones have a higher drop rate, but I think it’s only an impression, since running a CoF P1 takes less than 10 minutes. But if I take a look a it closer, I get a lot of charged cores when running CoE. The only difference is that you cannot run CoE P1 in 10 min, like you would do with CoF.
I am going to buy 200+ of these until they will reach 6g to 7g each (thats they are worth seeing the scarcity on supplies ^^) :p
I am going to farm cof p1, 8h straight everyday for the next two weeks and spend all gold in buying as many as I can to make some stocks and profits in next month just because it’s best item in game :p
I am already trading my stocks of ecto to buy some, ty for the advice !
Good luck.
If you want to control the lodestone market, you have to control the core market too. So pretty much double your investment costs.
And of course, there will be a point where you will get constantly undercut and no one will pay your exuberant price.
There is a reason why lodestones have been stuck in the 3-4g range for the past several months.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
I am not serious about this Vol ;p
I farmed Sparks at the gates of Arah with about 110% Magic Find and got 1 Charged Lodestone in less than an hour. If you really spent ~10 hours and didn’t get one, you were just really, really unlucky.
Although I understand, I need to get these for Sunrise. Gonna be one hell of a farm, since I really can’t afford to spend 300g buying them from TP. Whenever I see one for less than 3g I immediately buy it.
Also, the Orrian Jewelry boxes have such a low percentage to drop Lodestones you could almost call it a waste.
Honestly speaking, you’re not farming efficiently. I recommend two options.
1)Run CoE exp, the chest has a chance of giving you cores or lodestones. If not you’ll get the gold from the dg run and buy them.
2)Run CoF p1 and just farm the gold to buy them.
Either of the two options above or with the method you’re doing now which is farming spark, all 3 still requires grind/farm.
CoF p1 farming with definately yeild the gold to buy the core/lodestone rather than the uncertainty of farming sparks for an hour to obtain a or multiple lodestone.
I farmed Sparks at the gates of Arah with about 110% Magic Find and got 1 Charged Lodestone in less than an hour. If you really spent ~10 hours and didn’t get one, you were just really, really unlucky.
Although I understand, I need to get these for Sunrise. Gonna be one hell of a farm, since I really can’t afford to spend 300g buying them from TP. Whenever I see one for less than 3g I immediately buy it.
Also, the Orrian Jewelry boxes have such a low percentage to drop Lodestones you could almost call it a waste.
Honestly speaking, you’re not farming efficiently. I recommend two options.
1)Run CoE exp, the chest has a chance of giving you cores or lodestones. If not you’ll get the gold from the dg run and buy them.
2)Run CoF p1 and just farm the gold to buy them.Either of the two options above or with the method you’re doing now which is farming spark, all 3 still requires grind/farm.
CoF p1 farming with definately yeild the gold to buy the core/lodestone rather than the uncertainty of farming sparks for an hour to obtain a or multiple lodestone.
It’s really sad that the most efficient way to get anything in the game always involves farming CoF P1 and buying it on the TP. The game ceases to be “play the game the way you want to” when everything is so expensive that your only option is to farm CoF.
Especially since I’m certain the devs will not let the current state of CoF farming stand forever. I fully expect it to be nerfed in the future, and I can only imagine the uproar that will bring from players complaining that they can no longer generate the gold to fund their Legendaries. (Which I agree is a totally valid complaint.) However, instead of just letting players accumulate masses of gold, ANet should look at boosting supply of the super expensive materials.
There needs to be more ways to obtain Lodestones, and Rare crafting materials in general. The introduction of the Orrian Boxes was a good move in the right direction; I think we should include a way to obtain Rare mats from Laurels and Guild Commendations (e.g. For 5 Laurels, you can buy one of a range of Rare Material Bags. T1 bags contain 12 random Rare Slivers, T2 bags contain 9 random Rare Shards, T3 bags contain 6 random Rare Fragments, T4 bags contain 3 random Rare Cores, and T5 bags contain 1 random Lodestone.)
If they are going to normalize CoF, CLs will drop quite hard. There aren’t many people out there who realize how easy and fast CoE is.
Currently playing Heart of Thorns.
If they are going to normalize CoF, CLs will drop quite hard. There aren’t many people out there who realize how easy and fast CoE is.
It really is Easy. Not Fast, but easy…once you understand the mechanics of Alpha that is. I’ve ran the dungeon quite a bit ,but the main problem is finding a decent group of players who won’t call it quites after they get killed by Alpha. No rudness intended to anyone, but spare me the guild and friends speech.
FIX: There we go. I fix my sentence so that it looks a little better.
(edited by Torqueblue.1945)
For me the problem with the lodestones, farming these in the open world isn’t great. I mean, I farm corrupted lodestones and even if I don’t get a drop I still get T5 and T6 mats. But if I go farm sparks in Cursed Shore or Malchors leap and what I get is cheap trophies and maybe some opal shards or crystals. Unless you get lucky, your wasting your time farming. And I make a decent profit with the lodestone farming and I put in a couple of hours a week doing it and I probably average over 1 an hour. But I won’t farm charged in Open world. I think the best option for farming charged is dungeons where you can get the lodestones or the cores. But not all farmers do dungeons, but most farmers do open world.
It really is Easy. Not Fast, but easy…once you understand the mechanics of Alpha that is. I’ve ran the dungeon quite a bit ,but the main problem is finding a decent group of players who won’t call it quites after the first wipe with Alpha.
…wipe on Alpha.
Wipe. On. Alpha.
Wait a minute, did you say people “wipe on Alpha”?
I didn’t think that was a valid construction of the English language.
Alpha’s a punk. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone so much as downed by Alpha.
I’m generally in there because I think the armor sets look awesome (and charged cores do not suck) rather than farming gold, but CoE 1 is as much of a cakewalk as CoF 1.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
I would wager that if everyone played all parts of the game equally, charged lodestones would be as common as all other lodestones. that, and they are probably as numerous in as many recipes as any other lodestone.
the only reason they are scarce is because the locations to farm them are more challenging / less otherwise rewarding than the locations to farm, say, molten lodestones. that, and the things they are used for have prettier pixels than things other lodestones are used for makes more people want them.
all that makes YOU increase the price and scarcity of them.
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
Forge & more JSON recipes
I expect a certain amount of farming in a game and I understand the rock/hard place that a developer is in with trying to balance play time to high level gear acquisition. But the way drop rates are right now the only thing I feel is that the grind is making the whole game less and less fun to play.
Except not really though. Because there are quite a few legendaries and fancy weapon skins (or in the case of ascended gear+laurels, a lot of people have alts). Once you have one, you have your happy pay-off, and then you set to work on the next, if collecting these skins is your thing. Only if the situation arises where it takes so long to get just the one item that it seems out of reach, becomes tedious, etc, then the gamer becomes discouraged and may move on to some other game with quicker pay-offs.
I expect a certain amount of farming in a game and I understand the rock/hard place that a developer is in with trying to balance play time to high level gear acquisition. But the way drop rates are right now the only thing I feel is that the grind is making the whole game less and less fun to play.
Except not really though. Because there are quite a few legendaries and fancy weapon skins (or in the case of ascended gear+laurels, a lot of people have alts). Once you have one, you have your happy pay-off, and then you set to work on the next, if collecting these skins is your thing. Only if the situation arises where it takes so long to get just the one item that it seems out of reach, becomes tedious, etc, then the gamer becomes discouraged and may move on to some other game with quicker pay-offs.
I feel the legendary items shouldn’t be something you get overnight, or with ease. The game is all about getting awesome skins to give your character a look. The problem is that the most efficient way to obtain a legendary has nothing to do with challenge or skill. It’s a combination of luck, CoF farming and working the Trade Post. Twilight and Sunrise are common enough that I know they are within reach if you are willing to play the game in a very particular way that only economics majors and stock brokers would find enjoyable.
The major problem with the market is the imbalance of the Tier 6 Fine and Tier 5 Rare market values. Crystal/Glacial Lodestones go for far less than Onyx/Corrupted/Charged Lodestones due to a lack of desirable recipes for these materials. Same goes for Powerful Bloods/Armored Scale/Crystalline Dust being far more valuable than the other Tier 6s.
This imbalance makes farming and selling mats a lot less viable than buying mats on the TP and selling crafts for the fact that farmers have less control over what drops they get, and thus their profits. Crafters will simply shift between what they make to keep profits high.
In all reality the only farming that can really compete with the Trade Post in terms of gold per effort is probably CoF runs.
In my point of view the main problem is not the drop rate, but the number of mobs where you can farm this lodes. Other lodestones (like corrupted) are much easier to obtain becasue much more mobs are there to slain.
Also so much cool looking weapon needs charged that it drives the prices up to over 3g. Its a bit too much really. I am the clever one who has chosen Bolt as a legendary. Weapon gift to go. Will take a long time.
Desolation – [TEU]
In my point of view it is the demand. There are just too many recipes requiring charged lodestones, compared to the other lodestones.
Their supply is quite normal, hell even better than some other lodestones, like Crystal. Crystal are probably the hardest to farm by yourself. Yet they are the cheapest one, because at the moment, there is just one known weapon needing 20 of these. Reaver of the Mist.
Take a look at how many weapons require gift of light, gift of lightning or direct charged lodestones (or even both).
Also how many legendaries require charged lodestones for one of their gifts.
Actually, supply IS the issue in its relation to demand. The two concepts are meaningless alone.
The problem with charged lodestones is that the demand so far outweighs the supply that the prices have risen to the point that actual sales volume has slowed to a trickle. That’s why getting 100 for a legendary is so insanely slow, when other rare materials needed in higher quantities (500 Orichalcum Ingots for Sunrise) can be filled relatively painlessly.
This is a lesson for any of you going into public office in the future. When you foster consumption and punish production, prices will always rise just like Charged Lodestones, and the economy in terms of product volume exchanged will slow to a crawl.
Actually, supply IS the issue in its relation to demand. The two concepts are meaningless alone.
The problem with charged lodestones is that the demand so far outweighs the supply that the prices have risen to the point that actual sales volume has slowed to a trickle. That’s why getting 100 for a legendary is so insanely slow, when other rare materials needed in higher quantities (500 Orichalcum Ingots for Sunrise) can be filled relatively painlessly.
This is a lesson for any of you going into public office in the future. When you foster consumption and punish production, prices will always rise just like Charged Lodestones, and the economy in terms of product volume exchanged will slow to a crawl.
Ok. So we have two options to solve the imbalance:
1) Raise the supply of Charged Lodestones
2) Decrease the demand of Charged Lodestones
Increasing the supply will only go so far and once everyone gets the legendary or exotic they are farming the price will plummet.
The problem is that there is a lack of alternatives. Other Lodestones simply aren’t as useful as Charged. Just compare the recipes:
Gift of History- Flameseeker Prophecies
Gift of Darkness- Twilight
Gift of Stealth- Predator
Vial of Liquid Flame- Used for Rodgort, Volcanus and Incinerator
Destroyer Weapons
Vial of Liquid Flame
Gift of Water
Vial of Quicksilver- Juggernaut
Infinite Light
Gift of Light- Foefire’s Essence/Power, Aether, Azureflame, Eidolon, Sunrise, Wings of Dwayna
Gift of Lightning- Bolt and Mjolnir
Gift of Weather- Meterologicus
Glacial Lodestone:
Gift of Water- Frenzy
Gift of Ice- Frostfang, Wintersbark, Wintersbite
Jormag’s Needle
Corrupted Lodestones:
Corrupted Weapons
Jormag’s Breath
Jormag’s Needle
Gift of Ice
Gift of Moon- Mad King Weapons
Crystal Lodestone:
Reaver of the Mists
Is it really shocking that Glacial and Crystal go for almost nothing compared to Onyx, Charged and Corrupted. Molten would probably be up with Onyx and Destroyer if CoF runs weren’t so common.
My point is that if the recipes were better designed to incorporate other lodestones or if there were a more even array of awesome skins for each lodestone then Charged wouldn’t be in such high demand because there would be competition with other lodestones.
Mjolnir looks just like the elementalists summoned hammer. Just find one and have them summon you a hammer and bam you got a mjolnir
Am I legendary yet!?
The point is as others and myself have stated, there simply needs to either be more supply so that they are around 1g each not 3g. Or there needs to be more ways to get them so we can continue to play the game the way we want. Its not so much the time spent to get it. Its the fact you have to do only max profit things for this item vs a legendary which takes doing a lot of different tasks.
The point is as others and myself have stated, there simply needs to either be more supply so that they are around 1g each not 3g. Or there needs to be more ways to get them so we can continue to play the game the way we want. Its not so much the time spent to get it. Its the fact you have to do only max profit things for this item vs a legendary which takes doing a lot of different tasks.
Here’s a list of activities you currently can do to acquire charged lodestones:
1) any gold generating activity then buy mats from TP (almost all activities generate gold)
2) do WvW and get them from heavy loot bags (wvw activity)
3) kill wisps/air elementals in Orr (general pve activity)
4) do CoE/FoTM runs (instanced activities)
5) any karma generating activity(wvw, de’s, dungeons) then buy orrian boxes
Admittedly CoF P1 farm(too good compared to others) and WvW(too bad compared to others) ways of acquiring them are not balanced.
So which way are you playing the game which doesn’t reward you towards your goal of Mjolnir?
And as for comparing them to making legendaries, just look at the list, everything you need to craft a legendary is also the same.
So given that you said that its not actually the time spent to get it, you can progress towards Mjölnir doing virtually anything ingame except spvp.
Doesn’t take much time to take out your credit card and buy enough gems to get the 1150 gold it takes to buy the 350 charged lodestones. But that is not the point. The requirements for mjolnir are equal to or exceed many legendaries in terms of total time/effort/gems/gold. That is what is so frustrating.
Well, on the bright side Mjolnir does come with remarkable exclusivity. I’ve never seen one in person.
I’m working on Infinite Light (up to 56 Lodestones, the rest is trivial). I’ve only seen it in person maybe twice (not counting those &Y*#$@ing harpies ).
Those ‘similarly dificult’ legendaries swarm in Lion’s Arch like flies. You can’t swing a dead charr without shaving it’s whiskers off on somebody’s legendary greatsword.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Well, on the bright side Mjolnir does come with remarkable exclusivity. I’ve never seen one in person.
I’m working on Infinite Light (up to 56 Lodestones, the rest is trivial). I’ve only seen it in person maybe twice (not counting those &Y*#$@ing harpies
Those ‘similarly dificult’ legendaries swarm in Lion’s Arch like flies. You can’t swing a dead charr without shaving it’s whiskers off on somebody’s legendary greatsword.
I have seen Mjolnir once and, man oh man, was it great fun to preview on my toon: so close, yet so very very far. . .
The point is as others and myself have stated, there simply needs to either be more supply so that they are around 1g each not 3g. Or there needs to be more ways to get them so we can continue to play the game the way we want. Its not so much the time spent to get it. Its the fact you have to do only max profit things for this item vs a legendary which takes doing a lot of different tasks.
You do know legendaries aren’t required so if playing the game the way it takes to acquire one isn’t your cup of tea, you can play the game you want to. No one is forcing you to play the way it requires to get a legendary.
I find it entertaining that people get mad that they can’t get a legendary from “their” way of playing. Like most good things in life and in MMOs, you have to work your kitten off to get em which in this case means grinding a ton but once you get it, it feels pretty good.
Am I legendary yet!?
(edited by Sauzo.6821)